167,388 research outputs found

    Agile development for a multi-disciplinary bicycle stability test bench

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    Agile software development methods are used extensively in the software industry. This paper describes an argument to explain why these methods can be used within a multi-disciplinary project and provides a concrete description on how to implement such a method, using a case-study to support the rationale. The SOFIE (Intelligent Assisted Bicycle) project was created to develop mechatronic appliances to make bicycles more stable, i.e. safer. A bicycle stability test bench is created within this project and is used as the case study for this research. The relative complexity of the test bench development and partner structure within the SOFIE project has many similarities with large-scale complex projects found in industry. Thus it provides a good environment to research the application of Agile software methods to a multi-disciplinary project

    Development of a test bench for the electronics of ionizing radiationdetectors

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    In the present final degree project a low cost test bench is presented. A test bench is an envi-ronment used to verify the correctness of devices. In this case, the test bench is used to test preamplifiers and digitizers of the nuclear instrumentation laboratory. These instruments are used for ionizing particle detection. The initial problematic of the project was to investigate if it was possible to do a testing working bench with a cheap digital circuit as microcontrollers. After a study of the actual market, the Arduino Due was chosen. Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. In the initial stage of the project, the attention was focused on the documentation about the Arduino boards. It was quickly observed that the sampling time delivered by the Aduino IDE was not acceptable for a nuclear test bech. When inquiring into the technical datasheet of the Atmel SAM3X microchip, used by the Arduino Due, it was achieved making signals with sampling time acceptable for nuclear instrumentation. Once discovered the potential of Arduino Due, a GUI was made to fully customize the shape of the pulses generated by the Arduino board. Therefore, the development of a cheap testing workbench was achieved

    A PMT-Block test bench

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    The front-end electronics of the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter (Tile Cal) is housed in a unit, called {\it PMT-Block}. The PMT-Block is a compact instrument comprising a light mixer, a PMT together with its divider and a {\it 3-in-1} card, which provides shaping, amplification and integration for the signals. This instrument needs to be qualified before being assembled on the detector. A PMT-Block test bench has been developed for this purpose. This test bench is a system which allows fast, albeit accurate enough, measurements of the main properties of a complete PMT-Block. The system, both hardware and software, and the protocol used for the PMT-Blocks characterisation are described in detail in this report. The results obtained in the test of about 10000 PMT-Blocks needed for the instrumentation of the ATLAS (LHC-CERN) hadronic Tile Calorimeter are also reported.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Electrified Powertrain Development: Distributed Co-Simulation Protocol Extension for Coupled Test Bench Operations

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    The increasingly stringent CO2 emissions standards require innovative solutions in the vehicle development process. One possibility to reduce CO2 emissions is the electrification of powertrains. The resulting increased complexity, as well as the increased competition and time pressure make the use of simulation software and test benches indispensable in the early development phases. This publication therefore presents a methodology for test bench coupling to enable early testing of electrified powertrains. For this purpose, an internal combustion engine test bench and an electric motor test bench are virtually interconnected. By applying and extending the Distributed Co-Simulation Protocol Standard for the presented hybrid electric powertrain use case, real-time-capable communication between the two test benches is achieved. Insights into the test bench setups, and the communication between the test benches and the protocol extension, especially with regard to temperature measurements, enable the extension to be applied to other powertrain or test bench configurations. The shown results from coupled test bench operations emphasize the applicability. The discussed experiences from the test bench coupling experiments complete the insights

    Construction, commissioning and use of a test bench for smart meter accuracy verification

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    As a result of the ever-increasing share of renewable energies in electricity production and the associated volatile supply of renewable generation facilities, overvoltages going beyond the norm already occur today. To counter this and to be able to intervene, the relevant operational values have to be known. This paper describes the construction, commissioning and use of a test bench to verify the accuracy of smart meters deployed for the determination of operating variables. The accuracy of a specific smart meter is verified at the previously developed test bench under the utilization of various test methods, to review the functionality of the test bench. The construction of the test bench and its software allow to check all measurable factors of different smart meter models and make the individual creation and customization of measurement methods possible. The results of the exemplary measurements show that gross errors occur both in the averaging of the angle measurements as well as for the measurement-period adjustment

    Design of a test bench for solid rocket motors and complete flight rocket vehicles

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    In this report an extensive explanation of the Final Degree’s Thesis Design of a test bench for solid rocket motors and complete flight rocket vehicles can be found. This project starts by studying different types and configurations of solid rocket motors and test benches in order to to fulfill weight, dimensions and force requirements for the posterior testing. Later, the main parameters of a solid rocket motor and its derivatives are determined so as to set out which of them can be measured. Once all the research segment is completed, the final design of the test bench is presented along with its previous iterations. A structural static analysis through the ANSYS software is conducted to verify and validate the overall test bench. Last but not least, the sensing configuration of the chamber pressure, exterior temperature and solid rocket motor thrust is presented. Finally, a set of conclusive thoughts are extracted from the test bench design, as well as a budget summary and an environmental impact assessment

    Towards an Automated Test Bench Environment for Prolog Systems

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    Software testing and benchmarking is a key component of the software development process. Nowadays, a good practice in big software projects is the Continuous Integration (CI) software development technique. The key idea of CI is to let developers integrate their work as they produce it, instead of doing the integration at the end of each software module. In this paper, we extend a previous work on a benchmark suite for the Yap Prolog system and we propose a fully automated test bench environment for Prolog systems, named Yet Another Prolog Test Bench Environment (YAPTBE), aimed to assist developers in the development and CI of Prolog systems. YAPTBE is based on a cloud computing architecture and relies on the Jenkins framework and in a set of new Jenkins plugins to manage the underneath infrastructure. We present the key design and implementation aspects of YAPTBE and show its most important features, such as its graphical user interface and the automated process that builds and runs Prolog systems and benchmarks

    A Millimeter Wave MIMO Testbed for 5G Communications

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    This paper presents a 2 x 2 millimeter wave (mm-wave) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) testbed that operates at around 30 GHz. The link assessment of the system operating at 26.25 GHz was carried out on a test bench, with a short communication distance between the transmitting and receiving antennas. A user-programmable, reconfigurable and real-time signal processing field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)-based software defined radio (SDR) system was employed as part of the testbed to validate the system-level performance for a downlink time division long-term evolution (TD-LTE) duplex scheme. Constellation diagram for quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) digital modulation were acquired while the testbed was operating at 30 GHz. The testbed could be employed for the development of signal test, communication algorithm and measurement metrology for 5G communications.Comment: 89th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG 2017
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