61,859 research outputs found

    TEMPOS: A Platform for Developing Temporal Applications on Top of Object DBMS

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    This paper presents TEMPOS: a set of models and languages supporting the manipulation of temporal data on top of object DBMS. The proposed models exploit object-oriented technology to meet some important, yet traditionally neglected design criteria related to legacy code migration and representation independence. Two complementary ways for accessing temporal data are offered: a query language and a visual browser. The query language, namely TempOQL, is an extension of OQL supporting the manipulation of histories regardless of their representations, through fully composable functional operators. The visual browser offers operators that facilitate several time-related interactive navigation tasks, such as studying a snapshot of a collection of objects at a given instant, or detecting and examining changes within temporal attributes and relationships. TEMPOS models and languages have been formalized both at the syntactical and the semantical level and have been implemented on top of an object DBMS. The suitability of the proposals with regard to applications' requirements has been validated through concrete case studies

    Object-relational spatio-temporal databases

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    We present an object-relational model for uniform handling of dimensional data. Spatial, temporal, spatio-temporal and ordinary data are special cases of dimensional data. The said uniformity is achieved through the concept of dimension alignment, which automatically allows lower dimensional data and queries to be used in a higher dimensional context;Unlike ordinary data, dimensional objects are interwoven. We introduce object identity (oid) fragments to circumvent data redundancy at logical level. Computed types are placed appropriately in a type hierarchy to allow maximal use of existing methods. A query language for spatio-temporal data is presented for associative navigation. A framework for algebraic optimization of the query language is suggested;A pattern matching language is designed for complex querying of spatio-temporal data which seamlessly extends the associative navigation in our query language. The pattern matching language recognizes special features of time and space providing an appropriate level of abstraction for application development compared to traditional languages. This reduces the need for embedding the query language in a lower level language such as C++. The pattern matching language is also dimensionally extensible. The pattern matching allows query of data with multiple granularities and continuous data. It also provides hooks for direct query of scientific data (observations);Our model is dimensionally extensible, and also an extension of a relational model for dimensional data. Moreover the dimensionality and addition of oids are mutually orthogonal concepts. Thus starting from classical ordinary data, one may migrate to higher forms of relational or object-relational data in any sequence, without having to recode application software. Our model does not deal with complex objects, which is left as a future extension

    Query processing in temporal object-oriented databases

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    This PhD thesis is concerned with historical data management in the context of objectoriented databases. An extensible approach has been explored to processing temporal object queries within a uniform query framework. By the uniform framework, we mean temporal queries can be processed within the existing object-oriented framework that is extended from relational framework, by extending the existing query processing techniques and strategies developed for OODBs and RDBs. The unified model of OODBs and RDBs in UmSQL/X has been adopted as a basis for this purpose. A temporal object data model is thereby defined by incorporating a time dimension into this unified model of OODBs and RDBs to form temporal relational-like cubes but with the addition of aggregation and inheritance hierarchies. A query algebra, that accesses objects through these associations of aggregation, inheritance and timereference, is then defined as a general query model /language. Due to the extensive features of our data model and reducibility of the algebra, a layered structure of query processor is presented that provides a uniforrn framework for processing temporal object queries. Within the uniform framework, query transformation is carried out based on a set of transformation rules identified that includes the known relational and object rules plus those pertaining to the time dimension. To evaluate a temporal query involving a path with timereference, a strategy of decomposition is proposed. That is, evaluation of an enhanced path, which is defined to extend a path with time-reference, is decomposed by initially dividing the path into two sub-paths: one containing the time-stamped class that can be optimized by making use of the ordering information of temporal data and another an ordinary sub-path (without time-stamped classes) which can be further decomposed and evaluated using different algorithms. The intermediate results of traversing the two sub-paths are then joined together to create the query output. Algorithms for processing the decomposed query components, i. e., time-related operation algorithms, four join algorithms (nested-loop forward join, sort-merge forward join, nested-loop reverse join and sort-merge reverse join) and their modifications, have been presented with cost analysis and implemented with stream processing techniques using C++. Simulation results are also provided. Both cost analysis and simulation show the effects of time on the query processing algorithms: the join time cost is linearly increased with the expansion in the number of time-epochs (time-dimension in the case of a regular TS). It is also shown that using heuristics that make use of time information can lead to a significant time cost saving. Query processing with incomplete temporal data has also been discussed

    STRG-QL: Spatio-Temporal Region Graph Query Language for Video Databases

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    Copyright 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.In this paper, we present a new graph-based query language and its query processing for a Graph-based Video Database Management System (GVDBMS). Although extensive researches have proposed various query languages for video databases, most of them have the limitation in handling general-purpose video queries. Each method can handle specific data model, query type or application. In order to develop a general-purpose video query language, we first produce Spatio-Temporal Region Graph (STRG) for each video, which represents spatial and temporal information of video objects. An STRG data model is generated from the STRG by exploiting object-oriented model. Based on the STRG data model, we propose a new graph-based query language named STRG-QL, which supports various types of video query. To process the proposed STRG-QL, we introduce a rule-based query optimization that considers the characteristics of video data, i.e., the hierarchical correlations among video segments. The results of our extensive experimental study show that the proposed STRG-QL is promising in terms of accuracy and cost.http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.76553

    A Critical Review of Temporal Database Management Systems

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    There have been significant research activities in Temporal Databases during the last decade. However, the developments of a semantics of time, a temporal model for efficient database systems and temporal query languages still need much study. Based on the researches of the TDB group [Snodgrass 1987], the review of research about TDBMS in this dissertation mainly emphasises three aspects as follows. 1) The formulation of a semantics of time at the conceptual level. A topology of time and types of time attributes are introduced. A new taxonomy for time attributes is presented: assertion time, event time, and recording time. 2) The development of a model for TDBMS analogous to relational databases. Based on Snodgrass' classification, four kinds of databases: snapshot, rollback, historical and temporal are discussed in depth. But the discussion distinguishes some important differences from the representation of the TDB model: - historical relation for most enterprises is an interval relation, but not a sequence of snapshot slices indexed by valid time. The term "tuple" no longer simply refers to an entity as in traditional relational databases. It refers to different level representations of an object: entity, entity state, observation of entity, and observation of entity state in different types of databases. 3) The design of temporal query languages. We do not present a new temporal query language in this dissertation, but we discuss a Quel-like temporal query language, TQuel, in some depth. TQuel is compared with two other temporal query languages TOSQL and Legol 2.0. We centre the main discussion on TQuel's semantics for tuple calculus. The classification for the relationships between overlapping intervals suggests an approach using temporal logic to classify the derived tuples in tuple calculus. Under such an approach, a new presentation for tuple modification calculus is proposed, not only for interval relations, but also for event relations

    A parametric prototype for spatiotemporal databases

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    The main goal of this project is to design and implement the parametric database (ParaDB). Conceptually, ParaDB consists of the parametric data model (ParaDM) and the parametric structured query language (ParaSQL). Parametric data model is a data model for multi-dimensional databases such as temporal, spatial, spatiotemporal, or multi-level secure databases. Main difference compared to the classical relational data model is that ParaDM models an object as a single tuple, and an attribute is defined as a function from parametric elements. The set of parametric elements is closed under union, intersection, and complementation. These operations are counterparts of or, and, and not in a natural language like English. Therefore, the closure properties provide very flexible ways to query on objects without introducing additional self-join operations which are frequently required in other multi-dimensional database models
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