927 research outputs found

    Lambda theories of effective lambda models

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    A longstanding open problem is whether there exists a non-syntactical model of untyped lambda-calculus whose theory is exactly the least equational lambda-theory (=Lb). In this paper we make use of the Visser topology for investigating the more general question of whether the equational (resp. order) theory of a non syntactical model M, say Eq(M) (resp. Ord(M)) can be recursively enumerable (= r.e. below). We conjecture that no such model exists and prove the conjecture for several large classes of models. In particular we introduce a notion of effective lambda-model and show that for all effective models M, Eq(M) is different from Lb, and Ord(M) is not r.e. If moreover M belongs to the stable or strongly stable semantics, then Eq(M) is not r.e. Concerning Scott's continuous semantics we explore the class of (all) graph models, show that it satisfies Lowenheim Skolem theorem, that there exists a minimum order/equational graph theory, and that both are the order/equ theories of an effective graph model. We deduce that no graph model can have an r.e. order theory, and also show that for some large subclasses, the same is true for Eq(M).Comment: 15 pages, accepted CSL'0

    Towards an embedding of Graph Transformation in Intuitionistic Linear Logic

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    Linear logics have been shown to be able to embed both rewriting-based approaches and process calculi in a single, declarative framework. In this paper we are exploring the embedding of double-pushout graph transformations into quantified linear logic, leading to a Curry-Howard style isomorphism between graphs and transformations on one hand, formulas and proof terms on the other. With linear implication representing rules and reachability of graphs, and the tensor modelling parallel composition of graphs and transformations, we obtain a language able to encode graph transformation systems and their computations as well as reason about their properties

    Classical logic, continuation semantics and abstract machines

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    One of the goals of this paper is to demonstrate that denotational semantics is useful for operational issues like implementation of functional languages by abstract machines. This is exemplified in a tutorial way by studying the case of extensional untyped call-by-name λ-calculus with Felleisen's control operator 𝒞. We derive the transition rules for an abstract machine from a continuation semantics which appears as a generalization of the ¬¬-translation known from logic. The resulting abstract machine appears as an extension of Krivine's machine implementing head reduction. Though the result, namely Krivine's machine, is well known our method of deriving it from continuation semantics is new and applicable to other languages (as e.g. call-by-value variants). Further new results are that Scott's D∞-models are all instances of continuation models. Moreover, we extend our continuation semantics to Parigot's λμ-calculus from which we derive an extension of Krivine's machine for λμ-calculus. The relation between continuation semantics and the abstract machines is made precise by proving computational adequacy results employing an elegant method introduced by Pitts

    A Theory of Explicit Substitutions with Safe and Full Composition

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    Many different systems with explicit substitutions have been proposed to implement a large class of higher-order languages. Motivations and challenges that guided the development of such calculi in functional frameworks are surveyed in the first part of this paper. Then, very simple technology in named variable-style notation is used to establish a theory of explicit substitutions for the lambda-calculus which enjoys a whole set of useful properties such as full composition, simulation of one-step beta-reduction, preservation of beta-strong normalisation, strong normalisation of typed terms and confluence on metaterms. Normalisation of related calculi is also discussed.Comment: 29 pages Special Issue: Selected Papers of the Conference "International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming 2008" edited by Giuseppe Castagna and Igor Walukiewic

    On the foundations of functional programming : a programmer's point of view

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    Effective lambda-models vs recursively enumerable lambda-theories

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    A longstanding open problem is whether there exists a non syntactical model of the untyped lambda-calculus whose theory is exactly the least lambda-theory (l-beta). In this paper we investigate the more general question of whether the equational/order theory of a model of the (untyped) lambda-calculus can be recursively enumerable (r.e. for brevity). We introduce a notion of effective model of lambda-calculus calculus, which covers in particular all the models individually introduced in the literature. We prove that the order theory of an effective model is never r.e.; from this it follows that its equational theory cannot be l-beta or l-beta-eta. We then show that no effective model living in the stable or strongly stable semantics has an r.e. equational theory. Concerning Scott's semantics, we investigate the class of graph models and prove that no order theory of a graph model can be r.e., and that there exists an effective graph model whose equational/order theory is minimum among all theories of graph models. Finally, we show that the class of graph models enjoys a kind of downwards Lowenheim-Skolem theorem.Comment: 34

    Towards Correctness of Program Transformations Through Unification and Critical Pair Computation

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    Correctness of program transformations in extended lambda calculi with a contextual semantics is usually based on reasoning about the operational semantics which is a rewrite semantics. A successful approach to proving correctness is the combination of a context lemma with the computation of overlaps between program transformations and the reduction rules, and then of so-called complete sets of diagrams. The method is similar to the computation of critical pairs for the completion of term rewriting systems. We explore cases where the computation of these overlaps can be done in a first order way by variants of critical pair computation that use unification algorithms. As a case study we apply the method to a lambda calculus with recursive let-expressions and describe an effective unification algorithm to determine all overlaps of a set of transformations with all reduction rules. The unification algorithm employs many-sorted terms, the equational theory of left-commutativity modelling multi-sets, context variables of different kinds and a mechanism for compactly representing binding chains in recursive let-expressions.Comment: In Proceedings UNIF 2010, arXiv:1012.455