3 research outputs found

    A prediction-based dynamic content adaptation framework for enterprise documents applied to collaborative mobile web conferencing

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    Enterprise documents, created in applications such as PowerPoint and Word, can be used and shared using ubiquitousWeb-enabled terminals connected to the Internet. In the context ofWeb conferencing, enterprise documents, particularly presentation slides, are hosted on the server and presented to the meeting participants synchronously. When mobile devices are involved in such meeting conferencing applications, the content (e.g.: presentation slides) should be adapted to meet the target mobile terminal constraints, but more importantly, to provide the end-user with the best experience possible. Globally, two major trends in content adaptation have been studied: static and dynamic. In static content adaptation, the content is adapted into a set of versions using different transcoding parameter combinations. At runtime, when the content is requested, the optimal of those versions, based on a given quality criterion, is selected for delivery. The performance of these solutions is based on the granularity in use; the number of created versions. In dynamic content adaptation, also called just-in-time adaptation, based on the mobile device context, a customized version is created on-the-fly, while the end-user is still waiting. Dynamically identifying the optimal transcoding parameters, without performing any transcoding operation, is very challenging. In this thesis, we propose a novel dynamic adaptation framework that estimates, without performing transcoding, near-optimal transcoding parameters (format, scaling parameter and quality factor). The output formats considered in this research are JPEG- and XHTML-based Web pages. Firstly, we define a quality of experience measure to quantify the quality of the adapted content as experienced by the end-user. This measure takes into account the visual aspect of the content as well as its transport quality, which is mostly affected by the network conditions. Secondly, we propose a dynamic adaptation framework capable of selecting dynamically and with very little computational complexity, near-optimal adapted content that meets the best compromise between its visual quality and delivery time based on the proposed quality of experience measure. It uses predictors of file size and visual quality of JPEG images subject to changing their scaling parameter and quality factor proposed in recent researches. Our framework is comprised of five adaptation methods with increased quality and complexity. The first one, requiring one transcoding operation, estimates near-optimal adapted content, whereas the other four methods improve its prediction accuracy by allowing the system to perform more than one transcoding operation. The performance of the proposed dynamic framework was tested with a static exhaustive system and a typical dynamic system. Globally, the obtained results were very close to optimality and far better than the typical dynamic system. Besides, we were able to reach optimality on a large number of tested documents. The proposed dynamic framework has been applied to OpenOffice Impress presentations. It is designed to be general, but future work can be carried out to validate its applicability to other enterprise documents types such as Word (text) and Excel (spreadsheet)

    Connecting Vehicles to the Internet - Strategic Data Transmission for Mobile Nodes using Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    With the advent of autonomous driving, the driving experience for users of connected vehicles changes, as they may enjoy their travel time with entertainment, or work productively. In our modern society, both require a stable Internet access. However, future mobile networks are not expected to be able to satisfy application Quality of Service (QoS) requirements as needed, e.g. during rush hours. To address this problem, this dissertation investigates data transmission strategies that exploit the potential of using a heterogeneous wireless network environment. To this end, we combine two so far distinct concepts, firstly, network selection and, secondly, transmission time selection, creating a joint time-network selection strategy. It allows a vehicle to plan delay-tolerant data transmissions ahead, favoring transmission opportunities with the best prospective flow-network matches. In this context, our first contribution is a novel rating model for perceived transmission quality, which assesses transmission opportunities with respect to application QoS requirement violations, traded off by monetary cost. To enable unified assessment of all data transmissions, it generalizes existing specialized rating models from network selection and transmission time selection and extends them with a novel throughput requirement model. Based on that, we develop a novel joint time-network selection strategy, Joint Transmission Planning (JTP), as our second contribution, planning optimized data transmissions within a defined time horizon. We compare its transmission quality to that of three predominant state-of-the-art transmission strategies, revealing that JTP outperforms the others significantly by up to 26%. Due to extensive scenario variation, we discover broad stability of JTP reaching 87-91% of the optimum. As JTP is a planning approach relying on prediction data, the transmission quality is strongly impaired when executing its plans under environmental changes. To mitigate this impact, we develop a transmission plan adaptation as our third contribution, modifying the planned current transmission online in order to comply with the changes. Even under strong changes of the vehicle movement and the network environment, it sustains 57%, respectively 36%, of the performance gain from planning. Finally, we present our protocol Mobility management for Vehicular Networking (MoVeNet), pooling available network resources of the environment to enable flexible packet dispatching without breaking connections. Its distributed architecture provides broad scalability and robustness against node failures. It complements control mechanisms that allow a demand-based and connection-specific trade-off between overhead and latency. Less than 9 ms additional round trip time in our tests, instant handover and 0 to 4 bytes per-packet overhead prove its efficiency. Employing the presented strategies and mechanisms jointly, users of connected vehicles and other mobile devices can significantly profit from the demonstrated improvements in application QoS satisfaction and reduced monetary cost