86,294 research outputs found

    A Literature Review of Fraud Risk Management in Micro Finance Institutions in Ghana

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    Due to the recent financial crisis, micro finance institutions cannot afford to be indifferent to fraud risk management practices in the battle for survival, financial sustainability and self-sufficiency. Microfinance institutions serve some of the world’s most financially challenged population who otherwise would not have access to financial services. This paper is a theoretical study on effective fraud risk management in micro finance institutions in Ghana. The study adopts exploratory approach by reviewing and analyzing the views of scholars and practitioners in the area of fraud risk management. The research revealed that corrupt board of directors, senior management and employees, weak systems of internal control, policies and procedures, weak regulatory institutions, greed on the part of culprits, inadequate staffing, inadequate training and retraining, ineffective internal and external audit functions and a macro-economic environment that eulogises wealth irrespective of how it is made constitute aids to fraud in micro finance institutions in Ghana. The researchers recommend that microfinance institutions and Bank of Ghana must ensure the creation of a culture of transparency and integrity among staff members and clients; and educate clients on their rights and ensure there is a mechanism for whistle-blowing. Keywords: Fraud, Micro finance institutions, Ghana, Internal control, Audit

    Social technology and human health

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    human development, technology

    A review of US Army aircrew-aircraft integration research programs

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    If the U.S. Army's desire to develop a one crew version of the Light Helicopter Family (LHX) helicopter is to be realized, both flightpath management and mission management will have to be performed by one crew. Flightpath management, the helicopter pilot, and the handling qualities of the helicopter were discussed. In addition, mission management, the helicopter pilot, and pilot control/display interface were considered. Aircrew-aircraft integration plans and programs were reviewed

    Tackling the Global NCD Crisis: Innovations in Law and Governance

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    35 million people die annually of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), 80% of them in low- and middle-income countries—representing a marked epidemiological transition from infectious to chronic diseases and from richer to poorer countries. The total number of NCDs is projected to rise by 17% over the coming decade, absent significant interventions. The NCD epidemic poses unique governance challenges: the causes are multifactorial, the affected populations diffuse, and effective responses require sustained multi-sectorial cooperation. The authors propose a range of regulatory options available at the domestic level, including stricter food labeling laws, regulation of food advertisements, tax incentives for healthy lifestyle choices, changes to the built environment, and direct regulation of food and drink producers. Given the realities of globalization, such interventions require global cooperation. In 2011, the UN General Assembly held a High-level meeting on NCDs, setting a global target of a 25% reduction in premature mortality from NCDs by 2025. Yet concrete plans and resource commitments for reaching this goal are not yet in the offing, and the window is rapidly closing for achieving these targets through prevention--as opposed to treatment, which is more costly. Innovative global governance for health is urgently needed to engage private industry and civil society in the global response to the NCD crisis

    Multiple Interfaces of Big Pharma and the Change of Global Health Governance in the Face of HIV/AIDS

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    By using a game theoretical approach and the notion of “forum” or “regime shifting” this paper examines the multiple interfaces of the multinational pharmaceutical corporations (MNPCs) with their major counterparts at home and abroad, including the governments of the North and South, the international organizations and increasingly with national and international NGOs in the context of the spreading HIV/AIDS crisis. It shows how the execution of the MNPCs’ strategies led to significant reactions from other actors, which led to further moves and countermoves in a strategic battle between representatives of the North and the South in the global health arena.Multinational Pharmaceutical Corporations (MNPCs), HIV/AIDS, global health governance, pricing of ARVs;

    Diagnosis and management of antiretroviral-therapy failure in resource-limited settings in sub-Saharan Africa: challenges and perspectives.

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    Despite the enormous progress made in scaling up antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa, many challenges remain, not least of which are the identification and management of patients who have failed first-line therapy. Less than 3% of patients are receiving second-line treatment at present, whereas 15-25% of patients have detectable viral loads 12 months or more into treatment, of whom a substantial proportion might have virological failure. We discuss the reasons why virological ART failure is likely to be under-diagnosed in the routine health system, and address the current difficulties with standard recommended second-line ART regimens. The development of new diagnostic tools for ART failure, in particular a point-of-care HIV viral-load test, combined with simple and inexpensive second-line therapy, such as boosted protease-inhibitor monotherapy, could revolutionise the management of ART failure in resource-limited settings

    Crew station research and development facility training for the light helicopter demonstration/validation program

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    The U.S. Army Crew Station Research and Development Branch (CSRDB) of the Aircraft Simulation Division (AVSCOM) was tasked by the Light Helicopter Program Manager (LH-PM) to provide training to Army personnel in advanced aircraft simulation technology. The purpose of this training was to prepare different groups of pilots to support and evaluate two contractor simulation efforts during the Demonstration/Validation (DEM/VAL) phase of the LH program. The personnel in the CSRDB developed mission oriented training programs to accomplish the objectives, conduct the programs, and provide guidance to army personnel and support personnel throughout the DEM/VAL phase

    Aircrew-aircraft integration: A summary of US Army research programs and plans

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    A review of selected programs which illustrate the research efforts of the U.S. Army Aeromechanics Laboratory in the area of aircrew-aircraft integration is presented. Plans for research programs to support the development of future military rotorcraft are also described. The crew of a combat helicopter must, in general, perform two major functions during the conduct of a particular mission: flightpath control and mission management. Accordingly, the research programs described are being conducted in the same two major categories: (1) flightpath control, which encompasses the areas of handling qualities, stability and control, and displays for the pilot's control of the rotorcraft's flightpath, and (2) mission management, which includes human factors and cockpit integration research topics related to performance of navigation, communication, and aircraft systems management tasks

    U.S. Strategy for Rapid Scale-Up of ARV Treatment: Advocacy Issues and Concerns

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    Provides background on international developments concerning anti-retroviral drugs (ARV) and related U.S. policy, and summarizes the presentations and recommendations of representatives from organizations providing ARV treatment in developing countries

    Spartan Daily, October 1, 1985

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    Volume 85, Issue 23https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/7344/thumbnail.jp