13 research outputs found

    Investigating Critical Success Factors of Project Management in Global Software Development: A Work in Progress

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    Global software development (GSD) business model has gained recognition over the years for achieving competitiveness in the global market. However, its implementation is not easy due to its complex nature and the various challenges it faces. Project management is a vital area in software development with significant impact to the GSD process. Companies adopt GSD without knowing its implications which lead to failure of their project management processes. Existing project management practises do not address the core issues of GSD, which makes the process more intricate. This research paper investigates the project management practices in GSD and identifies its critical success factors with the development of a framework that will facilitate software companies to implement GSD successfull

    A Mapping Study of scientific merit of papers, which subject are web applications test techniques, considering their validity threats

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    Progress in software engineering requires (1) more empirical studies of quality, (2) increased focus on synthesizing evidence, (3) more theories to be built and tested, and (4) the validity of the experiment is directly related with the level of confidence in the process of experimental investigation. This paper presents the results of a qualitative and quantitative classification of the threats to the validity of software engineering experiments comprising a total of 92 articles published in the period 2001-2015, dealing with software testing of Web applications. Our results show that 29.4% of the analyzed articles do not mention any threats to validity, 44.2% do it briefly, and 14% do it judiciously; that leaves a question: these studies have scientific value

    System of Systems Lifecycle Management: A New Concept Based on Process Engineering Methodologies

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    In order to tackle interoperability issues of large-scale automation systems, SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) principles, where information exchange is manifested by systems providing and consuming services, have already been introduced. However, the deployment, operation, and maintenance of an extensive SoS (System of Systems) mean enormous challenges for system integrators as well as network and service operators. The existing lifecycle management approaches do not cover all aspects of SoS management; therefore, an integrated solution is required. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new lifecycle approach, namely the SoSLM (System of Systems Lifecycle Management). This paper first provides an in-depth description and comparison of the most relevant process engineering methodologies and ITSM (Information Technology Service Management) frameworks, and how they affect various lifecycle management strategies. The paper’s novelty strives to introduce an Industry 4.0-compatible PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) model and to extend it to cover SoS management-related issues on well-known process engineering methodologies. The presented methodologies are adapted to the PLM model, thus creating the recommended SoSLM model. This is supported by demonstrations of how the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) applications and services can be developed and handled. Accordingly, complete implementation and integration are presented based on the proposed SoSLM model, using the Arrowhead framework that is available for IIoT SoS. View Full-Tex

    Proposing And Design a Model to Develop the Global Virtual Team (GVT) Performance in Global Software Development (GSD)

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    The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), globalization of software, search for an abundance of cost and time, and improving the quality of the developed product, these factors helped to grow the use of Global Virtual Teams (GVTs) in Global Software Development (GSD). This enabled software companies to adopt the GSD approach by using GVTs as an alternative to the centralized approach in the development process. Despite the benefits and advantages of this approach, it is affected by a set of challenges that affect the performance of GVTs which must be identified and considered. This paper aims to design a proposed model for developing the performance of (GVTs) in (GSD) by identifying the challenges affecting performance. The model will help workers in this field to work effectively by knowing all the challenges that they will face. The challenges are identified by reviewing the literature and analyzing related research content and then collecting it in the proposed model. To verify the validity of the components of the proposed model an expert questionnaire is conducted and the target group (13) experts in (GSD) using (GVTs). The results are analyzed using the statistical package for Social Sciences (spss) and came out positive in favor of The proposed model by (91.165)%

    An approach to the study of competence in web systems development in the training of computer professionals

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    Recepción: 14 de abril de 2017 | Aceptado: 30 junio de 2017Correspondencia: Luis Ocaña| Correo-e: [email protected] | ORCID: 0000-0001-6440-0167Las competencias profesionales es uno de los temas más polémicos en el orden psicológico y didáctico pues constituyen el enlace fundamental entre la formación universitaria y las organizaciones empleadoras. En este artículo se aborda una de las competencias del profesional informático que más necesita en los procesos de informatización actual: el desarrollo de sistemas web. El primer acápite se dedica a la actividad de desarrollo de estos sistemas para caracterizarla, en el segundo se devela la estructura de la competencia y se define.Professional skills are one of the most controversial issues in the psychological and didactic order as they constitute the fundamental link between university training and employing organizations. This article addresses one of the competencies of the computer professional most needed in the current computerization process: the development of web systems. The first section is devoted to the development activity of these systems to characterize it, while in the second, the structure of the competency is unveiled presented and defined.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Social. Proyecto de Innovación Docente ReiDoCre

    Client-Vendor Collaboration in Information Technology Development Projects And Its Emerging Outcomes

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    This study investigates the key dimensions of IT project collaboration and its outcomes. We conceptualized key dimensions of client-vendor collaboration, and its emerging outcomes based on literature reviews. Then, we proposed a new research framework that links IT development processes to IT project client-vendor collaboration which in turn affects the outcomes of IT project. We examined the key dimensions of IT project collaboration and their impacts on project outcomes. We identified four critical IT development processes and technologies that contribute to the development of project collaboration. Our results include: (1) Coordination practices and technologies (such as communication quality and coordination technology) significantly influence the effectiveness of IT development.; (2) IT project collaboration can be conceptualized as consisting of two related but distinct constructs: cooperation structure and joint development; (3) IT development processes jointly influence the formation and the development of IT project collaboration. We also found that knowledge-sharing activities significantly improve the usage level of the iterative requirement generation process. (4) Different collaboration behaviors as indicated by IT project collaboration constructs affect two types of outcomes: project performance outcomes and emerging outcomes. IT project collaboration significantly improve both the emerging outcomes (such as team cultivation and relational outcomes) and performance outcomes (time, schedule and functionality). (5) Trust fully mediates the effect of cooperation structure on performance outcomes; suggesting that common rules and structures cannot directly benefit project performance without members’ believing in those rules and agreements. Through IT project collaboration, IT vendors can achieve not only traditional project outcomes but also emerging outcomes such as team cultivation and client-vendor relationship building. The relationships among IT development processes and technologies, project collaboration, and the outcomes of project collaboration are much more complex and dynamic than what the extant literature has portrayed. Multiple factors jointly influence the processes of IT development. Different patterns of client-vendor collaboration also affect the outcomes of the project, in addition, the trust level between the vendor and the client plays a major role in mediating the relationship between client-vendor collaboration and project performance

    Organization Global Software Development Challenges of Software Product Quality

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    Leaders of global software development (GSD) processes in organizations have been confronting low software product quality. Managers of these processes have faced challenges that have been affecting customer satisfaction and that have resulted in negative social impacts on public safety, business financial performance, and global economic stability. The purpose of this qualitative exploratory multiple case study was to discover a common understanding shared by managers in Canadian GSD organizations of how to meet software product quality goals and enhance customer satisfaction. The conceptual framework for the study was based on Deming\u27s 14 principles of quality management. The purposeful sample included 30 knowledgeable participants who worked in Canada as GSD managers. Semistructured interviews conducted through telephone and audioconference tools, along with the review of related documents, were used to gather data. Eight themes emerged from the data analysis: developing a clear purpose and work principles, improving processes and employee skills, developing adequate personnel management strategies, promoting autonomy and personal worker development, formulating life cycle and development techniques, identifying challenges, formulating solutions, and focusing on product quality. The research findings have implications for positively influencing social change through the provision of methods and process knowledge to GSD organizational leaders. This information consists of best management and industry practices that can be applied to achieve software product quality and customer satisfaction, create management systems, maintain a competitive advantage, and prevent global software development project failures

    A framework for active software engineering ontology

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    The passive structure of ontologies results in the ineffectiveness to access and manage the knowledge captured in them. This research has developed a framework for active Software Engineering Ontology based on a multi-agent system. It assists software development teams to effectively access, manage and share software engineering knowledge as well as project information to enable effective and efficient communication and coordination among teams. The framework has been evaluated through the prototype system as proof-of-concept experiments