9 research outputs found

    A correct, precise and efficient integration of set-sharing, freeness and linearity for the analysis of finite and rational tree languages

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    It is well known that freeness and linearity information positively interact with aliasing information, allowing both the precision and the efficiency of the sharing analysis of logic programs to be improved. In this paper, we present a novel combination of set-sharing with freeness and linearity information, which is characterized by an improved abstract unification operator. We provide a new abstraction function and prove the correctness of the analysis for both the finite tree and the rational tree cases. Moreover, we show that the same notion of redundant information as identified in Bagnara et al. (2000) and Zaffanella et al. (2002) also applies to this abstract domain combination: this allows for the implementation of an abstract unification operator running in polynomial time and achieving the same precision on all the considered observable properties

    Enhanced sharing analysis techniques: a comprehensive evaluation

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    Sharing, an abstract domain developed by D. Jacobs and A. Langen for the analysis of logic programs, derives useful aliasing information. It is well-known that a commonly used core of techniques, such as the integration of Sharing with freeness and linearity information, can significantly improve the precision of the analysis. However, a number of other proposals for refined domain combinations have been circulating for years. One feature that is common to these proposals is that they do not seem to have undergone a thorough experimental evaluation even with respect to the expected precision gains. In this paper we experimentally evaluate: helping Sharing with the definitely ground variables found using Pos, the domain of positive Boolean formulas; the incorporation of explicit structural information; a full implementation of the reduced product of Sharing and Pos; the issue of reordering the bindings in the computation of the abstract mgu; an original proposal for the addition of a new mode recording the set of variables that are deemed to be ground or free; a refined way of using linearity to improve the analysis; the recovery of hidden information in the combination of Sharing with freeness information. Finally, we discuss the issue of whether tracking compoundness allows the computation of more sharing information

    Exploiting Linearity in Sharing Analysis of Object-oriented Programs

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    AbstractWe propose a new sharing analysis of object-oriented programs based on abstract interpretation. Two variables share when they are bound to data structures which overlap. We show that sharing analysis can greatly benefit from linearity analysis. We propose a combined domain including aliasing, linearity and sharing information. We use a graph-based representation of aliasing information which naturally encodes sharing and linearity information, and define all the necessary operators for the analysis of a Java-like language

    Effectiveness of abstract interpretation in automatic parallelization: a case study in logic programming

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    We report on a detailed study of the application and effectiveness of program analysis based on abstract interpretation to automatic program parallelization. We study the case of parallelizing logic programs using the notion of strict independence. We first propose and prove correct a methodology for the application in the parallelization task of the information inferred by abstract interpretation, using a parametric domain. The methodology is generic in the sense of allowing the use of different analysis domains. A number of well-known approximation domains are then studied and the transformation into the parametric domain defined. The transformation directly illustrates the relevance and applicability of each abstract domain for the application. Both local and global analyzers are then built using these domains and embedded in a complete parallelizing compiler. Then, the performance of the domains in this context is assessed through a number of experiments. A comparatively wide range of aspects is studied, from the resources needed by the analyzers in terms of time and memory to the actual benefits obtained from the information inferred. Such benefits are evaluated both in terms of the characteristics of the parallelized code and of the actual speedups obtained from it. The results show that data flow analysis plays an important role in achieving efficient parallelizations, and that the cost of such analysis can be reasonable even for quite sophisticated abstract domains. Furthermore, the results also offer significant insight into the characteristics of the domains, the demands of the application, and the trade-offs involved

    Soundness, idempotence and commutativity of set-sharing

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    It is important that practical data-flow analyzers are backed by reliably proven theoretical results. Abstract interpretation provides a sound mathematical framework and necessary generic properties for an abstract domain to be well-defined and sound with respect to the concrete semantics. In logic programming, the abstract domain Sharing is a standard choice for sharing analysis for both practical work and further theoretical study. In spite of this, we found that there were no satisfactory proofs for the key properties of commutativity and idempotence that are essential for Sharing to be well-defined and that published statements of the soundness of Sharing assume the occurs-check. This paper provides a generalization of the abstraction function for Sharing that can be applied to any language, with or without the occurs-check. Results for soundness, idempotence and commutativity for abstract unification using this abstraction function are proven

    Optimality in Goal-Dependent Analysis of Sharing

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    We face the problems of correctness, optimality and precision for the static analysis of logic programs, using the theory of abstract interpretation. We propose a framework with a denotational, goal-dependent semantics equipped with two unification operators for forward unification (calling a procedure) and backward unification (returning from a procedure). The latter is implemented through a matching operation. Our proposal clarifies and unifies many different frameworks and ideas on static analysis of logic programming in a single, formal setting. On the abstract side, we focus on the domain Sharing by Jacobs and Langen and provide the best correct approximation of all the primitive semantic operators, namely, projection, renaming, forward and backward unification. We show that the abstract unification operators are strictly more precise than those in the literature defined over the same abstract domain. In some cases, our operators are more precise than those developed for more complex domains involving linearity and freeness. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP