7 research outputs found

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Perumahan Terbaik Dengan Metode TOPSIS

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    Semakin berkembangnya perusahaan developer property menjadikan calon pembeli akan kesulitan dalam memilih perumahan yang sesuai dengan kriteria yang diinginkan. Pemilihan tempat tinggal huni bisa dilihat dari beberapa kriteria diantaranya rumah harus sehat, nyaman dan aman. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mengambil data perumahan sebanyak tiga sampel perumahan di daerah Depok Jawa Barat. Dimana, tujuan dari penelitian ini membuat sistem pendukung keputusan(SPK) yang dapat membantu calon pembeli dalam pemilihan perumahan. Sistem pendukung keputusan berfungsi untuk membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk memecahkan suatu masalah terutama berbagai masalah yang sangat kompleks dan tidak terstruktur. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution(TOPSIS) merupakan suatu metode yang memiliki konsep yang didasarkan pada kedekatan suatu alternatif terhadap solusi ideal yang disebut juga dengan nilai preferensi. Kriteria yang digunakan dalam pemilihan perumahan diantaranya Harga(H), Lokasi(L), Fasilitas Umum(FU), Perijinan(P), dan Desain Rumah(DR). Setelah dilakukan pengujian TOPSIS diketahui bahwa dari 3 sampel perumahan dihasilkan nilai preferensi yang lebih tinggi dengan nilai 0,6456 , sehingga hasil keputusan pemilihan perumahan yang terbaik adalah Perumahan yang ke 3. Dengan demikian, metode TOPSIS mampu memberikan rekomendasi pemilihan perumahan terbaik dengan hasil perhitungan lebih cepat dan akurat sehingga informasi yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan sebagai pendukung keputusan

    Analytical Processing Over XML and XLink

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    Current commercial and academic OLAP tools do not process XML data that contains XLink. Aiming at overcoming this issue, this paper proposes an analytical system composed by LMDQL, an analytical query language. Also, the XLDM metamodel is given to model cubes of XML documents with XLink and to deal with syntactic, semantic and structural heterogeneities commonly found in XML documents. As current W3C query languages for navigating in XML documents do not support XLink, XLPath is discussed in this article to provide features for the LMDQL query processing. A prototype system enabling the analytical processing of XML documents that use XLink is also detailed. This prototype includes a driver, named sql2xquery, which performs the mapping of SQL queries into XQuery. To validate the proposed system, a case study and its performance evaluation are presented to analyze the impact of analytical processing over XML/XLink documents.FAPESPFACEPECAPESCNPqINEPFINE


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    Due to the global economic recession, the global financial crisis, the increase of the bunker fuel prices and the issue of global climate change, many shipping companies suffered operating their vessels especially for the long-haul business services, such as the Asia-Europe trade. These global factors influence not only the movement of container volumes, but the ship expenditure costs and revenues are also affected. Selection of the most efficient steaming speed of containerships is an alternative solution for assisting shipping companies in planning a proactive business strategy and reducing the ship expenditure costs. There are four different levels of steaming speed in the liner shipping sector. Shipping companies need to make a decision as to which one of them will be the most efficient steaming speed considering the elements of technical, financial, environmental and commercial aspects. A combination method called FTOPSIS (Fuzzy-TOPSIS) method is presented in this paper. Such a method is capable of helping shipping companies in the decision making process of the liner business industry. Extra slow steaming is classified as the most efficient steaming speed. Keywords: FTOPSIS; Shipping Business; Decision Making Process; Vessel Speed

    Evaluating The Financial Performances Of Privately Owned Deposit Banks In Turkey By Topsis Method

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    The measurement of financial performance, TOPSIS method is often used in many sectors. Evaluation of the performance of the banking sector with the financial and economic development has become a necessity in terms of competitiveness. The aim of this study is to evaluate privately owned deposit banks in the financial performance of the year 2012-2014 operating in Turkey by multi-criteria decisionmaking methods of TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solutions). In the analysis; making use of the most commonly used criteria in the literature given equal weights to these criteria and performance scores were obtained

    An out-of-sample framework for TOPSIS-based classifiers with application in bankruptcy prediction

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    This work was conducted while Prof. PĂ©rez-Gladish was a visitant researcher at the Business School of The University of Edinburgh. She would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Education Culture and Sport for its financial support within the framework of its International Mobility Program for Senior Researchers “Salvador de Madariaga” (Reference PRX16-0169).Since the publication of the seminal paper by Hwang and Yoon (1981) proposing Technique for Order Performance by the Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), a substantial number of papers used this technique in a variety of applications requiring a ranking of alternatives. Very few papers use TOPSIS as a classifier (e.g. Wu and Olson, 2006; Abd-El Fattah et al., 2013) and report a good performance as in-sample classifiers. However, in practice, its use in predicting discrete variables such as risk class belonging is limited by the lack of an out-of-sample evaluation framework. In this paper, we fill this gap by proposing an integrated in-sample and out-of-sample framework for TOPSIS classifiers and test its performance on a UK dataset of bankrupt and non-bankrupt firms listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) during 2010–2014. Empirical results show an outstanding predictive performance both in-sample and out-of-sample and thus opens a new avenue for research and applications in risk modelling and analysis using TOPSIS as a non-parametric classifier and makes it a real contender in industry applications in banking and investment. In addition, the proposed framework is robust to a variety of implementation decisions.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A TOPSIS Data Mining Demonstration and Application to Credit Scoring

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    Freight transport modal choice in North West England's Atlantic Gateway

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    Overuse of the road network has led to greater levels of congestion, elevated levels of road surface wear and tear and an increase in transport related air pollution. When taken in combination with the failure of attempts to balance modal split the road network’s continuing slide towards breaking point seems to be beyond question. However, circumstances have conspired to present one particular region of England with a tabula rasa for the development of new policies to influence the modal split of freight transportation. England’s economy is currently based around a London-centric model. The current move towards developing what has become known as a Northern Powerhouse is aimed at rebalancing the economy of the nation for the betterment of all of its citizens. The Atlantic Gateway is an integral part of these efforts. The devolution of powers and responsibilities from national government to regional authorities may provide an opportunity for positive change the likes of which has not be seen in the North of England since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Different regions are influenced by their own geographical and infrastructure constraints. Devolution ensures that decisions are made locally and are therefore more able to meet local needs. A greater understanding of what influences modal choice within the Atlantic Gateway allows local policy makers to make better informed decisions on how to accommodate the increasing levels of freight transportation on the existing local transport infrastructure. Two different multi-criteria decision making analysis tools are utilised in this study. The first model uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the weights of a range of criteria identified as influencing modal choice. The second model combines AHP with the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to allow the modes of transport under consideration to be ranked. This AHP-TOPSIS approach was adopted to address the limited data made available by the freight transportation industry in support of this research and the inadequacy of the data which is publicly available from mainstream sources. With billions of Pounds having been spent over many years to balance modal split it was disappointing to find that today, in the North West of England, road is still, by far, the preferred mode for transporting freight. The margin by which road leads the other modes within this geographical region shows the degree to which modal shift policy has so far failed. It also shows the amount of work needed to be done if modal shift is to be delivered in the future