3 research outputs found

    A text generation system that uses simple rhetorical figures

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    Este artículo describe el enriquecimiento de la calidad estilística de los textos generados por el sistema PRINCE, una aplicación de generación de lenguaje natural diseñada para construir textos de cuentos fantásticos. Para ello se explota el potencial de un recurso léxico (WordNet) y algoritmos de mapeamiento estructural para enriquecer los textos de salida con figuras retóricas simples como metáfora y analogía. El sistema enriquecido sigue la arquitectura para sistemas multi-agente OAA, con varios agentes cooperando para conseguir los textos finales. Los resultados de la versión enriquecida son presentados y discutidos. Finalmente, se describen algunos problemas y posibles extensiones.This paper describes the improvement of the stylistic quality of the texts generated by the PRINCE system, a natural language generation application designed for building texts for simple fairy tales. This is done by exploiting the potential of a lexical resource - such as WordNet - and structure mapping algorithms to enhance the output texts with simple rhetorical tropes such as metaphor and analogy. The enhanced system follows the OAA multi-agent system architecture, with various agents cooperating to achieve the final texts. The results of the enhanced version are presented and discussed. Finally, some problems and possible extensions are described.Partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, Acción Integrada Hispano-Portuguesa (HP2003-0068

    Exploring the Potential of Concept Associations for the Creative Generation of Linguistic Artifacts: A Case Study With Riddles and Rhetorical Figures

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    Automatic generation of linguistic artifacts is a problem that has been sporadically tackled over the years. The main goal of this paper is to explore how concept associations can be useful from a computational creativity point of view to generate some of these artifacts. We present an approach where finding associations between concepts that would not usually be considered as related (for example life and politics or diamond and concrete) could be the seed for the generation of creative and surprising linguistic artifacts such as rhetorical figures (life is like politics) and riddles (what is as hard as concrete?). Human volunteers evaluated the quality and appropriateness of the generated figures and riddles, and the results show that the concept associations obtained are useful for producing these kinds of creative artifacts

    Computer naratology: narrative templates in computer games

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    Studie obsahuje teoretické sondy o herní textualitě; popisy analogií mezi organizací herního textu a uměleckého artefaktu. Osobní počítač je v práci pojímán jako narativní médium - nástroj prezentace libovolného obsahu, včetně epického. Počítačové hry jsou interpretovány s užitím naratologických a ludologických kategorií. Ve studii je na příkladu počítačových her podrobně analyzován fenomén narativů vyprávěných počítačem. Pozornost je věnována především základním teoretickým konceptům, na nichž jsou tyto aplikace postaveny (konečné automaty). Ve studii jsou dále zkoumány vztahy média literatury a média počítačových her ve srovnání s působením dalších médií na literaturu (vliv filmové a televizní tvorby). Zvláštní pozornost je ve studii věnována fenoménu počítačem generované literatury (prózy a poezie). Ve studii jsou podrobně analyzovány koncepty, konkrétní příklady i přínosy pro literárněvědné poznání. To je spatřováno především v technických prostředcích, jež umožňují rozložit analyzovaný text na komponenty a kvantifikovatelné identifikátory. (Typicky např. ve versologii). V závěru práce je demonstrována analýza narativu na jeho dílčí komponenty (aktanty, stavové diagramy). S využitím nástrojů výpočetní techniky je následně z hloubkové struktury příběhu, reprezentované stavovým diagramem, generován plný...Relations and actions between literature and computer games were examined. Study contains theoretical analysis of game as an aesthetic artefact. To play a game means to leave practical world for sake of a fictional world. Artistic communication has more similarities with game communication than with normal, practical communication. Game study can help us understand basic concepts of art communication (game rules - poetic rules, game world - fiction, function in game - meaning in art). Computer games are interpreted in the study using naratological and ludological approach. Computer is tracted as a narrative medium (to narrate means to demonstrate, to present any content, not only epic content). Computer games are interesting phoenomena for its specifical aspects: interactivity, self-narration and computer simulated narration. Main attention in this study is focused on phoenomena of computer generated literature (prose and poetry). The main purpose of this area is in study considered for literary analysis of "belles lettres". Author examines and demonstrates plausible computer generated fiction analysis of narrative texts. Two such analysis are proposed in a study, one of them (prose analysis - fabule generation) is detaily manifested on concrete literary text.Centrum komparatistikyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art