4 research outputs found

    Experimental validation of COMETA model of mental workload in air traffic control

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    The sustained increase in air traffic during the last decades represents a challenge to the air traffic management system in general. Thus, it is of utmost importance to develop strategies that can safely increase air traffic controller's handling capacity without increasing task related strain. This research proposes and validates a predictive model of air traffic controller's mental workload. Our model is based on COMETA, a model that considers the effect of the most relevant air traffic events in the cognitive complexity of the task. In the version of COMETA used in this study we include the online effects of the controllers' actions on the state of the airspace. To validate the model, a laboratory experiment was conducted using a simulator to precisely control the task workload factors. We used traffic density and airspace complexity as experimental factors because they are the most commonly acknowledged sources of mental workload in air traffic control literature. The measured dependent variables were selected because they have been found to correlate with mental workload in ATC tasks, namely, ISA and NASA indexes, electrodermal activity, heart rate, and different performance measures. The results demonstrate that our model can successfully predict air traffic controllers' mental workload across a wide range of task workload conditions. In addition, our results provide a clear portrait of the complex interactions between the different sources of task workload and their effects on mental workload. In the conclusion we consider the limitations and opportunities for the application of this model to improve policie

    iMind: Uma ferramenta inteligente para suporte de compreensão de conteúdo

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    Usually while reading, content comprehension difficulty affects individual performance. Comprehension difficulties, e. g., could lead to a slow learning process, lower work quality, and inefficient decision-making. This thesis introduces an intelligent tool called “iMind” which uses wearable devices (e.g., smartwatches) to evaluate user comprehension difficulties and engagement levels while reading digital content. Comprehension difficulty can occur when there are not enough mental resources available for mental processing. The mental resource for mental processing is the cognitive load (CL). Fluctuations of CL lead to physiological manifestation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which can be measured by wearables, like smartwatches. ANS manifestations are, e. g., an increase in heart rate. With low-cost eye trackers, it is possible to correlate content regions to the measurements of ANS manifestation. In this sense, iMind uses a smartwatch and an eye tracker to identify comprehension difficulty at content regions level (where the user is looking). The tool uses machine learning techniques to classify content regions as difficult or non-difficult based on biometric and non-biometric features. The tool classified regions with a 75% accuracy and 80% f-score with Linear regression (LR). With the classified regions, it will be possible, in the future, to create contextual support for the reader in real-time by, e.g., translating the sentences that induced comprehension difficulty.Normalmente durante a leitura, a dificuldade de compreensão pode afetar o desempenho da leitura. A dificuldade de compreensão pode levar a um processo de aprendizagem mais lento, menor qualidade de trabalho ou uma ineficiente tomada de decisão. Esta tese apresenta uma ferramenta inteligente chamada “iMind” que usa dispositivos vestíveis (por exemplo, smartwatches) para avaliar a dificuldade de compreensão do utilizador durante a leitura de conteúdo digital. A dificuldade de compreensão pode ocorrer quando não há recursos mentais disponíveis suficientes para o processamento mental. O recurso usado para o processamento mental é a carga cognitiva (CL). As flutuações de CL levam a manifestações fisiológicas do sistema nervoso autônomo (ANS), manifestações essas, que pode ser medido por dispositivos vestíveis, como smartwatches. As manifestações do ANS são, por exemplo, um aumento da frequência cardíaca. Com eye trackers de baixo custo, é possível correlacionar manifestação do ANS com regiões do texto, por exemplo. Neste sentido, a ferramenta iMind utiliza um smartwatch e um eye tracker para identificar dificuldades de compreensão em regiões de conteúdo (para onde o utilizador está a olhar). Adicionalmente a ferramenta usa técnicas de machine learning para classificar regiões de conteúdo como difíceis ou não difíceis com base em features biométricos e não biométricos. A ferramenta classificou regiões com uma precisão de 75% e f-score de 80% usando regressão linear (LR). Com a classificação das regiões em tempo real, será possível, no futuro, criar suporte contextual para o leitor em tempo real onde, por exemplo, as frases que induzem dificuldade de compreensão são traduzidas

    A Systematic Method for Preprocessing and Analyzing Electrodermal Activity

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    Electrodermal activity (EDA) is a measure of sympathetic tone using sweat gland activity that has applications in research and clinical medicine. We previously identified never-before-seen statistical structure in EDA. However, there is no systematic method to preprocess and analyze EDA data to capture such statistical structure. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the data of two healthy volunteers while awake and at rest. We used a systematic process that takes advantage of the tail behavior of various statistical distributions to ensure capturing the point process structure in EDA. We verified the presence of this temporal structure in a new dataset of subjects. Our results demonstrate for the first time that point process structure of EDA pulses can be identified across multiple datasets using a systematic method that is still rooted in the underlying physiology

    A Systematic Method for Preprocessing and Analyzing Electrodermal Activity

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    Electrodermal activity (EDA) is a measure of sympathetic tone using sweat gland activity that has applications in research and clinical medicine. We previously identified never-before-seen statistical structure in EDA. However, there is no systematic method to preprocess and analyze EDA data to capture such statistical structure. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the data of two healthy volunteers while awake and at rest. We used a systematic process that takes advantage of the tail behavior of various statistical distributions to ensure capturing the point process structure in EDA. We verified the presence of this temporal structure in a new dataset of subjects. Our results demonstrate for the first time that point process structure of EDA pulses can be identified across multiple datasets using a systematic method that is still rooted in the underlying physiology