668 research outputs found

    Data-driven, metaheuristic-based off-grid microgrid capacity planning optimisation and scenario analysis: Insights from a case study of Aotea-Great Barrier Island

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    Small privately-purchased off-grid renewable energy systems (RESs) are increasingly used for energy generation in remote areas. However, such privately-purchased stand-alone RESs are often unaffordable for households with lower incomes. While considerable attention has been devoted to a range of off-grid microgrid sizing methods, leveraging the potential of data-driven, artificial intelligence-based metaheuristic optimisation algorithms is less well-explored. Importantly, data-driven metaheuristics have the potential to produce the nearest solution to the globally optimum solution in microgrid sizing applications, which have been recognised as non-deterministic, polynomial time-hard (NP-hard) problems. Furthermore, there is a general lack of electrified transportation interventions considered during long-term grid-independent microgrid planning phases. In response, this paper introduces a novel metaheuristic-based strategic off-grid microgrid capacity planning optimisation model that is applicable to associated integrated energy and e-mobility resource plans. The formulated general off-grid microgrid sizing model is solved using a competitively selected state-of-the-art metaheuristic, namely moth-flame optimisation. To test the effectiveness of the proposed model, three independent microgrid development projects have been considered for three communities residing on Aotea-Great Barrier Island, namely Tryphena, Medlands, and Mulberry Grove. The sites of interest have different demand profiles and renewable energy potentials, with consequent changes in the technologies considered in the associate candidate pools.Comment: Electricity Engineers' Association (EEA) Conference 2022, Hamilton, New Zealand, 19-21 September 202

    A Review on Optimization of Microgrid for Rural Electrification

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    Microgrids are a good technique for applying clean and renewable energy by 2030. Goal 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals calls for the improvement of energy operations. Since the majority of people in rural areas lack access to power, rural electrification is extremely difficult. Currently, more than two billion people lack access to energy, which affects their living conditions. A billion people throughout the globe still do not have access to power, making economic progress impossible. Many individuals live in remote, rural areas that are not connected to the national grid. Optimization techniques by offering an analytical framework may play a crucial part in this advancement. Achieve a wide range of economic, social, and environmental goals that are bound by budget, resources, local population statistics, and other considerations. This paper has been divided into basically two subsections. In section one, we begin by compiling. It gives an overview of the microgrid concept and its properties and presents important reviews of the literature on common microgrids and their remote operation localization of electricity in section second we compile various optimization methods of a microgrid. After that, we compile combining intelligent optimization algorithms with adaptive techniques Each issue type is discussed in detail, with a categorization system based on the problem's goal, suggested solution approach, components, size, and area. Finally, we identify upcoming research issues for microgrid improvement

    Multi-objective optimal power resources planning of microgrids with high penetration of intermittent nature generation and modern storage systems

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    Microgrids are self-controlled entities at the distribution voltage level that interconnect distributed energy resources (DERs) with loads and can be operated in either grid-connected or islanded mode. This type of active distribution network has evolved as a powerful concept to guarantee a reliable, efficient and sustainable electricity delivery as part of the power systems of the future. However, benefits of microgrids, such as the ancillary services (AS) provision, are not possible to be properly exploited before traditional planning methodologies are updated. Therefore, in this doctoral thesis, a named Probabilistic Multi-objective Microgrid Planning methodology with two versions, POMMP and POMMP2, is proposed for effective decision-making on the optimal allocation of DERs and topology definition under the paradigm of microgrids with capacity for providing AS to the main power grid. The methodologies are defined to consider a mixed generation matrix with dispatchable and non-dispatchable technologies, as well as, distributed energy storage systems and both conventional and power-electronic-based operation configurations. The planning methodologies are formulated based on a so-called true-multi-objective optimization problem with a configurable set of three objective functions. Accordingly, the capacity to supply AS is optimally enhanced with the maximization of the available active residual power in grid-connected operation mode; the capital, maintenance, and operation costs of microgrid are minimized, while the revenues from the services provision and participation on liberalized markets are maximized in a cost function; and the active power losses in microgrid´s operation are minimized. Furthermore, a probabilistic technique based on the simulation of parameters from their probabilistic density function and Monte Carlo Simulation is adopted to model the stochastic behavior of the non-dispatchable renewable generation resources and load demand as the main sources of uncertainties in the planning of microgrids. Additionally, POMMP2 methodology particularly enhances the proposal in POMMP by modifying the methodology and optimization model to consider the optimal planning of microgrid's topology with the allocation of DERs simultaneously. In this case, the concept of networked microgrid is contemplated, and a novel holistic approach is proposed to include a multilevel graph-partitioning technique and subsequent iterative heuristic optimization for the optimal formation of clusters in the topology planning and DERs allocation process. This microgrid planning problem leads to a complex non-convex mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem with multiple contradictory objective functions, decision variables, and diverse constraint conditions. Accordingly, the optimization problem in the proposed POMMP/POMMP2 methodologies is conceived to be solved using multi-objective population-based metaheuristics, which gives rise to the adaptation and performance assessment of two existing optimization algorithms, the well-known Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGAII) and the Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition (MOEA/D). Furthermore, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is tested and proposed for the multi-criteria decision-making in the last step of the planning methodologies. The POMMP and POMMP2 methodologies are tested in a 69-bus and 37-bus medium voltage distribution network, respectively. Results show the benefits of an a posteriori decision making with the true-multi-objective approach as well as a time-dependent planning methodology. Furthermore, the results from a more comprehensive planning strategy in POMMP2 revealed the benefits of a holistic planning methodology, where different planning tasks are optimally and simultaneously addressed to offer better planning results.Las microrredes son entes autocontrolados que operan en media o baja tensión, interconectan REDs con las cargas y pueden ser operadas ya sea en modo conectado a la red o modo isla. Este tipo de red activa de distribución ha evolucionado como un concepto poderoso para garantizar un suministro de electricidad fiable, eficiente y sostenible como parte de los sistemas de energía del futuro. Sin embargo, para explotar los beneficios potenciales de las microrredes, tales como la prestación de servicios auxiliares (AS), primero es necesario formular apropiadas metodologías de planificación. En este sentido, en esta tesis doctoral, una metodología probabilística de planificación de microrredes con dos versiones, POMMP y POMMP2, es propuesta para la toma de decisiones efectiva en la asignación óptima de DERs y la definición de la topología de microrredes bajo el paradigma de una microrred con capacidad para proporcionar AS a la red principal. Las metodologías se definen para considerar una matriz de generación mixta con tecnologías despachables y no despachables, así como sistemas distribuidos para el almacenamiento de energía y la interconnección de recursos con o sin una interfaz basada en dispositivos de electrónica de potencia. Las metodologías de planificación se formulan sobre la base de un problema de optimización multiobjetivo verdadero con un conjunto configurable de tres funciones objetivo. Con estos se pretende optimizar la capacidad de suministro de AS con la maximización de la potencia activa residual disponible en modo conectado a la red; la minimización de los costos de capital, mantenimiento y funcionamiento de la microrred al tiempo que se maximizan los ingresos procedentes de la prestación de servicios y la participación en los mercados liberalizados; y la minimización de las pérdidas de energía activa en el funcionamiento de la microrred. Además, se adopta una técnica probabilística basada en la simulación de parámetros a partir de la función de densidad de probabilidad y el método de Monte Carlo para modelar el comportamiento estocástico de los recursos de generación renovable no despachables. Adicionalmente,la POMMP2 mejora la propuesta de POMMP modificando la metodología y el modelo de optimización para considerar simultáneamente la planificación óptima de la topología de la microrred con la asignación de DERs. Así pues, se considera el concepto de microrredes interconectadas en red y se propone un novedoso enfoque holístico que incluye una técnica de partición de gráficos multinivel y optimización iterativa heurística para la formación óptima de clusters para el planeamiento de la topología y asignación de DERs. Este problema de planificación de microrredes da lugar a un complejo problema de optimización mixto, no lineal, no convexos y con múltiples funciones objetivo contradictorias, variables de decisión y diversas condiciones de restricción. Por consiguiente, el problema de optimización en las metodologías POMMP/POMMP2 se concibe para ser resuelto utilizando técnicas multiobjetivo de optimización metaheurísticas basadas en población, lo cual da lugar a la adaptación y evaluación del rendimiento de dos algoritmos de optimización existentes, el conocido Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGAII) y el Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition (MOEA/D). Además, se ha probado y propuesto el uso de la técnica de proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP) para la toma de decisiones multicriterio en el último paso de las metodologías de planificación. Las metodologías POMMP/POMMP2 son probadas en una red de distribución de media tensión de 69 y 37 buses, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran los beneficios de la toma de decisiones a posteriori con el enfoque de optimización multiobjetivo verdadero, así como una metodología de planificación dependiente del tiempo. Además, los resultados de la estrategia de planificación con POMMP2 revelan los beneficios de una metodología de planificación holística, en la que las diferentes tareas de planificación se abordan de manera óptima y simultánea para ofrecer mejores resultados de planificación.Línea de investigación: Planificación de redes inteligentes We thank to the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation - Colciencias, Colombia, for the granted National Doctoral funding program - 647Doctorad

    Optimization of Aggregators Energy Resources considering Local Markets and Electric Vehicle Penetration

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    O sector elétrico tem vindo a evoluir ao longo do tempo. Esta situação deve-se ao facto de surgirem novas metodologias para lidarem com a elevada penetração dos recursos energéticos distribuídos (RED), principalmente veículos elétricos (VEs). Neste caso, a gestão dos recursos energéticos tornou-se mais proeminente devido aos avanços tecnológicos que estão a ocorrer, principalmente no contexto das redes inteligentes. Este facto torna-se importante, devido à incerteza decorrente deste tipo de recursos. Para resolver problemas que envolvem variabilidade, os métodos baseados na inteligência computacional estão a se tornar os mais adequados devido à sua fácil implementação e baixo esforço computacional, mais precisamente para o caso tratado na tese, algoritmos de computação evolucionária (CE). Este tipo de algoritmo tenta imitar o comportamento observado na natureza. Ao contrário dos métodos determinísticos, a CEé tolerante à incerteza; ou seja, é adequado para resolver problemas relacionados com os sistemas energéticos. Estes sistemas são geralmente de grandes dimensões, com um número crescente de variáveis e restrições. Aqui a IC permite obter uma solução quase ótima em tempo computacional aceitável com baixos requisitos de memória. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um modelo para a programação dos recursos energéticos dos recursos dedicados para o contexto intradiário, para a hora seguinte, partindo inicialmente da programação feita para o dia seguinte, ou seja, 24 horas para o dia seguinte. Esta programação é feita por cada agregador (no total cinco) através de meta-heurísticas, com o objetivo de minimizar os custos ou maximizar os lucros. Estes agregadores estão inseridos numa cidade inteligente com uma rede de distribuição de 13 barramentos com elevada penetração de RED, principalmente energia renovável e VEs (2000 VEs são considerados nas simulações). Para modelar a incerteza associada ao RED e aos preços de mercado, vários cenários são gerados através da simulação de Monte Carlo usando as funções de distribuição de probabilidade de erros de previsão, neste caso a função de distribuição normal para o dia seguinte. No que toca à incerteza no modelo para a hora seguinte, múltiplos cenários são gerados a partir do cenário com maior probabilidade do dia seguinte. Neste trabalho, os mercados locais de eletricidade são também utilizados como estratégia para satisfazer a equação do balanço energético onde os agregadores vão para vender o excesso de energia ou comprar para satisfazer o consumo. Múltiplas metaheurísticas de última geração são usadas para fazer este escalonamento, nomeadamente Differential Evolution (DE), Hybrid-Adaptive DE with Decay function (HyDE-DF), DE with Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (DEEDA), Cellular Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm with Normal-Cauchy Distribution (CUMDANCauchy++), Hill Climbing to Ring Cellular Encode-Decode UMDA (HC2RCEDUMDA). Os resultados mostram que o modelo proposto é eficaz para os múltiplos agregadores com variações de custo na sua maioria abaixo dos 5% em relação ao dia seguinte, exceto para o agregador e de VEs. É também aplicado um teste Wilcoxon para comparar o desempenho do algoritmo CUMDANCauchy++ com as restantes meta-heurísticas. O CUMDANCauchy++ mostra resultados competitivos tendo melhor performance que todos os algoritmos para todos os agregadores exceto o DEEDA que apresenta resultados semelhantes. Uma estratégia de aversão ao risco é implementada para um agregador no contexto do dia seguinte para se obter uma solução mais segura e robusta. Os resultados mostram um aumento de quase 4% no investimento, mas uma redução de até 14% para o custo dos piores cenários.The electrical sector has been evolving. This situation is because new methodologies emerge to deal with the high penetration of distributed energy resources (DER), mainly electric vehicles (EVs). In this case, energy resource management has become increasingly prominent due to the technological advances that are taking place, mainly in the context of smart grids. This factor becomes essential due to the uncertainty of this type of resource. To solve problems involving variability, methods based on computational intelligence (CI) are becoming the most suitable because of their easy implementation and low computational effort, more precisely for the case treated in this thesis, evolutionary computation (EC) algorithms. This type of algorithm tries to mimic behavior observed in nature. Unlike deterministic methods, the EC is tolerant of uncertainty, and thus it is suitable for solving problems related to energy systems. These systems are usually of high dimensions, with an increased number of variables and restrictions. Here the CI allows obtaining a near-optimal solution in good computational time with low memory requirements. This work's main objective is to propose a model for the energy resource scheduling of the dedicated resources for the intraday context, for the our-ahead, starting initially from the scheduling done for the day ahead, that is, 24 hours for the next day. This scheduling is done by each aggregator (in total five) through metaheuristics to minimize the costs or maximize the profits. These aggregators are inserted in a smart city with a distribution network of 13 buses with a high penetration of DER, mainly renewable energy and EVs (2000 EVs are considered in the simulations). Several scenarios are generated through Monte Carlo Simulation using the forecast errors' probability distribution functions, the normal distribution function for the day-ahead to model the uncertainty associated with DER and market prices. Multiple scenarios are developed through the highest probability scenario from the day-ahead when it comes to intraday uncertainty. In this work, local electricity markets are used as a mechanism to satisfy the energy balance equation where each aggregator can sell the excess of energy or buy more to meet the demand. Several recent and modern metaheuristics are used to solve the proposed problems in the thesis, namely Differential Evolution (DE), Hybrid-Adaptive DE with Decay function (HyDE-DF), DE with Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (DEEDA), Cellular Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm with NormalCauchy Distribution (CUMDANCauchy++), Hill Climbing to Ring Cellular Encode-Decode UMDA (HC2RCEDUMDA). Results show that the proposed model is effective for the multiple aggregators. The metaheuristics present satisfactory results and mostly less than 5% variation in costs from the day-ahead except for the EV aggregator. A Wilcoxon test is also applied to compare the performance of the CUMDANCauchy++ algorithm with the remaining metaheuristics. CUMDANCauchy++ shows competitive results beating all algorithms in all aggregators except for DEEDA, which presents similar results. A risk aversion strategy is implemented for an aggregator in the day-ahead context to get a safer and more robust solution. Results show an increase of nearly 4% in day-ahead cost but a reduction of up to 14% of worst scenario cost

    Hybrid Generation Systems Planning Expansion Forecast: A Critical State of the Art Review

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    International audienceIn recent years the electric power generation has entered into a new development era, which can be described mainly by increasing concerns about climate change, through the energy transition from hydrocarbon to clean energy resources. In order to power system enhance reliability, efficiency and safety, renewable and nonrenewable resources are integrated together to configure so-called hybrid systems. Despite the experience accumulated in the power networks, designing hybrid system is a complex task. It has become more challenging as far as most renewable energy resources are random and weather/climatic conditions-dependant. In this challenging context, this paper proposes a critical state-of-the-art review of hybrid generation systems planning expansion and indexes multi-objective methods as strategies for hybrid energy systems optimal design to satisfy technical and economical constraints

    A review on the microgrid sizing and performance optimization by metaheuristic algorithms for energy management strategies

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    A growing concern over climate change and the depletion of conventional energy resources have led to the urgent need for sustainable and resilient energy solutions. The optimization of the size of renewable sources is crucial to maximizing their effectiveness. In contrast to conventional single-objective optimization, the multi-objective technique aims to achieve a trade-off between energy cost and power supply reliability. Due to this need, microgrids (MG) have emerged as a promising paradigm, allowing for localized and decentralized energy generation and distribution. Consequently, the conventional techniques for modelling and optimizing exhibit numerous limitations as the power grid continues to produce substantial volumes of high-dimensional and diverse data types. This review paper examines the use of metaheuristic algorithms in the context of multi-objective energy optimization for hybrid renewable energy-integrated microgrids. A comparative analysis of diverse metaheuristic algorithms for microgrid optimization is provided in this paper, which emulates natural phenomena, such as evolutionary processes and swarm dynamics. Based on the findings of case studies, it can be concluded that trade-offs exist between various objectives, eventually leading to the development of both resilient and efficient microgrid designs. By reviewing sustainable energy solutions, and advocating microgrids as viable alternatives to conventional centralized power systems, the review enhances the advancement of sustainable energy solutions

    Planning of FiWi Networks to Support Communications Infrastructure of SG and SC

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    Nowadays, growth in demand for bandwidth, due to new and future applications being implemented, for services provided from smart grids (SG), smart cities (SC) and internet of things (IoT), it has drawn attention of scientific community, on issues related to planning, and optimization of communication infrastructure resources, in addition is necessary comply with requirements such as scalability, coverage, security, flexibility, availability, delay and security. Another important point is how to find and analyze possible solutions that seek to minimize the costs involved by capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX), but where it is possible to measure the uncertainty coming from stochastic projections, in order to obtain the maximum benefit expected to give access to users Who benefits from the services provided by SG, SC and IoT, on the other hand, we must look for communications architectures that generate optimum topologies to meet demanded requirements and at the same time save energy, possible alternatives highlight the use of hybrid networks of optical fiber links combined with wireless links (Fiber-Wireless, FiWi). This chapter seeks to provide planning alternatives to network segments linking universal data aggregation point (UDAP) with base stations (BS), this segment joins wide area network (WAN) with metropolitan area network (MAN)

    Revisión de la optimización de Bess en sistemas de potencia

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    The increasing penetration of Distributed Energy Resources has imposed several challenges in the analysis and operation of power systems, mainly due to the uncertainties in primary resource. In the last decade, implementation of Battery Energy Storage Systems in electric networks has caught the interest in research since the results have shown multiple positive effects when deployed optimally. In this paper, a review in the optimization of battery storage systems in power systems is presented. Firstly, an overview of the context in which battery storage systems are implemented, their operation framework, chemistries and a first glance of optimization is shown. Then, formulations and optimization frameworks are detailed for optimization problems found in recent literature. Next, A review of the optimization techniques implemented or proposed, and a basic explanation of the more recurrent ones is presented. Finally, the results of the review are discussed. It is concluded that optimization problems involving battery storage systems are a trending topic for research, in which a vast quantity of more complex formulations have been proposed for Steady State and Transient Analysis, due to the inclusion of stochasticity, multi-periodicity and multi-objective frameworks. It was found that the use of Metaheuristics is dominant in the analysis of complex, multivariate and multi-objective problems while relaxations, simplifications, linearization, and single objective adaptations have enabled the use of traditional, more efficient, and exact techniques. Hybridization in metaheuristics has been important topic of research that has shown better results in terms of efficiency and solution quality.La creciente penetración de recursos distribuidos ha impuesto desafíos en el análisis y operación de sistemas de potencia, principalmente debido a incertidumbres en los recursos primarios. En la última década, la implementación de sistemas de almacenamiento por baterías en redes eléctricas ha captado el interés en la investigación, ya que los resultados han demostrado efectos positivos cuando se despliegan óptimamente. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión de la optimización de sistemas de almacenamiento por baterías en sistemas de potencia. Pare ello se procedió, primero, a mostrar el contexto en el cual se implementan los sistemas de baterías, su marco de operación, las tecnologías y las bases de optimización. Luego, fueron detallados la formulación y el marco de optimización de algunos de los problemas de optimización encontrados en literatura reciente. Posteriormente se presentó una revisión de las técnicas de optimización implementadas o propuestas recientemente y una explicación básica de las técnicas más recurrentes. Finalmente, se discutieron los resultados de la revisión. Se obtuvo como resultados que los problemas de optimización con sistemas de almacenamiento por baterías son un tema de tendencia para la investigación, en el que se han propuesto diversas formulaciones para el análisis en estado estacionario y transitorio, en problemas multiperiodo que incluyen la estocasticidad y formulaciones multiobjetivo. Adicionalmente, se encontró que el uso de técnicas metaheurísticas es dominante en el análisis de problemas complejos, multivariados y multiobjetivo, mientras que la implementación de relajaciones, simplificaciones, linealizaciones y la adaptación mono-objetivo ha permitido el uso de técnicas más eficientes y exactas. La hibridación de técnicas metaheurísticas ha sido un tema relevante para la investigación que ha mostrado mejorías en los resultados en términos de eficiencia y calidad de las soluciones

    A Review of Methodological Approaches for the Design and Optimization of Wind Farms

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    This article presents a review of the state of the art of the Wind Farm Design and Optimization (WFDO) problem. The WFDO problem refers to a set of advanced planning actions needed to extremize the performance of wind farms, which may be composed of a few individual Wind Turbines (WTs) up to thousands of WTs. The WFDO problem has been investigated in different scenarios, with substantial differences in main objectives, modelling assumptions, constraints, and numerical solution methods. The aim of this paper is: (1) to present an exhaustive survey of the literature covering the full span of the subject, an analysis of the state-of-the-art models describing the performance of wind farms as well as its extensions, and the numerical approaches used to solve the problem; (2) to provide an overview of the available knowledge and recent progress in the application of such strategies to real onshore and offshore wind farms; and (3) to propose a comprehensive agenda for future research