12,042 research outputs found

    Adaptive Online Sequential ELM for Concept Drift Tackling

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    A machine learning method needs to adapt to over time changes in the environment. Such changes are known as concept drift. In this paper, we propose concept drift tackling method as an enhancement of Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM) and Constructive Enhancement OS-ELM (CEOS-ELM) by adding adaptive capability for classification and regression problem. The scheme is named as adaptive OS-ELM (AOS-ELM). It is a single classifier scheme that works well to handle real drift, virtual drift, and hybrid drift. The AOS-ELM also works well for sudden drift and recurrent context change type. The scheme is a simple unified method implemented in simple lines of code. We evaluated AOS-ELM on regression and classification problem by using concept drift public data set (SEA and STAGGER) and other public data sets such as MNIST, USPS, and IDS. Experiments show that our method gives higher kappa value compared to the multiclassifier ELM ensemble. Even though AOS-ELM in practice does not need hidden nodes increase, we address some issues related to the increasing of the hidden nodes such as error condition and rank values. We propose taking the rank of the pseudoinverse matrix as an indicator parameter to detect underfitting condition.Comment: Hindawi Publishing. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 8091267, 17 pages Received 29 January 2016, Accepted 17 May 2016. Special Issue on "Advances in Neural Networks and Hybrid-Metaheuristics: Theory, Algorithms, and Novel Engineering Applications". Academic Editor: Stefan Hauf

    A New Large Scale SVM for Classification of Imbalanced Evolving Streams

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    Classification from imbalanced evolving streams possesses a combined challenge of class imbalance and concept drift (CI-CD). However, the state of imbalance is dynamic, a kind of virtual concept drift. The imbalanced distributions and concept drift hinder the online learner’s performance as a combined or individual problem. A weighted hybrid online oversampling approach,”weighted online oversampling large scale support vector machine (WOOLASVM),” is proposed in this work to address this combined problem. The WOOLASVM is an SVM active learning approach with new boundary weighing strategies such as (i) dynamically oversampling the current boundary and (ii) dynamic weighing of the cost parameter of the SVM objective function. Thus at any time step, WOOLASVM maintains balanced class distributions so that the CI-CD problem does not hinder the online learner performance. Over extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world streams with the static and dynamic state of imbalance, the WOOLASVM exhibits better online classification performances than other state-of-the-art methods

    Large-Scale Online Semantic Indexing of Biomedical Articles via an Ensemble of Multi-Label Classification Models

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    Background: In this paper we present the approaches and methods employed in order to deal with a large scale multi-label semantic indexing task of biomedical papers. This work was mainly implemented within the context of the BioASQ challenge of 2014. Methods: The main contribution of this work is a multi-label ensemble method that incorporates a McNemar statistical significance test in order to validate the combination of the constituent machine learning algorithms. Some secondary contributions include a study on the temporal aspects of the BioASQ corpus (observations apply also to the BioASQ's super-set, the PubMed articles collection) and the proper adaptation of the algorithms used to deal with this challenging classification task. Results: The ensemble method we developed is compared to other approaches in experimental scenarios with subsets of the BioASQ corpus giving positive results. During the BioASQ 2014 challenge we obtained the first place during the first batch and the third in the two following batches. Our success in the BioASQ challenge proved that a fully automated machine-learning approach, which does not implement any heuristics and rule-based approaches, can be highly competitive and outperform other approaches in similar challenging contexts

    Deep Incremental Learning of Imbalanced Data for Just-In-Time Software Defect Prediction

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    This work stems from three observations on prior Just-In-Time Software Defect Prediction (JIT-SDP) models. First, prior studies treat the JIT-SDP problem solely as a classification problem. Second, prior JIT-SDP studies do not consider that class balancing processing may change the underlying characteristics of software changeset data. Third, only a single source of concept drift, the class imbalance evolution is addressed in prior JIT-SDP incremental learning models. We propose an incremental learning framework called CPI-JIT for JIT-SDP. First, in addition to a classification modeling component, the framework includes a time-series forecast modeling component in order to learn temporal interdependent relationship in the changesets. Second, the framework features a purposefully designed over-sampling balancing technique based on SMOTE and Principal Curves called SMOTE-PC. SMOTE-PC preserves the underlying distribution of software changeset data. In this framework, we propose an incremental deep neural network model called DeepICP. Via an evaluation using \numprojs software projects, we show that: 1) SMOTE-PC improves the model's predictive performance; 2) to some software projects it can be beneficial for defect prediction to harness temporal interdependent relationship of software changesets; and 3) principal curves summarize the underlying distribution of changeset data and reveals a new source of concept drift that the DeepICP model is proposed to adapt to

    Concept Drift Detection in Data Stream Mining: The Review of Contemporary Literature

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    Mining process such as classification, clustering of progressive or dynamic data is a critical objective of the information retrieval and knowledge discovery; in particular, it is more sensitive in data stream mining models due to the possibility of significant change in the type and dimensionality of the data over a period. The influence of these changes over the mining process termed as concept drift. The concept drift that depict often in streaming data causes unbalanced performance of the mining models adapted. Hence, it is obvious to boost the mining models to predict and analyse the concept drift to achieve the performance at par best. The contemporary literature evinced significant contributions to handle the concept drift, which fall in to supervised, unsupervised learning, and statistical assessment approaches. This manuscript contributes the detailed review of the contemporary concept-drift detection models depicted in recent literature. The contribution of the manuscript includes the nomenclature of the concept drift models and their impact of imbalanced data tuples

    Autoencoder-based Anomaly Detection in Streaming Data with Incremental Learning and Concept Drift Adaptation

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    In our digital universe nowadays, enormous amount of data are produced in a streaming manner in a variety of application areas. These data are often unlabelled. In this case, identifying infrequent events, such as anomalies, poses a great challenge. This problem becomes even more difficult in non-stationary environments, which can cause deterioration of the predictive performance of a model. To address the above challenges, the paper proposes an autoencoder-based incremental learning method with drift detection (strAEm++DD). Our proposed method strAEm++DD leverages on the advantages of both incremental learning and drift detection. We conduct an experimental study using real-world and synthetic datasets with severe or extreme class imbalance, and provide an empirical analysis of strAEm++DD. We further conduct a comparative study, showing that the proposed method significantly outperforms existing baseline and advanced methods.Comment: anomaly detection, concept drift, incremental anomaly detection, concept drift, incremental learning, autoencoders, data streams, class imbalance, nonstationary environment

    Online automated machine learning for class imbalanced data streams

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