7 research outputs found

    Solutions and Recent Challenges Related to Energy in Wireless Body Area Networks with Integrated Technologies: Applications and Perspectives

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    في هذه الورقة، بحثنا في بعض أحدث بروتوكولات التوجيه الموفرة للطاقة لشبكات منطقة الجسم اللاسلكية. شهدت هذه التكنولوجيا تطورات في الآونة الأخيرة حيث يتم حقن أجهزة استشعار لاسلكية في جسم الإنسان لاستشعار وقياس معايير الجسم مثل درجة الحرارة ونبض القلب ومستوى الجلوكوز. تقوم هذه المستشعرات اللاسلكية الدقيقة بجمع معلومات بيانات الجسم وإرسالها عبر شبكة لاسلكية وإلى المحطة الأساسية. يتم فحص قياسات البيانات من قبل الطبيب أو الطبيب ويقترح العلاج المناسب. يتم إجراء الاتصال بالكامل من خلال بروتوكولات التوجيه في بيئة الشبكة. يستهلك بروتوكول التوجيه الطاقة أثناء المساعدة في الاتصال دون توقف في البيئة اللاسلكية. بسبب الحجم الصغير جدًا ، فإن استهلاك الطاقة مهم جدًا. لقد ركزنا على البروتوكولات التي توفر كفاءة استخدام الطاقة وتحسين عمر الشبكة، والإنتاجية، وفقدان الحد الأدنى من المسار. سنناقش بعض أحدث بروتوكولات التوجيه الموفرة للطاقة في هذه الورقة، في وقت لاحق يتم تقديم مقارنة مع جدول مناسب. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تمت مناقشة التحديات الأخيرة والتطبيق المحتمل ووجهات النظر.          In this paper, we have investigated some of the most recent energy efficient routing protocols for wireless body area networks. This technology has seen advancements in recent times where wireless sensors are injected in the human body to sense and measure body parameters like temperature, heartbeat and glucose level. These tiny wireless sensors gather body data information and send it over a wireless network to the base station. The data measurements are examined by the doctor or   physician and the suitable cure is suggested. The whole communication is done through routing protocols in a network environment. Routing protocol consumes energy while helping non-stop communication in a wireless environment. Because of the very tiny size, energy consumption matters a lot. We have focused on the protocols, which provide energy efficiency and improve network lifetime, through put and minimal path loss. We will be discussing some of the most recent energy efficient routing protocols in this paper; later their comparison with an appropriate table is presented. In addition, recent challenges, possible application and perspectives are discussed.  &nbsp

    Wireless body area network mobility-aware task offloading scheme

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    The increasing amount of user equipment (UE) and the rapid advances in wireless body area networks bring revolutionary changes in healthcare systems. However, due to the strict requirements on size, reliability and battery lifetime of UE devices, it is difficult for them to execute latency sensitive or computation intensive tasks effectively. In this paper, we aim to enhance the UE computation capacity by utilizing small size coordinator-based mobile edge computing (C-MEC) servers. In this way, the system complexity, computation resources, and energy consumption are considerably transferred from the UE to the C-MEC, which is a practical approach since C-MEC is power charged, in contrast to the UE. First, the system architecture and the mobility model are presented. Second, several transmission mechanisms are analyzed along with the proposed mobility-aware cooperative task offloading scheme. Numerous selected performance metrics are investigated regarding the number of executed tasks, the percentage of failed tasks, average service time, and the energy consumption of each MEC. The results validate the advantage of task offloading schemes compared with the traditional relay-based technique regarding the number of executed tasks. Moreover, one can obtain that the proposed scheme archives noteworthy benefits, such as low latency and efficiently balance the energy consumption of C-MECs

    An enhanced mobility and temperature aware routing protocol through multi-criteria decision making method in wireless body area networks

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    © 2018 by the authors. In wireless body area networks, temperature-aware routing plays an important role in preventing damage of surrounding body tissues caused by the temperature rise of the nodes. However, existing temperature-aware routing protocols tend to choose the next hop according to the temperature metric without considering transmission delay and data loss caused by human posture. To address this problem, multiple research efforts exploit different metrics such as temperature, hop count and link quality. Because their approaches are fundamentally based on simple computation through weighted factor for each metric, it is rarely feasible to obtain reasonable weight value through experiments. To solve this problem, we propose an enhanced mobility and temperature-aware routing protocol based on the multi-criteria decision making method. The proposed protocol adopts the analytical hierarchy process and simple additive weighting method to assign suitable weight factors and choose the next hop while considering multiple routing criteria. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate that the proposed protocol can efficiently improve transmission delay and data loss better than existing protocols by preventing the temperature rise on the node

    Green Computing for Wireless Body Area Networks: Energy Efficient Link Aware Medical Data Dissemination Approach

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    Recent technological advancement- in wireless communication has invented Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs), a cutting edge technology in healthcare applications. WBANs interconnect with intelligent and miniaturized biomedical sensor nodes placed on human body to un-attendant monitoring of physiological parameter of the patient. These sensors are equipped with limited resources in terms of computation, storage and battery power. The data communication in WBANs is a resource hungry process especially in terms of energy. One of the most significant challenges in this network is to design energy aware next-hop link selection framework. Towards this end, this paper presents a Green computing framework for WBANs focusing on Energy efficient Link aware approach (G-WEL). Firstly, a link efficiency oriented network model is presented considering beaconing information and network initialization process. Secondly, a path cost calculation model is derived focusing on energy aware link efficiency. A complete operational framework G-WEL is developed considering energy aware next hop link selection by utilizing the network and path cost model. The comparative performance evaluation attests the energy oriented benefit of the proposed framework as compared to the state-of-the-art techniques. It reveals a significant enhancement in body area networking in terms of various energy oriented metrics under medical environments

    A Survey on Mobility Support in Wireless Body Area Networks

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    Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) have attracted research interests from the community, as more promising healthcare applications have a tendency to employ them as underlying network technology. While taking design issues, such as small size hardware as well as low power computing, into account, a lot of research has been proposed to accomplish the given tasks in WBAN. However, since most of the existing works are basically developed by assuming all nodes in the static state, these schemes therefore cannot be applied in real scenarios where network topology between sensor nodes changes frequently and unexpectedly according to human moving behavior. However, as far as the authors know, there is no survey paper to focus on research challenges for mobility support in WBAN yet. To address this deficiency, in this paper, we present the state-of-the-art approaches and discuss the important features of related to mobility in WBAN. We give an overview of mobility model and categorize the models as individual and group. Furthermore, an overview of networking techniques in the recent literature and summary are compiled for comparison in several aspects. The article also suggests potential directions for future research in the field