8,123 research outputs found

    On specifying database updates

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    AbstractWe address the problem of formalizing the evolution of a database under the effect of an arbitrary sequence of update transactions. We do so by appealing to a first-order representation language called the situation calculus, which is a standard approach in artificial intelligence to the formalization of planning problems. We formalize database transactions in exactly the same way as actions in the artificial intelligence planning domain. This leads to a database version of the frame problem in artificial intelligence. We provide a solution to the frame problem for a special, but substantial, class of update transactions. Using the axioms corresponding to this solution, we provide procedures for determining whether a given sequence of update transactions is legal, and for query evaluation in an updated database. These procedures have the desirable property that they appeal to theorem-proving only with respect to the initial database state.We next address the problem of proving properties true in all states of the database. It turns out that mathematical induction is required for this task, and we formulate a number of suitable induction principles. Among those properties of database states that we wish to prove are the standard database notions of static and dynamic integrity constraints. In our setting, these emerge as inductive entailments of the database.Finally, we discuss various possible extensions of the approach of this paper, including transaction logs and historical queries, the complexity of query evaluation, actualized transactions, logic programming approaches to updates, database views, and state constraints

    On specifying database updates

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    We address the problem of formalizing the evolution of a database under the effect of an arbitrary sequence of update transactions. We do so by appealing to a first order representation language called the situation calculus, which is a standard approach in artificial intelligence to the formalization of planning problems. We formalize database transactions in exactly the same way as actions in the artificial intelligence planning domain. This leads to a database version of the frame problem in artificial intelligence. We provide a solution to the frame problem for a special, but substantial, class of update transactions. Using the axioms corresponding to this solution, we provide procedures for determining whether a given sequence of update transactions is legal, and for query evaluation in an updated database. These procedures have the nice property that they appeal to theorem-proving only with respect to the initial database state. We next address the problem of proving properties true in ali states of the database. It turns out that mathematical induction is required for this task, and we formulate a number of suitable induction principies. Among those properties of database states that we wish to prove are the standard database -notions of static and dynamic integrity constraints. In our setting, these emerge as inductive entailments of the database. Finally, we discuss various possible extensions of the approach of this paper, including transaction logs and historical queries, the complexity of query evaluation, actualized transactions, logic programming approaches to updates, database views and state constraints

    Validating specifications of dynamic systems using automated reasoning techniques

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    In this paper, we propose a new approach to validating formal specifications of observable behavior of discrete dynamic systems. By observable behavior we mean system behavior as observed by users or other systems in the environment of the system. Validation of a formal specification of an informal domain tries to answer the question whether the specification actually describes the intended domain. This differs from the verification problem, which deals with the correspondence between formal objects, e.g. between a formal specification of a system and an implementation of it. We consider formal specifications of object-oriented dynamic systems that are subject to static and dynamic integrity constraints. To validate that such a specification expresses the intended behavior, we propose to use a tool that can answer reachability queries. In a reachability query we ask whether the system can evolve from one state into another without violating the integrity constraints. If the query is answered positively, the system should exhibit an example path between the states; if the answer is negative, the system should explain why this is so. An example path produced by the tool can be used to produce scenarios for presentations of system behavior, but can also be used as a basis for acceptance testing. In this paper, we discuss the use of planning and theoremproving techniques to answer such queries, and illustrate the use of reachability queries in the context of information system development

    Automatic generation of simplified weakest preconditions for integrity constraint verification

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    Given a constraint cc assumed to hold on a database BB and an update uu to be performed on BB, we address the following question: will cc still hold after uu is performed? When BB is a relational database, we define a confluent terminating rewriting system which, starting from cc and uu, automatically derives a simplified weakest precondition wp(c,u)wp(c,u) such that, whenever BB satisfies wp(c,u)wp(c,u), then the updated database u(B)u(B) will satisfy cc, and moreover wp(c,u)wp(c,u) is simplified in the sense that its computation depends only upon the instances of cc that may be modified by the update. We then extend the definition of a simplified wp(c,u)wp(c,u) to the case of deductive databases; we prove it using fixpoint induction

    Proving Finite Satisfiability of Deductive Databases

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    It is shown how certain refutation methods can be extended into semi-decision procedures that are complete for both unsatisfiability and finite satisfiability. The proposed extension is justified by a new characterization of finite satisfiability. This research was motivated by a database design problem: Deduction rules and integrity constraints in definite databases have to be finitely satisfiabl

    Variations on a Theme: A Bibliography on Approaches to Theorem Proving Inspired From Satchmo

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    This articles is a structured bibliography on theorem provers, approaches to theorem proving, and theorem proving applications inspired from Satchmo, the model generation theorem prover developed in the mid 80es of the 20th century at ECRC, the European Computer- Industry Research Centre. Note that the bibliography given in this article is not exhaustive

    Upside-down Deduction

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    Over the recent years, several proposals were made to enhance database systems with automated reasoning. In this article we analyze two such enhancements based on meta-interpretation. We consider on the one hand the theorem prover Satchmo, on the other hand the Alexander and Magic Set methods. Although they achieve different goals and are based on distinct reasoning paradigms, Satchmo and the Alexander or Magic Set methods can be similarly described by upside-down meta-interpreters, i.e., meta-interpreters implementing one reasoning principle in terms of the other. Upside-down meta-interpretation gives rise to simple and efficient implementations, but has not been investigated in the past. This article is devoted to studying this technique. We show that it permits one to inherit a search strategy from an inference engine, instead of implementing it, and to combine bottom-up and top-down reasoning. These properties yield an explanation for the efficiency of Satchmo and a justification for the unconventional approach to top-down reasoning of the Alexander and Magic Set methods

    Automatic Verification of Transactions on an Object-Oriented Database

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    In the context of the object-oriented data model, a compiletime approach is given that provides for a significant reduction of the amount of run-time transaction overhead due to integrity constraint checking. The higher-order logic Isabelle theorem prover is used to automatically prove which constraints might, or might not be violated by a given transaction in a manner analogous to the one used by Sheard and Stemple (1989) for the relational data model. A prototype transaction verification tool has been implemented, which automates the semantic mappings and generates proof goals for Isabelle. Test results are discussed to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach
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