520 research outputs found

    Modeling the pulse signal by wave-shape function and analyzing by synchrosqueezing transform

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    We apply the recently developed adaptive non-harmonic model based on the wave-shape function, as well as the time-frequency analysis tool called synchrosqueezing transform (SST) to model and analyze oscillatory physiological signals. To demonstrate how the model and algorithm work, we apply them to study the pulse wave signal. By extracting features called the spectral pulse signature, {and} based on functional regression, we characterize the hemodynamics from the radial pulse wave signals recorded by the sphygmomanometer. Analysis results suggest the potential of the proposed signal processing approach to extract health-related hemodynamics features

    Getting inside acupuncture trials - Exploring intervention theory and rationale

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Acupuncture can be described as a complex intervention. In reports of clinical trials the mechanism of acupuncture (that is, the process by which change is effected) is often left unstated or not known. This is problematic in assisting understanding of how acupuncture might work and in drawing together evidence on the potential benefits of acupuncture. Our aim was to aid the identification of the assumed mechanisms underlying the acupuncture interventions in clinical trials by developing an analytical framework to differentiate two contrasting approaches to acupuncture (traditional acupuncture and Western medical acupuncture).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Based on the principles of realist review, an analytical framework to differentiate these two contrasting approaches was developed. In order to see how useful the framework was in uncovering the theoretical rationale, it was applied to a set of trials of acupuncture for fatigue and vasomotor symptoms, identified from a wider literature review of acupuncture and early stage breast cancer.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When examined for the degree to which a study demonstrated adherence to a theoretical model, two of the fourteen selected studies could be considered TA, five MA, with the remaining seven not fitting into any recognisable model. When examined by symptom, five of the nine vasomotor studies, all from one group of researchers, are arguably in the MA category, and two a TA model; in contrast, none of the five fatigue studies could be classed as either MA or TA and all studies had a weak rationale for the chosen treatment for fatigue.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our application of the framework to the selected studies suggests that it is a useful tool to help uncover the therapeutic rationale of acupuncture interventions in clinical trials, for distinguishing between TA and MA approaches and for exploring issues of model validity. English language acupuncture trials frequently fail to report enough detail relating to the intervention. We advocate using this framework to aid reporting, along with further testing and refinement of the framework.</p

    Classification of insomnia using the traditional chinese medicine system: A systematic review

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    A systematic review was conducted to examine traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) patterns commonly diagnosed in subjects with insomnia and clinical features associated with the TCM patterns, and an insomnia symptom checklist for TCM diagnostic purpose was developed based on the review. Two independent researchers searched the China Academic Journals Full-Text Database and 10 English databases. A total of 103 studies and 9499 subjects were analyzed. There was a wide variation in terminology relating to symptomatology and TCM pattern. We identified 69 patterns, with the top 3 patterns (i.e., deficiency of both the heart and spleen, hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency, and liver-qi stagnation transforming into fire) and the top 10 patterns covering 51.8 and 77.4 of the 9499 subjects, respectively. There were 19 sleep-related, 92 non-sleep-related, 14 tongue, and 7 pulse features included as diagnostic criteria of the top 10 TCM patterns for insomnia. Excessive dreaming, dizziness, red tongue, and fine pulse were the most common sleep-related, non-sleep-related, tongue, and pulse features. Overlapping symptomatology between the TCM patterns was present. A standardized symptom checklist consisted of 92 items, including 13 sleep-related, 61 non-sleep-related, 11 tongue, and 7 pulse items, holds promise as a diagnostic tool and merits further validation. © 2012 Maggie Man-Ki Poon et al.published_or_final_versio

    The Knowledge Graph Construction in the Educational Domain: Take an Australian School Science Course as an Example

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    The evolution of the Internet technology and artificial intelligence has changed the ways we gain knowledge, which has expanded to every aspect of our lives. In recent years, Knowledge Graphs technology as one of the artificial intelligence techniques has been widely used in the educational domain. However, there are few studies dedicating the construction of knowledge graphs for K-10 education in Australia, and most of the existing studies only focus on at the theory level, and little research shows practical pipeline steps to complete the complex flow of constructing the educational knowledge graph. Apart from that, most studies focused on concept entities and their relations but ignored the features of concept entities and the relations between learning knowledge points and required learning outcomes. To overcome these shortages and provide the data foundation for the development of downstream research and applications in this educational domain, the construction processes of building a knowledge graph for Australian K-10 education were analyzed at the theory level and implemented in a practical way in this research. We took the Year 9 science course as a typical data source example fed to the proposed method called K10EDU-RCF-KG to construct this educational knowledge graph and to enrich the features of entities in the knowledge graph. In the construction pipeline, a variety of techniques were employed to complete the building process. Firstly, the POI and OCR techniques were applied to convert Word and PDF format files into text, followed by developing an educational resources management platform where the machine-readable text could be stored in a relational database management system. Secondly, we designed an architecture framework as the guidance of the construction pipeline. According to this architecture, the educational ontology was initially designed, and a backend microservice was developed to process the entity extraction and relation extraction by NLP-NER and probabilistic association rule mining algorithms, respectively. We also adopted the NLP-POS technique to find out the neighbor adjectives related to entitles to enrich features of these concept entitles. In addition, a subject dictionary was introduced during the refinement process of the knowledge graph, which reduced the data noise rate of the knowledge graph entities. Furthermore, the connections between learning outcome entities and topic knowledge point entities were directly connected, which provides a clear and efficient way to identify what corresponding learning objectives are related to the learning unit. Finally, a set of REST APIs for querying this educational knowledge graph were developed

    CMB: A Comprehensive Medical Benchmark in Chinese

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) provide a possibility to make a great breakthrough in medicine. The establishment of a standardized medical benchmark becomes a fundamental cornerstone to measure progression. However, medical environments in different regions have their local characteristics, e.g., the ubiquity and significance of traditional Chinese medicine within China. Therefore, merely translating English-based medical evaluation may result in \textit{contextual incongruities} to a local region. To solve the issue, we propose a localized medical benchmark called CMB, a Comprehensive Medical Benchmark in Chinese, designed and rooted entirely within the native Chinese linguistic and cultural framework. While traditional Chinese medicine is integral to this evaluation, it does not constitute its entirety. Using this benchmark, we have evaluated several prominent large-scale LLMs, including ChatGPT, GPT-4, dedicated Chinese LLMs, and LLMs specialized in the medical domain. It is worth noting that our benchmark is not devised as a leaderboard competition but as an instrument for self-assessment of model advancements. We hope this benchmark could facilitate the widespread adoption and enhancement of medical LLMs within China. Check details in \url{https://cmedbenchmark.llmzoo.com/}

    Epistemological issues in the theory of Chinese medicine

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    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been criticized for being unscientific because the theory on which it is based involves entities like qi and ’meridians’ that appear ambiguous and because the internal ‘organs’ like the kidney and the spleen are very different from those of modern anatomy and physiology. Even more so, TCM methods of therapy based on the yin-yang principle, the model of the five elements, and the classification of illnesses according to standard constellations of symptoms (TCM “syndromes”) are largely unproven by the protocols of modern evidence-based medicine. This dissertation attempts to reconstruct TCM theory by: (a) providing explanations of TCM entities as abstractions and constructs that relate to observable body functions and illness symptoms and (b) interpreting TCM theory as comprising heuristic models that were constructed from clinical experience to fit empirical observations of illnesses and their treatments with herbal medications and acupuncture. It suggests that scientists should be less concerned with the ontological status of TCM entities and the epistemic credentials of TCM models than with the ability of these concepts and models to guide physicians in therapy. More importantly, it makes the argument that these models are testable using the methods of evidence-based medicine. There are methodological difficulties associated with randomized controlled trials partly because TCM treatments tend to be individualized and syndromes are dynamic in nature; observational trials may be more appropriate in some situations. It is also possible that, for patients who are more culturally attuned to TCM, the placebo effect is strongly at play and may render the real effects of TCM treatments harder to tease out in clinical trials. The dissertation concludes that the main postulates of TCM should be put to rigorous test. The result may be a leaner but more robust theory, with parts that do not stand up to the test being rejected or modified, and a possible acceptance of its more modest therapeutic claims for a limited range of pathological conditions like pain and chronic illnesses