9 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Relay Selection Schemes in Multi-Hop Decode-and-Forward Networks

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    This paper analyses the data rate achieved by various relay selection schemes in a single-user multi-hop relay network with decode-and-forward (DF) relaying. While the single-user relay selection problem is well studied in the literature, research on achievable rate maximization is limited to dual-hop networks and multi-hop networks with a single relay per hop. We fill this important gap by focusing on achievable rate maximization in multi-hop, multi-relay networks. First, we consider optimal relay selection and obtain two approximations to the achievable rate. Next, we consider three existing sub-optimal relay selection strategies namely hop-by-hop, ad-hoc and block-by-block relay selection and obtain exact expressions for the achievable rate under each of these strategies. We also extend the sliding window based relay selection to the DF relay network and derive an approximation to the achievable rate. Further, we investigate the impact of window size in sliding window based relay selection and show that a window size of three is sufficient to achieve most of the possible performance gains. Finally, we extend this analysis to a noise limited multi-user network where the number of available relay nodes is large compared to the number of users and derive approximations to the achievable sum-rate

    Cooperative Relaying In Power Line Environment: A Survey and Tutorial

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    Exchange of information is essential in any society and the demand for faster, cheaper, and secure communications is increasing every day. With other hi-tech initiatives like IPv6 and Internet-of-Things (IOT) already in the horizon, demand for broadband is set to escalate beyond its current level. Inherently laden in the challenges posed by this technology are fresh opportunities in terms of penetration of data services into rural communities and development of innovative strategies for more efficient use of the grid. Though still in its developmental phase/stage, Power Line Communication (PLC) has grown beyond theoretical fantasy to become a reality. The proofs are the readily available PLC systems that can be purchased off the shelfto achieve in-house networking and the much talked about, smart metering technology; generally regarded as the “new bride” in utilities industry. One of the biggest gains of PLC is its use of existing electrical cables, thereby eliminating cost of installation and maintenance of data cables. However, given that the power infrastructure was traditionally built to deliver electricity, data signals do suffer various forms of distortions and impairments as they transit it. This paper presents a tutorial on the deployed wireless system technique which is to be adapted to PLC scenario for the purpose of managing the available source energy for achieving reliable communication system. One of these techniques is the cooperative diversity. Its application and deployment in power line environment is explored. The improvement achieved through cooperative diversity in some PLC systems were presented along with the associated limitations. Finally, future areas of research which will further improve the reliability of PLC systems and reduce its power consumption during transmission is shown

    PSO based power allocation for single and multi relay AF cooperative network

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    Wireless channels are generally suffering from fading. Diversity is the effective way to combat fading in wireless channels. But, the ultimate aim of diversity is to allow multiple antennas into the environment. Due to size and hardware complexity, many wireless devices are limited to one antenna. Cooperative communication is a new class of diversity, it allows single antenna users into a multi user environment to share their antennas and create virtual multiple antennas. In cooperative communication, the information is transmitted with the help of neighboring nodes, which are called relays. Cooperative diversity is based on different relaying schemes such as amplify-and-forward, decode-and-forward and coded cooperation. Cooperative transmission using relay gives better performance compared to direct transmission between the source and destination. The system performance enhances as the number of relays in the network increases and in addition the diversity order also increased. Power allocation is one of the major issues in a wireless cooperative communication for enhancing the system performance. In this work, a single and multi relay cooperative network is considered using amplify-and-forward relaying scheme. Considering the perfect channel state information (CSI), allocating power to source and relay using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with minimizing as a constraint. The PSO algorithm maintains a group of particles, where each particle in the group gives a possible solution. PSO gives the best optimum value for a given problem by using objective function. Hence the implemented scheme of PSO base power allocation in cooperative network enhances the system performance

    Power Optimisation and Relay Selection in Cooperative Wireless Communication Networks

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    Cooperative communications have emerged as a significant concept to improve reliability and throughput in wireless systems. In cooperative networks, the idea is to implement a scheme in wireless systems where the nodes can harmonize their resources thereby enhancing the network performance in different aspects such as latency, BER and throughput. As cooperation spans from the basic idea of transmit diversity achieved via MIMO techniques and the relay channel, it aims to reap somewhat multiple benefits of combating fading/burst errors, increasing throughput and reducing energy use. Another major benefit of cooperation in wireless networks is that since the concept only requires neighbouring nodes to act as virtual relay antennas, the concept evades the negative impacts of deployment costs of multiple physical antennas for network operators especially in areas where they are difficult to deploy. In cooperative communications energy efficiency and long network lifetimes are very important design issues, the focus in this work is on ad hoc and sensor network varieties where the nodes integrate sensing, processing and communication such that their cooperation capabilities are subject to power optimisation. As cooperation communications leads to trade-offs in Quality of Services and transmit power, the key design issue is power optimisation to dynamically combat channel fluctuations and achieve a net reduction of transmit power with the goal of saving battery life. Recent researches in cooperative communications focus on power optimisation achieved via power control at the PHY layer, and/or scheduling mechanism at the MAC layer. The approach for this work will be to review the power control strategy at the PHY layer, identify their associated trade-offs, and use this as a basis to propose a power control strategy that offers adaptability to channel conditions, the road to novelty in this work is a channel adaptable power control algorithm that jointly optimise power allocation, modulation strategy and relay selection. Thus, a novel relay selection method is developed and implemented to improve the performance of cooperative wireless networks in terms of energy consumption. The relay selection method revolves on selection the node with minimum distance to the source and destination. The design is valid to any wireless network setting especially Ad-hoc and sensor networks where space limitations preclude the implementation of bigger capacity battery. The thesis first investigates the design of relay selection schemes in cooperative networks and the associated protocols. Besides, modulation strategy and error correction code impact on energy consumption are investigated and the optimal solution is proposed and jointly implemented with the relay selection method. The proposed algorithm is extended to cooperative networks in which multiple nodes participate in cooperation in fixed and variable rate system. Thus, multi relay selection algorithm is proposed to improve virtual MIMO performance in terms of energy consumption. Furthermore, motivated by the trend of cell size optimisation in wireless networks, the proposed relay selection method is extended to clustered wireless networks, and jointly implemented with virtual clustering technique. The work will encompass three main stages: First, the cooperative system is designed and two major protocols Decode and Forward (DF) and amplify and forward (AF) are investigated. Second, the proposed algorithm is modelled and tested under different channel conditions with emphasis on its performance using different modulation strategies for different cooperative wireless networks. Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithm is illustrated and verified via computer simulations. Simulation results show that the distance based relay selection algorithm exhibits an improved performance in terms of energy consumption compared to the conventional cooperative schemes under different cooperative communication scenarios

    Seleção automática de nodos cooperantes em abordagens de comunicação cooperativa em redes de sensores sem fio

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2017.As Redes de Sensores Sem Fio (RSSF) estão sujeitas a problemas de confiabilidade de comunicação devido a interferências, atenuação de sinal, obstáculos etc. Nessas redes, a diversidade cooperativa é uma técnica muito utilizada para melhorar o desempenho das comunicações, na qual alguns nodos são escolhidos como cooperantes e são responsáveis por retransmitir mensagens de outros nodos. A escolha de quais nodos cumprirão o papel de nodos cooperantes é uma etapa decisiva na aplicação desta técnica. Alguns trabalhos na literatura fazem a escolha baseada apenas em um ou, no máximo, dois parâmetros, não sendo capazes de fazer uma escolha eficiente, reduzindo consequentemente a confiabilidade obtida em suas propostas. Nesta dissertação é proposta uma nova técnica de seleção de nodos cooperantes, chamada Smart, a qual considera vários critérios que são relevantes para o funcionamento da rede. A seleção é realizada usando técnicas de otimização, visando selecionar o menor número de nodos cooperantes mas, assegurando que todos os nodos da rede possuam um vizinho que seja cooperante, aumentando as chances das mensagens serem entregues ao destino. Para avaliar a técnica Smart foi utilizado o simulador OMNeT++/Castalia, comparando-a com três técnicas do estado do arte. Os resultados mostram que a técnica Smart apresenta um desempenho superior às outras técnicas analisadas.Abstract : Wireless Sensors Networks (WSNs) are subject to communication problems due to interference, signal attenuation, obstacles, etc. In these networks, cooperative diversity is a widely used technique for improving the communications performance, where some nodes are selected as relay and are responsible to assist neighbors nodes with packets retransmissions. The selection of relays nodes is a decisive step whenever this technique is applied. Some studies in the literature select relays nodes based on only one or two parameters. Consequently, this type of technique is unable to select relay node in an efficient way, reducing the network reliability. This master thesis proposes a new technique, named Smart, for the selection of relay WSN nodes according to criteria considered relevant for an adequate network operation. The selection is performed using optimization techniques, which target the selection of the smallest number of relay nodes and, at same time, ensure that all nodes are linked to at least one corresponding relay node, enabling messages reach their destinations in noisy environments. OMNeT++/Castalia was used to evaluate the Smart technique, which was compared with three state-of-the-art techniques. Simulation results show that the Smart technique clearly outperforms other analyzed state-of-the-art cooperative communication techniques

    Conceção e desempenho de retransmissões sem fios cooperativas

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia Eletrotécnica/TelecomunicaçõesIn recent years, a new paradigm for communication called cooperative communications has been proposed for which initial information theoretic studies have shown the potential for improvements in capacity over traditional multi-hop wireless networks. Extensive research has been done to mitigate the impact of fading in wireless networks, being mostly focused on Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems. Recently, cooperative relaying techniques have been investigated to increase the performance of wireless systems by using diversity created by different single antenna devices, aiming to reach the same level of performance of MIMO systems with low cost devices. Cooperative communication is a promising method to achieve high spectrum efficiency and improve transmission capacity for wireless networks. Cooperative communications is the general idea of pooling the resources of distributed nodes to improve the overall performance of a wireless network. In cooperative networks the nodes cooperate to help each other. A cooperative node offering help is acting like a middle man or proxy and can convey messages from source to destination. Cooperative communication involves exploiting the broadcast nature of the wireless medium to form virtual antenna arrays out of independent singleantenna network nodes for transmission. This research aims at contributing to the field of cooperative wireless networks. The focus of this research is on the relay-based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol. Specifically, I provide a framework for cooperative relaying called RelaySpot which comprises on opportunistic relay selection, cooperative relay scheduling and relay switching. RelaySpot-based solutions are expected to minimize signaling exchange, remove estimation of channel conditions, and improve the utilization of spatial diversity, minimizing outage and increasing reliability.Nos últimos anos foi proposto um novo paradigma de comunicação, chamado de comunicação cooperativa, para o qual estudos iniciais de teoria da informação demonstraram ter potencial para melhorias na capacidade em redes sem fios tradicionais multi-hop. Uma extensa pesquisa tem sido realizada para mitigar o impacto da atenuação em redes sem fios, tendo-se debruçado principalmente em sistemas Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO). Recentemente têm sido investigadas técnicas de retransmissão cooperativas para aumentar o desempenho de sistemas sem fios, usando a diversidade criada por diferentes antenas individuais com o objetivo de atingir o mesmo nível de desempenho dos sistemas MIMO com dispositivos de baixo custo. A comunicação cooperativa é um método promissor para atingir uma elevada eficiência na ocupação espectral e melhorar a capacidade de transmissão em redes sem fios. A comunicação cooperativa tem por ideia base a junção de recursos de nós distribuídos para melhorar o desempenho global de uma rede sem fios. Em redes cooperativas os nós cooperam para ajudarem-se mutuamente. Um nó cooperativo que ofereça ajuda estará agindo como um intermediário ou mediador, podendo transmitir mensagens da origem para o destino. A comunicação cooperativa explora a natureza da transmissão em difusão das comunicações sem fios para formar antenas múltiplas virtuais com vários nós de rede independentes e com antenas únicas. Esta investigação visou contribuir para a área científica das redes sem fios cooperativas. O foco da pesquisa foi nos protocolos de controlo de acesso ao meio (MAC) com retransmissão cooperativa. Especificamente, proponho uma arquitetura para enquadrar a retransmissão cooperativa, chamada RelaySpot (ponto de retransmissão), que explora a seleção oportunista de retransmissores, o escalonamento de retransmissores cooperativos e a comutação entre retransmissores. As comunicações baseadas na RelaySpot deverão ter uma troca de sinalização reduzida, não usam estimativas das condições do canal e melhoram o aproveitamento da diversidade espacial, minimizando a interrupção e aumentando a fiabilidade