45,411 research outputs found

    Critical Success Factors for Positive User Experience in Hotel Websites: Applying Herzberg's Two Factor Theory for User Experience Modeling

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    This research presents the development of a critical success factor matrix for increasing positive user experience of hotel websites based upon user ratings. Firstly, a number of critical success factors for web usability have been identified through the initial literature review. Secondly, hotel websites were surveyed in terms of critical success factors identified through the literature review. Thirdly, Herzberg's motivation theory has been applied to the user rating and the critical success factors were categorized into two areas. Finally, the critical success factor matrix has been developed using the two main sets of data.Comment: Journal articl

    Minimum rank and zero forcing number for butterfly networks

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    The minimum rank of a simple graph GG is the smallest possible rank over all symmetric real matrices AA whose nonzero off-diagonal entries correspond to the edges of GG. Using the zero forcing number, we prove that the minimum rank of the butterfly network is 19[(3r+1)2r+1−2(−1)r]\frac19\left[(3r+1)2^{r+1}-2(-1)^r\right] and that this is equal to the rank of its adjacency matrix

    Do corporations have a duty to be trustworthy?

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    Since the global financial crisis in 2008, corporations have faced a crisis of trust, with growing sentiment against ‘elites and ‘big business’ and a feeling that ‘something ought to be done’ to re-establish public regard for corporations. Trust and trustworthiness are deeply moral significant. They provide the ‘glue or lubricant’ that begets reciprocity, decreases risk, secures dignity and respect, and safeguards against the subordination of the powerless to the powerful. However, in deciding how to restore trust, it is difficult to determine precisely what should be done, by whom, and who will bear the cost, especially if any action involves a risk to overall market efficiency and corporate profitability. The paper explores whether corporations have a moral duty to be trustworthy, to bear the cost of being so and thus contribute to resolving the current crisis of trust. It also considers where the state and other social actors have strong reason to protect and enforce such moral rights, while acknowledging that other actors have similar obligations to be trustworthy. It outlines five ‘salient factors’ that trigger specific rights to trustworthiness and a concomitant duty on corporations to be trustworthy: market power, subordination (threat and intimidation), the absence of choice, the need to preserve systemic trust, and corporate political power which might undermine a state’s legitimacy. Absent these factors and corporations do not have a general duty to be trustworthy, since a responsible actor in fair market conditions should be able to choose between the costs and benefits of dealing with generally trustworthy corporations

    An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Network Reliability in Small Treewidth

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    We consider the classic problem of Network Reliability. A network is given together with a source vertex, one or more target vertices, and probabilities assigned to each of the edges. Each edge appears in the network with its associated probability and the problem is to determine the probability of having at least one source-to-target path. This problem is known to be NP-hard. We present a linear-time fixed-parameter algorithm based on a parameter called treewidth, which is a measure of tree-likeness of graphs. Network Reliability was already known to be solvable in polynomial time for bounded treewidth, but there were no concrete algorithms and the known methods used complicated structures and were not easy to implement. We provide a significantly simpler and more intuitive algorithm that is much easier to implement. We also report on an implementation of our algorithm and establish the applicability of our approach by providing experimental results on the graphs of subway and transit systems of several major cities, such as London and Tokyo. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first exact algorithm for Network Reliability that can scale to handle real-world instances of the problem.Comment: 14 page

    On the characterization of the domination of a diameter-constrained network reliability model

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    AbstractLet G=(V,E) be a digraph with a distinguished set of terminal vertices K⊆V and a vertex s∈K. We define the s,K-diameter of G as the maximum distance between s and any of the vertices of K. If the arcs fail randomly and independently with known probabilities (vertices are always operational), the diameter-constrained s,K-terminal reliability of G, Rs,K(G,D), is defined as the probability that surviving arcs span a subgraph whose s,K-diameter does not exceed D.The diameter-constrained network reliability is a special case of coherent system models, where the domination invariant has played an important role, both theoretically and for developing algorithms for reliability computation. In this work, we completely characterize the domination of diameter-constrained network models, giving a simple rule for computing its value: if the digraph either has an irrelevant arc, includes a directed cycle or includes a dipath from s to a node in K longer than D, its domination is 0; otherwise, its domination is -1 to the power |E|-|V|+1. In particular this characterization yields the classical source-to-K-terminal reliability domination obtained by Satyanarayana.Based on these theoretical results, we present an algorithm for computing the reliability

    Investigating the impact of networking capability on firm innovation performance:using the resource-action-performance framework

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    The author's final peer reviewed version can be found by following the URI link. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Purpose The experience of successful firms has proven that one of the most important ways to promote co-learning and create successful networked innovations is the proper application of inter-organizational knowledge mechanisms. This study aims to use a resource-action-performance framework to open the black box on the relationship between networking capability and innovation performance. The research population embraces companies in the Iranian automotive industry. Design/methodology/approach Due to the latent nature of the variables studied, the required data are collected through a web-based cross-sectional survey. First, the content validity of the measurement tool is evaluated by experts. Then, a pre-test is conducted to assess the reliability of the measurement tool. All data are gathered by the Iranian Vehicle Manufacturers Association (IVMA) and Iranian Auto Parts Manufacturers Association (IAPMA) samples. The power analysis method and G*Power software are used to determine the sample size. Moreover, SmartPLS 3 and IBM SPSS 25 software are used for data analysis of the conceptual model and relating hypotheses. Findings The results of this study indicated that the relationships between networking capability, inter-organizational knowledge mechanisms and inter-organizational learning result in a self-reinforcing loop, with a marked impact on firm innovation performance. Originality/value Since there is little understanding of the interdependencies of networking capability, inter-organizational knowledge mechanisms, co-learning and their effect on firm innovation performance, most previous research studies have focused on only one or two of the above-mentioned variables. Thus, their cumulative effect has not examined yet. Looking at inter-organizational relationships from a network perspective and knowledge-based view (KBV), and to consider the simultaneous effect of knowledge mechanisms and learning as intermediary actions alongside, to consider the performance effect of the capability-building process, are the main advantages of this research
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