126 research outputs found

    A time dependent performance model for multihop wireless networks with CBR traffic

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    In this paper, we develop a performance modeling technique for analyzing the time varying network layer queueing behavior of multihop wireless networks with constant bit rate traffic. Our approach is a hybrid of fluid flow queueing modeling and a time varying connectivity matrix. Network queues are modeled using fluid-flow based differential equation models which are solved using numerical methods, while node mobility is modeled using deterministic or stochastic modeling of adjacency matrix elements. Numerical and simulation experiments show that the new approach can provide reasonably accurate results with significant improvements in the computation time compared to standard simulation tools. © 2010 IEEE

    An efficient hybrid model and dynamic performance analysis for multihop wireless networks

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    Multihop wireless networks can be subjected to nonstationary phenomena due to a dynamic network topology and time varying traffic. However, the simulation techniques used to study multihop wireless networks focus on the steady-state performance even though transient or nonstationary periods will often occur. Moreover, the majority of the simulators suffer from poor scalability. In this paper, we develop an efficient performance modeling technique for analyzing the time varying queueing behavior of multihop wireless networks. The one-hop packet transmission (service) time is assumed to be deterministic, which could be achieved by contention-free transmission, or approximated in sparse or lightly loaded multihop wireless networks. Our model is a hybrid of time varying adjacency matrix and fluid flow based differential equations, which represent dynamic topology changes and nonstationary network queues, respectively. Numerical experiments show that the hybrid fluid based model can provide reasonably accurate results much more efficiently than standard simulators. Also an example application of the modeling technique is given showing the nonstationary network performance as a function of node mobility, traffic load and wireless link quality. © 2013 IEEE

    Performance Modelling and Optimisation of Multi-hop Networks

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    A major challenge in the design of large-scale networks is to predict and optimise the total time and energy consumption required to deliver a packet from a source node to a destination node. Examples of such complex networks include wireless ad hoc and sensor networks which need to deal with the effects of node mobility, routing inaccuracies, higher packet loss rates, limited or time-varying effective bandwidth, energy constraints, and the computational limitations of the nodes. They also include more reliable communication environments, such as wired networks, that are susceptible to random failures, security threats and malicious behaviours which compromise their quality of service (QoS) guarantees. In such networks, packets traverse a number of hops that cannot be determined in advance and encounter non-homogeneous network conditions that have been largely ignored in the literature. This thesis examines analytical properties of packet travel in large networks and investigates the implications of some packet coding techniques on both QoS and resource utilisation. Specifically, we use a mixed jump and diffusion model to represent packet traversal through large networks. The model accounts for network non-homogeneity regarding routing and the loss rate that a packet experiences as it passes successive segments of a source to destination route. A mixed analytical-numerical method is developed to compute the average packet travel time and the energy it consumes. The model is able to capture the effects of increased loss rate in areas remote from the source and destination, variable rate of advancement towards destination over the route, as well as of defending against malicious packets within a certain distance from the destination. We then consider sending multiple coded packets that follow independent paths to the destination node so as to mitigate the effects of losses and routing inaccuracies. We study a homogeneous medium and obtain the time-dependent properties of the packet’s travel process, allowing us to compare the merits and limitations of coding, both in terms of delivery times and energy efficiency. Finally, we propose models that can assist in the analysis and optimisation of the performance of inter-flow network coding (NC). We analyse two queueing models for a router that carries out NC, in addition to its standard packet routing function. The approach is extended to the study of multiple hops, which leads to an optimisation problem that characterises the optimal time that packets should be held back in a router, waiting for coding opportunities to arise, so that the total packet end-to-end delay is minimised

    Delay in a tandem queueing model with mobile queues: An analytical approximation

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    In this paper, we analyze the end-to-end delay performance of a tandem queueing system with mobile queues. Due to state-space explosion there is no hope for a numerical exact analysis for the joint-queue length distribution. For this reason, we present an analytical approximation that is based on queue length analysis. Through extensive numerical validation, we nd that the queue length approximation exhibits excellent performance for light tra c load

    Delay in a tandem queueing model with mobile queues : an analytical approximation

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    In this paper, we analyze the end-to-end delay performance of a tandem queueing system with mobile queues. Due to state-space explosion there is no hope for a numerical exact analysis for the joint-queue length distribution. For this reason, we present an analytical approximation that is based on queue length analysis. Through extensive numerical validation, we find that the queue length approximation exhibits excellent performance for light and moderate traffic load

    Time-Limited and k-Limited Polling Systems: A Matrix Analytic Solution

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    In this paper, we will develop a tool to analyze polling systems with the autonomous-server, the time-limited, and the k-limited service discipline. It is known that these disciplines do not satisfy the well-known branching property in polling system, therefore, hardly any exact result exists in the literature for them. Our strategy is to apply an iterative scheme that is based on relating in closed-form the joint queue-length at the beginning and the end of a server visit to a queue. These kernel relations are derived using the theory of absorbing Markov chains. Finally, we will show that our tool works also in the case of a tandem queueing network with a single server that can serve one queue at a time

    Online Self-Organizing Network Control with Time Averaged Weighted Throughput Objective

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    We study an online multisource multisink queueing network control problem characterized with self-organizing network structure and self-organizing job routing. We decompose the self-organizing queueing network control problem into a series of interrelated Markov Decision Processes and construct a control decision model for them based on the coupled reinforcement learning (RL) architecture. To maximize the mean time averaged weighted throughput of the jobs through the network, we propose a reinforcement learning algorithm with time averaged reward to deal with the control decision model and obtain a control policy integrating the jobs routing selection strategy and the jobs sequencing strategy. Computational experiments verify the learning ability and the effectiveness of the proposed reinforcement learning algorithm applied in the investigated self-organizing network control problem


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    The performance of mobile ad-hoc networks is normally studied via simulation over a fixed time horizon using a steady-state type of statistical analysis procedure. However, due to the dynamic nature of the network topology such an approach may be inappropriate in many cases as the network may spend most of the time in a transient or nonstationary state. The objective of this dissertation is to develop a performance modeling framework and detailed techniques for analyzing the time varying performance of mobile ad-hoc networks.Our approach is a performance modeling tool for queueing analysis using a hybrid of discrete event simulation and numerical method techniques. Network queues are modeled using fluid-flow based differential equations which can be solved with any standard numerical integration methods, while node connectivity that represents topology changes is incorporated into the model usingeither discrete event simulation techniques or stochastic modeling of adjacency matrix elements. The hybrid fluid-based approach is believed to be an alternative that can resolve certain issues incurrent simulators and provide flexibility in modeling a more complex network by integrating additional features of nonstationary effect to add higher level of fidelity into the proposed model. Numerical and simulation experiments show that the new approach can provide reasonably accurate results without sacrificing a largeamount of computational resources

    Delay in a tandem queueing model with mobile queues : an analytical approximation

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    Abstract In this paper, we analyze the end-to-end delay performance of a tandem queueing system with mobile queues. Due to state-space explosion there is no hope for a numerical exact analysis for the joint-queue length distribution. For this reason, we present an analytical approximation that is based on queue length analysis. Through extensive numerical validation, we find that the queue length approximation exhibits excellent performance for light and moderate traffic load