18 research outputs found

    Planning of Sustainable Development Based on Civil Rights in Torkaman Port

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    Undoubtedly, discussion about stability and sustainable development is meaningless without paying attention to cities and urbanization. Cities are considered as major factors of creating instability in the world. Therefore, according to inherent complexity of cities and various dimensions of their effectiveness, recognition of major and key factors for the sake of achieving to stability of cities seems necessary. The purpose of research is to acquire relatively exact description of condition of urban sustainable development from citizens’ rights point of view. This research is practical from the viewpoint of purpose and descriptive-measurable from the viewpoint of type, which has been done by scope method. Statistical society is all citizens of Torkaman city (48736) that used urban spaces which are effective on stability and instability of city. Sample volume is 381 individuals according to Cochran formula that are selected and studied accidentally. Findings of research show that civil rights identifiers with effectiveness of 0.62 and political identifiers with effectiveness of 0.18 had the most and the least effect on sustainable development of Torkaman port city

    Planning of Sustainable Development Based on Civil Rights in Torkaman Port

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    Undoubtedly, discussion about stability and sustainable development is meaningless without paying attention to cities and urbanization. Cities are considered as major factors of creating instability in the world. Therefore, according to inherent complexity of cities and various dimensions of their effectiveness, recognition of major and key factors for the sake of achieving to stability of cities seems necessary. The purpose of research is to acquire relatively exact description of condition of urban sustainable development from citizens’ rights point of view. This research is practical from the viewpoint of purpose and descriptive-measurable from the viewpoint of type, which has been done by scope method. Statistical society is all citizens of Torkaman city (48736) that used urban spaces which are effective on stability and instability of city. Sample volume is 381 individuals according to Cochran formula that are selected and studied accidentally. Findings of research show that civil rights identifiers with effectiveness of 0.62 and political identifiers with effectiveness of 0.18 had the most and the least effect on sustainable development of Torkaman port city


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    This work examined the extent of the relationship that exists between knowledge management (KM) and organizational commitment in Private Universities in Anambra State, Nigeria. A survey research design was adopted by the study. The population of the study is 95 teaching staff of 4 randomly selected private universities in the studied area. A structured questionnaire was used in data collection and it was validated using face and content validity, while the reliability was done using Cronbach Alpha reliability test, with a coefficient of 0.878. The analysis of data was done using a combination of descriptive and inferential statistics and the hypothesis was tested at a 5% level of significance. The result showed that there is a strong positive relationship (r = .939) between the two variables and that an 88% percentage change (R2 = .882) in continuance commitment was explained by changes in management buy-in. With an F-statistics of 658.525 and a p-value of .000, the study stated that there is a statistically significant relationship between management buy-in and continuance commitment. Sequel to this, it was concluded that knowledge management as measured by management buy-in, spurs employee commitment level. Among others, it was recommended that the management of the studied institutions needs to take the issue of management of knowledge serious, by ensuring that the older and more experienced staff pass their wealth of knowledge to the younger and less experienced ones, as this will breed an environment of positive competence.  Keywords: Knowledge Management, Organizational Commitment, Management Buy-In, Continuance Commitment, Private Universities and Anambra State

    A Business Process Oriented Method of KM Solution Design: The Case of Samsung Electronics Anycall Gumi

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    Building a knowledge management (KM) solution based on a business process oriented methodology requires a transition from the traditional whole company approach to an approach focusing on a certain knowledge intensive business process, which is the core importance for a company. We chose a process dependent method as it provides practically relevant advice for managers who are striving to inject knowledge-leveraging activities inside everyday work activities of their employees. Knowledge only has organizational value when applied in better decision making or improved behavior of employees, thus, KM-related interventions need to have impact directly in value-adding business process. We present how KM projects can be more successful if they are treated as business process oriented organizational change projects. The goal of this article is: 1) to provide a six step method for design of knowledge management solutions, and 2) to show its practical application in the case of Samsung Electronics Anycall Gumi


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    Zakat Al-Hakim institutions engaged social mobilization duties, storing, and distribution of zakat funds that require the data muzaki deposit and mustahik charity, and employees who manage to cleanly to improve services to the public charity. In the process of administration of zakat management is currently running as is, and there is no system for gathering and storage and distribution of web-based charity. So this study builds a prototipe Knowledge Management System (KMS) using a web-based Unified Software Development (USDP) object oriented (Object Oriented Analysis and Design) Using Modeling Language (UML). Mechanical testing of the system with a black box testing approach. Quality tested software using Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results of the study in the form of a prototype of a Knowledge Management System in the collection, management, and distribution of Zakat based on web 2.0 LAZ Al Hakim.Keywords: Knowledge Management System, Collection, Storage, Distribution of Zakat, Web 2.0, UML, Unified Software Development Proces

    Defining Knowledge Management System Risk

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    Knowledge Management Systems are becoming widely used in organizations. Early successes are encouraging but these systems entail their own set of challenges. This paper proposes a measure of risk exposure for knowledge management system use. Five undesirable outcomes and thirty two risk factors were identified. These elements were extracted from the literature and from cases, and validated using a Delphi exercise. This measure enables knowledge managers to assess the level of risk supported by their organization and to take the appropriate action to manage their risk exposure

    The indirect impacts of management support and commitment on knowledge management systems (KMS) adoption: evidence from Malaysian Technology Industries

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    The study investigates the impacts of management support and commitment on the adoption of knowledge management systems (KMS) in Malaysian technology industries. By analysing data from a survey of 108 managers across the Malaysian technology industries, the study contributes to the KMS adoption literature by empirically establishing the indirect impacts of organisations’ management support and commitment through the mediations of other organisational elements. First of all, the results suggest that the effects of management support and commitment are only indirect through the mediation of other variables, namely knowledge classification and knowledge sharing culture. Moreover, knowledge classification has a positive influence on perceived benefits, which is a determinant of KMS adoption. Second, even though management support and commitment has a positive impact on rewards and incentives, and policy and procedures, the findings indicate that these organisational elements did not have any influence on KMS adoption. However, policies and procedures did influence perceived ease of use, which is a determinant of perceived benefits. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed

    An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing Knowledge Management System Success

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    Knowledge has been viewed as a critical component for organizations. Consequently, organizations implement Knowledge Management Systems (KMSs) to seek competitive advantages, but they may encounter mixed results. This research draws on previous information system and knowledge management system success-related literature and selects eight factors that are believed to be critical for the successful implementation of a KMS. These factors were derived through a literature search of current KMS success-related literature. The purpose of this study is to identify factors that could have a clear influence on the development and implementation of KMSs. The study presents the empirical examination of a theoretical model of KMS success for predicting system use by law enforcement officers. The research findings were accomplished through a validated questionnaire that surveyed 10 law enforcement officers from various agencies. These results contribute to the literature by empirically supporting the hypothesized relationships between identified success factors and KMS success. Though limited in sample size, this research can serve as a foundation for future studies, which can help identify other factors critical for KMS success. The comprehensive model can be used to undertake further research and thus add value to knowledge management system-based literature. In addition to its theoretical contributions, the study also presents important practical implications through the identification of specific infrastructure capabilities leading to KMS success

    The role of middle managers in knowledge management implementation to improve organizational performance

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    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the role of middle managers in knowledge management implementation toward improving organizational performance. Conceptually, this paper seeks to identify the direct relationship between middle managers role and knowledge management implementation.In addition, it seeks to identify the direct relationship between knowledge management implementation and organizational performance improvement. These relationships have been developed based on holistic of knowledge, resource based view and knowledge based view theories.The methodology used was the intensive reviewof previous studies in this area. In today's business environment, the knowledge management implementation has become as a lifeline of contemporary organizations. Therefore, the organizations must choose the best way to implement knowledge management. However, the complexity of knowledge management implementation has been increased due to lack of an integrated framework of KM implementation. The paper finds that middle managers role can be in place to pave the way to ensure the successful implementation of knowledge management, which is reflected in the organizational performance improvement.By taking an in-depth look at previously disconnected research, this paper offers a conceptual framework that explained how the new role of middle managers came to influence on successful knowledge management implementation. Furthermore, how the successful knowledge management implementation lead to improve organizational performance

    Transferências internas de conhecimento em empresas multinacionais: uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    In the current marketplace, characterised by globalisation, proliferation of technology and hostile competition, the exploitation and management of internal knowledge in companies has become the best vehicle for ensuring a differentiated international positioning, developing organisational knowledge bases, improving performance and growth, as well as to increase market responsiveness. Multinational companies face even more challenges in these processes, since they have to manage multiple knowledge transfers between headquarters and subsidiaries, among subsidiaries, and also within each of these units, in very different cultural, geographic and economic scenarios. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation is to deepen the knowledge about this phenomenon and to uncover the main influencing factors on internal knowledge transfers in multinational companies. Apart from including intra-unit knowledge transfers, this dissertation also analyses transfers between units, namely conventional, horizontal and reverse knowledge transfers. For this purpose, a systematic review of the literature was conducted to synthesise the content of 72 articles. Conclusions were drawn regarding the most recurrent publication years and sources, theoretical foundations, research methods, countries and industries in the literature. Moreover, this dissertation allowed to summarise the results for each type of knowledge transfer, identifying eight thematic categories and 97 topics covered in the literature, thus creating a complete framework of this phenomenon. Some gaps in the literature and contributions to theory, research and management are also highlighted, which will help to advance knowledge in these fields.Nos mercados atuais — marcados pela globalização, pela proliferação da tecnologia e pela competitividade agressiva — a exploração e gestão do conhecimento interno das empresas tornou-se o melhor veículo para assegurar um posicionamento internacional diferenciador, desenvolver a base de conhecimento organizacional, incrementar o desempenho e crescimento das empresas, bem como para aumentar a capacidade de resposta às necessidades dos mercados. As empresas multinacionais atravessam ainda mais desafios na gestão destes processos, pois têm de gerir múltiplas transferências de conhecimento entre sede e subsidiárias, entre subsidiárias e também dentro de cada uma destas unidades organizacionais, em cenários culturais, geográficos e económicos muito distintos. Assim, o objetivo desta dissertação é aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o fenómeno descrito e determinar os principais fatores que influenciam as transferências internas de conhecimento em empresas multinacionais, englobando transferências dentro de uma unidade e transferências entre unidades — incluindo transferências convencionais, horizontais e reversas. Para esse fim, é adotado um método de revisão sistemática da literatura para sintetizar o conteúdo de 72 artigos. Foram tiradas conclusões sobre os anos, as revistas científicas, as bases teóricas, os métodos de investigação, as indústrias e os países mais explorados na literatura. Para além disso, esta dissertação permitiu sumariar os resultados para cada tipo de transferência, identificar oito categorias temáticas e 97 tópicos abordados, criando, assim, um esquema completo sobre este fenómeno. Por fim, são destacadas algumas lacunas na literatura e contribuições para a teoria, a investigação e a gestão, que ajudarão a progressão do conhecimento nestas áreas.Mestrado em Gestã