5 research outputs found


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    Dalam proses pembelajaran yang menggunakan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) sebagai sarana utamanya, ketersediaan bahan ajar multimedia sangat dibutuhkan, salah satunya bahan ajar dalam bentuk video. Sementara para pengajar umumnya memiliki keterbatasan dalam menciptakan bahan ajar dalam bentuk video, baik keterbatasan keterampilan maupun sumber daya. Model pemanfaatan bahan ajar seperti Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs), Open Educational Resources (OER), dan Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) telah diusulkan oleh para peneliti sebelumnya untuk membantu memperoleh bahan ajar, tetapi model tersebut umumnya menyediakan bahan ajar yang diperoleh dari lembaga-lembaga pendidikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangan framework mobile cloud computing dalam mobile learning system  untuk menciptakan sebuah sistem yang dapat membantu pengajar dalam memperoleh bahan ajar video dari situs penyedia video seperti Youtube, Dailymotion, Showme, Vimeo dan lain-lain untuk pembelajaran tingkat dasar, menengah, atas dan perguruan tinggi. Metode yang digunakan ialah Mobile Development Life Cycle (MDLC). Hasil implementasi framework telah terbukti dapat menyediakan bahan ajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Para pengajar dari beberapa universitas, Hasil pengujian aplikasi cloud menunjukkan 79,5%, sedangkan hasil pengujian fungsional 75,65% dan pengujian expert 81,5% keseluruhan hasil pengujian menujukan  bahwa hasil implementasi framework tersebut dapat menyediakan bahan ajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi mobile learning berbasis cloud ini mampu memberikan manfaat kepada siswa dalam menyediakan video pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa

    Bilingual subtitles for second-language acquisition and application to engineering education as learning pills

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    This paper introduces the concept of bilingual subtitles, a kind of captioning in which a pair ofsubtitles (in the mother tongue, L1, and second language, L2) is shown at the same time on the screen. The aim ofdual subtitles is to help the final user in different learning processes, due to the fact that several capacities(listening, reading, and matching) are exercised at the same time by the learner while watching dual-captionedmedia. The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, it presents DualSub, an open source desktop tool aimed tocreate bilingual subtitles. Second, a descriptive study was designed and executed to evaluate the extent to whichbilingual subtitles are perceived by final users in the incidental vocabulary knowledge of a second language. Third,an experimental case study in which dual subtitles were used in the engineering education arena was carried out.The results of these surveys confirm that bilingual subtitles are perceived as useful in the different dimensions ofthe incidental vocabulary learning process (form, meaning, use) and are also helpful when applied to theeducational domain (deliberate learning)

    An application framework for the systematic construction of multimedia-based Collaborative Complex Learning Resources

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    Aquest treball de tesi proposa aportar una infraestructura de programari per donar suport a nous tipus de metodologies i recursos d'aprenentatge col·laboratiu augmentats pedagògicament i a través d'una plataforma d'aplicació innovadora anomenada Plataforma de Virtualització de Sessions Col·laboratives (VCSF de l'angles Virtualized Collaborative Sessions Framework). El VCSF ajuda a satisfer els requisits pedagògics exigents de l'aprenentatge col·laboratiu en línia d’avui en dia, com ara augmentar la participació de l'estudiant i millorar el rendiment de l'aprenentatge durant la col·laboració. Al seu torn, l'aplicació sistemàtica de la plataforma VCSF, enriquida amb tecnologies semàntiques, permet als desenvolupadors d'e-learning aprofitar experiències d'aprenentatge col·laboratiu prèvies a través de la reutilització de programari, estalviant temps de desenvolupament i esforç. La plataforma ha sigut prototipada i provada amb èxit en entorns reals, el que demostra la capacitat de reutilització del programari i els beneficis pedagògics de l'enfocament VCSF.Este trabajo de tesis propone aportar una infraestructura de software para apoyar a nuevos tipos de metodologías y recursos de aprendizaje colaborativo aumentados pedagógicamente ya través de una plataforma de aplicación innovadora llamada Plataforma de Virtualización de Sesiones Colaborativa (VCSF del inglés Virtualized Collaborative Sessions Framework). El VCSF ayuda a satisfacer los requisitos pedagógicos exigentes del aprendizaje colaborativo en línea de hoy en día, tales como aumentar la participación del estudiante y mejorar el rendimiento del aprendizaje durante la colaboración. A su vez, la aplicación sistemática de la plataforma VCSF, enriquecida con tecnologías semánticas, permite a los desarrolladores de e-learning aprovechar experiencias de aprendizaje colaborativo previas a través de la reutilización de software, ahorrando tiempo de desarrollo y esfuerzo. La plataforma ha sido prototipada y probada con éxito en entornos reales, lo que demuestra la capacidad de reutilización del software y los beneficios pedagógicos del enfoque VCSF.This thesis project aims to provide a software infrastructure to support new types of pedagogically augmented collaborative learning methodologies and resources by means of an innovative application framework called Virtualized Collaborative Sessions Framework (VCSF). The VCSF helps meet challenging pedagogical requirements in online collaborative learning, such as increasing students' engagement and learning performance during the collaboration. In turn, the systematic application of the VCSF platform, enriched with semantic technologies, enables e-learning developers to leverage successful collaborative learning experiences through software reuse, saving in both development time and effort. The framework has been prototyped and successfully tested in real environments, thus showing the software reuse capability and the pedagogical benefits of the VCSF approach

    Perfis e práticas de integração do multimédia por professores de ciências: contributos para a construção de um espaço de afinidade

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    A plataforma online "mCiências" é um espaço de afinidade, resultado do projeto "Multimédia no ensino das Ciências: cinco anos de investigação e ensino em Portugal". um espaço de afinidade sobre multimédia para professores de ciências. Esta plataforma possui uma rede social interna, onde os professores de ciências podem partilhar diferentes experiências educativas. Esta plataforma enquadra-se no contexto de aprendizagem social, onde pessoas com interesses em comum podem-se reunir e formar uma comunidade participativa e colaborativa, que se enquadra no conceito de um espaço de afinidade. No entanto, o mCiências carece de uma comunidade ativa e sustentada, sendo esta falta de envolvimento um dos principais motivos que leva à decadência de uma comunidade online. Foram tomadas medidas para tornar o mCiências mais dinâmico, através de uma reestruturação visual e da produção de cinco vídeos que demonstram os diferentes aspetos da plataforma. De modo a perceber o perfil de professores que melhor se relacionam com o mCiências, foram entrevistados seis professores na área das ciências através de um método de pesquisa qualitativa. Os resultados demonstram que os professores na sua maioria têm um grande foco na integração de tecnologias multimédia no ensino, e a forma como operacionalizam estas ferramentas são bastante diversificadas. Diversos professores foram ainda convidados a participarem na plataforma, sendo desenvolvido um tutorial sobre o processo de publicação do mCiências. Deve-se ainda salientar a preocupação que é a credibilidade da informação online, e por isso os conteúdos carecem de ser revistos e validados. Alguns autores sugerem alguns critérios para este processo que avaliam a qualidade da informação, nomeadamente a precisão, estabilidade, objetividade e validação dos recursos partilhados.The online platform "mCiências" is an affinity space that resulted from the project "Multimedia in science teaching: five years of research and teaching in Portugal". In this platform science teachers can share different educational experiences and multimedia resources, that fit in the context of social learning, where people with common interests can gather and form a participatory and collaborative community, which fits the concept of an affinity space. However, mCiências lacks and active and sustained community, this lack of involvement being one of the main reasons that lead to the decline of an online community. Measures were taken to make mCiências more dynamic, through a visual restructuring and the production of five videos that demonstrate the different aspects of the platform. To understand the teacher's profile who best relates to mCiências, six science teachers were interviewed using a qualitative research method. The results show that most of the teachers have a great focus on the integration of multimedia technologies in teaching, and how they operate these tools is quite diverse. Several teachers were also invited to participate in the platform, and a tutorial was developed about the publication process in mCiências. It should also be highlighted the concern about the credibility of online information, and therefore the contents need to be reviewed and validated. Some authors suggest some criteria for this process that evaluate the quality of the information, namely the precision, stability, objectivity, and validation of the shared resources

    A Systematic Review of Multimedia Resources to Support Teaching and Learning in Virtual Environments

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