9,402 research outputs found

    Design of a Torque Current Generator for Strapdown Gyroscopes

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    The design, analysis, and experimental evaluation of an optimum performance torque current generator for use with strapdown gyroscopes, is presented. Among the criteria used to evaluate the design were the following: (1) steady-state accuracy; (2) margins of stability against self-oscillation; (3) temperature variations; (4) aging; (5) static errors drift errors, and transient errors, (6) classical frequency and time domain characteristics; and (7) the equivalent noise at the input of the comparater operational amplifier. The DC feedback loop of the torque current generator was approximated as a second-order system. Stability calculations for gain margins are discussed. Circuit diagrams are shown and block diagrams showing the implementation of the torque current generator are discussed

    Compensated Current Injection circuit, theory and applications

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    This paper presents a detailed description, analysis and example of practical application of a wide frequency band voltage-to-current converter. The converter is characterized by a combination of positive and negative feedback loops. This feature allows compensation for parasitic impedance connected in parallel with the useful load, which in turn keeps an excitation current flowing through the useful load independent of its impedance. The simplicity of the circuit and its good electrical properties are additional advantages of the scheme.Comment: 9 pages and 7 figures in one PDF fil

    Experimental L-band SST satellite communications/surveillance terminal study. Volume 5 - Aircraft terminal definition

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    Aircraft terminal designs for experimental and operational supersonic transport for L band satellite air traffic contro

    The 30/20 GHz flight experiment system, phase 2. Volume 1: Executive summary

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    Summary information on the final communication system design, communication payload, space vehicle, and development plan for the 30/20 GHz flight experiment will be installed on the LEASAT spacecraft which will be placed into orbit from the space shuttle cargo bay. The communication concept has two parts: a truck service and a customer premise service (CPS). The trucking system serves four spot beams which are interconnected in a satellite switched time division multiple access mode by an IF switch matrix. The CPS covers two large areas of the eastern United States with a pair of scanning beams

    Project apollo. ship-shore communications using radio satellite relay

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    Requirements for antennas, radio and terminal equipment aboard Apollo communication and tracking ships to communicate with land stations by satellite rela

    The 30/20 GHz flight experiment system, phase 2. Volume 2: Experiment system description

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    A detailed technical description of the 30/20 GHz flight experiment system is presented. The overall communication system is described with performance analyses, communication operations, and experiment plans. Hardware descriptions of the payload are given with the tradeoff studies that led to the final design. The spacecraft bus which carries the payload is discussed and its interface with the launch vehicle system is described. Finally, the hardwares and the operations of the terrestrial segment are presented


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    Ultra-Wideband (UWB) chirp generators are used on Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar systems for high-resolution and high-accuracy range measurements. At the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS), we have developed two UWB radar sensors for high resolution measurements of surface elevation and snow cover over Greenland and Antarctica. These radar systems are routinely operated from both surface and airborne platforms. Low cost implementations of UWB chirp generators are possible using an UWB Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). VCOs possess several advantages over other competing technologies, but their frequency-voltage tuning characteristics are inherently non-linear. This nonlinear relationship between the tuning voltage and the output frequency should be corrected with a linearization system to implement a linear frequency modulated (LFM) waveform, also known as a chirp. If the waveform is not properly linearized, undesired additional frequency modulation is found in the waveform. This additional frequency modulation results in undesired sidebands at the frequency spectrum of the Intermediate Frequency (IF) stage of the FMCW radar. Since the spectrum of the filtered IF stage represents the measured range, the uncorrected nonlinear behavior of the VCO will cause a degradation of the range sensing performance of a FMCW radar. This issue is intensified as the chirp rate and nominal range of the target increase. A linearization method has been developed to linearize the output of a VCO-based chirp generator with 6 GHz of bandwidth. The linearization system is composed of a Phase Lock Loop (PLL) and an external compensation added to the loop. The nonlinear behavior of the VCO was treated as added disturbances to the loop, and a wide loop bandwidth PLL was designed for wideband compensation of these disturbances. Moreover, the PLL requires a loop filter able to attenuate the reference spurs. The PLL has been designed with a loop bandwidth as wide as possible while maintaining the reference spur level below 35 dBc. Several design considerations were made for the large loop bandwidth design. Furthermore, the large variations in the tuning sensitivity of the oscillator forced a design with a large phase margin at the average tuning sensitivity. This design constraint degraded the tracking performance of the PLL. A second compensation signal, externally generated, was added to the compensation signal of the PLL. By adding a compensation signal, which was not affected by the frequency response effects of the loop compensation, the loop tracking error is reduced. This technique enabled us to produce an output chirp signal that is a much closer replica of the scaled version of the reference signal. Furthermore, a type 1 PLL was chosen for improved transient response, compared to that of the type 2 PLL. This type of PLL requires an external compensation to obtain a finite steady state error when applying a frequency ramp to the input. The external compensation signal required to solve this issue was included in the second compensation signal mentioned above. Measurements for the PLL performance and the chirp generator performance were performed in the laboratory using a radar demonstrator. The experimental results show that the designed loop bandwidth was successfully achieved without significantly increasing the spurious signal level. The chirp generator measurements show a direct relationship between the bandwidth of the external compensation and the range resolution performance

    Experimental L-band SST satellite communications/surveillance terminal study. Volume 4 - Aircraft antenna studies

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    Antenna requirements for supersonic transport satellite communications syste
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