84,809 research outputs found

    Second Screen User Profiling and Multi-level Smart Recommendations in the context of Social TVs

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    In the context of Social TV, the increasing popularity of first and second screen users, interacting and posting content online, illustrates new business opportunities and related technical challenges, in order to enrich user experience on such environments. SAM (Socializing Around Media) project uses Social Media-connected infrastructure to deal with the aforementioned challenges, providing intelligent user context management models and mechanisms capturing social patterns, to apply collaborative filtering techniques and personalized recommendations towards this direction. This paper presents the Context Management mechanism of SAM, running in a Social TV environment to provide smart recommendations for first and second screen content. Work presented is evaluated using real movie rating dataset found online, to validate the SAM's approach in terms of effectiveness as well as efficiency.Comment: In: Wu TT., Gennari R., Huang YM., Xie H., Cao Y. (eds) Emerging Technologies for Education. SETE 201

    Context-aware LDA: Balancing Relevance and Diversity in TV Content Recommenders

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    In the vast and expanding ocean of digital content, users are hardly satisfied with recommended programs solely based on static user patterns and common statistics. Therefore, there is growing interest in recommendation approaches that aim to provide a certain level of diversity, besides precision and ranking. Context-awareness, which is an effective way to express dynamics and adaptivity, is widely used in recom-mender systems to set a proper balance between ranking and diversity. In light of these observations, we introduce a recommender with a context-aware probabilistic graphi-cal model and apply it to a campus-wide TV content de-livery system named “Vision”. Within this recommender, selection criteria of candidate fields and contextual factors are designed and users’ dependencies on their personal pref-erence or the aforementioned contextual influences can be distinguished. Most importantly, as to the role of balanc-ing relevance and diversity, final experiment results prove that context-aware LDA can evidently outperform other al-gorithms on both metrics. Thus this scalable model can be flexibly used for different recommendation purposes

    Target tracking in the recommender space: Toward a new recommender system based on Kalman filtering

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    In this paper, we propose a new approach for recommender systems based on target tracking by Kalman filtering. We assume that users and their seen resources are vectors in the multidimensional space of the categories of the resources. Knowing this space, we propose an algorithm based on a Kalman filter to track users and to predict the best prediction of their future position in the recommendation space

    Consumption context and personalization

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    What attracts vehicle consumers’ buying:A Saaty scale-based VIKOR (SSC-VIKOR) approach from after-sales textual perspective?

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    Purpose: The increasingly booming e-commerce development has stimulated vehicle consumers to express individual reviews through online forum. The purpose of this paper is to probe into the vehicle consumer consumption behavior and make recommendations for potential consumers from textual comments viewpoint. Design/methodology/approach: A big data analytic-based approach is designed to discover vehicle consumer consumption behavior from online perspective. To reduce subjectivity of expert-based approaches, a parallel Naïve Bayes approach is designed to analyze the sentiment analysis, and the Saaty scale-based (SSC) scoring rule is employed to obtain specific sentimental value of attribute class, contributing to the multi-grade sentiment classification. To achieve the intelligent recommendation for potential vehicle customers, a novel SSC-VIKOR approach is developed to prioritize vehicle brand candidates from a big data analytical viewpoint. Findings: The big data analytics argue that “cost-effectiveness” characteristic is the most important factor that vehicle consumers care, and the data mining results enable automakers to better understand consumer consumption behavior. Research limitations/implications: The case study illustrates the effectiveness of the integrated method, contributing to much more precise operations management on marketing strategy, quality improvement and intelligent recommendation. Originality/value: Researches of consumer consumption behavior are usually based on survey-based methods, and mostly previous studies about comments analysis focus on binary analysis. The hybrid SSC-VIKOR approach is developed to fill the gap from the big data perspective