77,497 research outputs found

    Visualizing dimensionality reduction of systems biology data

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    One of the challenges in analyzing high-dimensional expression data is the detection of important biological signals. A common approach is to apply a dimension reduction method, such as principal component analysis. Typically, after application of such a method the data is projected and visualized in the new coordinate system, using scatter plots or profile plots. These methods provide good results if the data have certain properties which become visible in the new coordinate system and which were hard to detect in the original coordinate system. Often however, the application of only one method does not suffice to capture all important signals. Therefore several methods addressing different aspects of the data need to be applied. We have developed a framework for linear and non-linear dimension reduction methods within our visual analytics pipeline SpRay. This includes measures that assist the interpretation of the factorization result. Different visualizations of these measures can be combined with functional annotations that support the interpretation of the results. We show an application to high-resolution time series microarray data in the antibiotic-producing organism Streptomyces coelicolor as well as to microarray data measuring expression of cells with normal karyotype and cells with trisomies of human chromosomes 13 and 21

    Enhanced Industrial Machinery Condition Monitoring Methodology based on Novelty Detection and Multi-Modal Analysis

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    This paper presents a condition-based monitoring methodology based on novelty detection applied to industrial machinery. The proposed approach includes both, the classical classification of multiple a priori known scenarios, and the innovative detection capability of new operating modes not previously available. The development of condition-based monitoring methodologies considering the isolation capabilities of unexpected scenarios represents, nowadays, a trending topic able to answer the demanding requirements of the future industrial processes monitoring systems. First, the method is based on the temporal segmentation of the available physical magnitudes, and the estimation of a set of time-based statistical features. Then, a double feature reduction stage based on Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis is applied in order to optimize the classification and novelty detection performances. The posterior combination of a Feed-forward Neural Network and One-Class Support Vector Machine allows the proper interpretation of known and unknown operating conditions. The effectiveness of this novel condition monitoring scheme has been verified by experimental results obtained from an automotive industry machine.Postprint (published version

    A Multiscale Approach for Statistical Characterization of Functional Images

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    Increasingly, scientific studies yield functional image data, in which the observed data consist of sets of curves recorded on the pixels of the image. Examples include temporal brain response intensities measured by fMRI and NMR frequency spectra measured at each pixel. This article presents a new methodology for improving the characterization of pixels in functional imaging, formulated as a spatial curve clustering problem. Our method operates on curves as a unit. It is nonparametric and involves multiple stages: (i) wavelet thresholding, aggregation, and Neyman truncation to effectively reduce dimensionality; (ii) clustering based on an extended EM algorithm; and (iii) multiscale penalized dyadic partitioning to create a spatial segmentation. We motivate the different stages with theoretical considerations and arguments, and illustrate the overall procedure on simulated and real datasets. Our method appears to offer substantial improvements over monoscale pixel-wise methods. An Appendix which gives some theoretical justifications of the methodology, computer code, documentation and dataset are available in the online supplements

    Automated design of robust discriminant analysis classifier for foot pressure lesions using kinematic data

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    In the recent years, the use of motion tracking systems for acquisition of functional biomechanical gait data, has received increasing interest due to the richness and accuracy of the measured kinematic information. However, costs frequently restrict the number of subjects employed, and this makes the dimensionality of the collected data far higher than the available samples. This paper applies discriminant analysis algorithms to the classification of patients with different types of foot lesions, in order to establish an association between foot motion and lesion formation. With primary attention to small sample size situations, we compare different types of Bayesian classifiers and evaluate their performance with various dimensionality reduction techniques for feature extraction, as well as search methods for selection of raw kinematic variables. Finally, we propose a novel integrated method which fine-tunes the classifier parameters and selects the most relevant kinematic variables simultaneously. Performance comparisons are using robust resampling techniques such as Bootstrap632+632+and k-fold cross-validation. Results from experimentations with lesion subjects suffering from pathological plantar hyperkeratosis, show that the proposed method can lead tosim96sim 96%correct classification rates with less than 10% of the original features

    Nonlinear Supervised Dimensionality Reduction via Smooth Regular Embeddings

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    The recovery of the intrinsic geometric structures of data collections is an important problem in data analysis. Supervised extensions of several manifold learning approaches have been proposed in the recent years. Meanwhile, existing methods primarily focus on the embedding of the training data, and the generalization of the embedding to initially unseen test data is rather ignored. In this work, we build on recent theoretical results on the generalization performance of supervised manifold learning algorithms. Motivated by these performance bounds, we propose a supervised manifold learning method that computes a nonlinear embedding while constructing a smooth and regular interpolation function that extends the embedding to the whole data space in order to achieve satisfactory generalization. The embedding and the interpolator are jointly learnt such that the Lipschitz regularity of the interpolator is imposed while ensuring the separation between different classes. Experimental results on several image data sets show that the proposed method outperforms traditional classifiers and the supervised dimensionality reduction algorithms in comparison in terms of classification accuracy in most settings

    Capture of manufacturing uncertainty in turbine blades through probabilistic techniques

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    Efficient designing of the turbine blades is critical to the performance of an aircraft engine. An area of significant research interest is the capture of manufacturing uncertainty in the shapes of these turbine blades. The available data used for estimation of this manufacturing uncertainty inevitably contains the effects of measurement error/noise. In the present work, we propose the application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for de-noising the measurement data and quantifying the underlying manufacturing uncertainty. Once the PCA is performed, a method for dimensionality reduction has been proposed which utilizes prior information available on the variance of measurement error for different measurement types. Numerical studies indicate that approximately 82% of the variation in the measurements from their design values is accounted for by the manufacturing uncertainty, while the remaining 18% variation is filtered out as measurement error