3 research outputs found

    Research on Quality of Service Based Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Quality of service (QoS) based routing protocols play a significant role in MANETs to maintain proper flow of data with efficient power consumption and without data loss. However, several network resource based technical challenges or issues are encountered in the design and implementation of QoS routing protocols that perform their routing function by considering the shortest route or the lowest cost. Furthermore, a secondary route is not reserved and alternative routes are not searched unless the established route is broken. The current structures of the state-of-the-art protocols for MANETs are not appropriate for today's high bandwidth and mobility requirements. Therefore, research on new routing protocols is needed, considering energy level, coverage, location, speed, movement, and link stability instead of only shortest path and lowest cost. This paper summarizes the main characteristics of QoS-based routing protocols to facilitate researchers to design and select QoS-based routing protocols. In this study, a wide range of protocols with their characteristics were classified according to QoS routing strategy, routing information update mechanism, interaction between network and MAC layer, QoS constraints, QoS guarantee type and number of discovered routes. In addition, the protocols were compared in terms of properties, design features, challenges and QoS metrics

    Joint routing protocol and image compression algorithm for prolonging node lifetime in wireless sensor network

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) are among the emerging modern technologies, with a vast range of application in different areas. However, the current WSNs technology faces a key challenge in terms of node lifetime and network connectivity due to limited power resource of the node. The conventional data routing protocols do not consider the power available at the node on the path from source to sink, thus they result in the exhaustion and eventual death of nodes surrounding the sink node, thus generating routing holes reducing the network throughput. In order to address the issue in this research presents a novel protocol based on equal power consumption at all network nodes. The consume power fairly (CPF) protocol achieves a high power efficiency by distributing power consumption equal on all the network nodes. The protocol compares the power available on all the paths from source to sink and then selects the path with highest power. Additionally in order to reduce the transmitted data size, a lossy image compression technique based on adaptive Haar wavelet transform has been implemented. The simulation designs based on MATLAB consists of 100 randomly distributed nodes over an area of 100 m2, with 30 Kbits and 40 Kbits of packet sizes. The comparison between the proposed CPF protocol and the energy aware protocol has been carried out on the basis of number of iterations and the dead nodes in the network. Thorough simulations have been carried out based on different number of network iterations to validate the potential of the proposed solution. Moreover the implemenetation of multiscale retinex technique results in image enhancement and impoved classification. An implementation of the CPF protocol and image compression technique on a 100 node network with 500 iterations, results in the death of 13 nodes as compard to 38 dead nodes with energy aware protocol for the same network. Thus the performance comparision of CPF and energy aware protocol demonstrates an improvement of 81.19% for the energy consumption of the network. Thus the proposed algorithm prolongs the network under consideration by 57 โ€“ 62% as compared to networks with conventional routing protocols

    A survey on scalable multicasting in mobile ad hoc networks

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    Mobile and hoc networks (MANETs) have gained significant interest and popularity since they have enormous potential in several fields of applications. Infrastructure-free, self-configuring and mobility are the main reasons behind this popularity. Recently, group-oriented applications over MANET gains high popularity. multicast communication is the ideal communication technique for supporting these type of applications. However, multicast routing in large-scale networks faces several difficulties and challenges that need to be addressed. These challenges include dynamics MANET topology, multicast packet forwarding and shared wireless medium. During the last years, active research work resulted in a variety of proposals. A number of protocols, each with a particular property and often optimized for a specific application area, have been designed. They follow different design principles and exhibit substantial variations in performance depending on various parameters. In this papers, most of the existing scalable multicast routing protocols in MANETs are briefly discussed and analyzed to provide a comprehensive understanding of these protocols and pave the way for future research