96 research outputs found

    A survey of defense mechanisms against distributed denial of service (DDOS) flooding attacks

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    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) flooding attacks are one of the biggest concerns for security professionals. DDoS flooding attacks are typically explicit attempts to disrupt legitimate users' access to services. Attackers usually gain access to a large number of computers by exploiting their vulnerabilities to set up attack armies (i.e., Botnets). Once an attack army has been set up, an attacker can invoke a coordinated, large-scale attack against one or more targets. Developing a comprehensive defense mechanism against identified and anticipated DDoS flooding attacks is a desired goal of the intrusion detection and prevention research community. However, the development of such a mechanism requires a comprehensive understanding of the problem and the techniques that have been used thus far in preventing, detecting, and responding to various DDoS flooding attacks. In this paper, we explore the scope of the DDoS flooding attack problem and attempts to combat it. We categorize the DDoS flooding attacks and classify existing countermeasures based on where and when they prevent, detect, and respond to the DDoS flooding attacks. Moreover, we highlight the need for a comprehensive distributed and collaborative defense approach. Our primary intention for this work is to stimulate the research community into developing creative, effective, efficient, and comprehensive prevention, detection, and response mechanisms that address the DDoS flooding problem before, during and after an actual attack. © 1998-2012 IEEE

    A Novel Approach for Security Provides In Distributed Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Using Path Identifiers

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    Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) flooding assaults are exceptionally destructive to the Internet. In a DDoS assault, the aggressor utilizes generally conveyed zombies to send a lot of activity to the objective system.The PIDs utilized in existing methodologies are static, which makes it simple for assailants to dispatch appropriated refusal of administration (DDoS) flooding assaults. To address this issue, in this paper, we present the outline, execution, and assessment of D-PID, a structure that utilizations PIDs consulted between neighboring spaces as between area steering objects. In DPID, the PID of a between space way interfacing two areas is kept mystery and changes progressively. We depict in detail how neighboring areas arrange PIDs, how to keep up progressing correspondences when PIDs change. We manufacture a 42-hub model included by six areas to check D-PID's achievability and lead broad recreations to assess its viability and cost. The outcomes from the two reproductions and examinations demonstrate that D-PID can viably forestall DDoS assaults

    Теоретико-ігровий підхід до проблеми безпеки мереж

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    В даній роботі здійснено огляд основних напрямків застосування теоретико-ігрового підходу до розв’язання актуальних проблем безпеки. Теорія ігор досліджує взаємодію раціональних агентів за умов конфлікту та невизначеності. Моделі теорії ігор успішно застосовуються для вивчення процесів у економіці, біології, комп’ютерних мережах та інших. Застосування до забезпечення безпеки – відносно новий напрямок, який дозволяє представити проблему захисту у вигляді гри, та застосувати розвинені методи ігрового аналізу. Описано сучасний стан області, виділені основні напрямки загроз та відповідні моделі і методи теорії ігор. Запропоновано класифікацію ігрових підходів у області кібербезпеки та проведено порівняння різних класифікацій. Окремо розглядаються атаки на відмову, які є одним з найбільш небезпечним напрямком розвитку кіберзлочинності. Побудовані ігрові моделі таких атак, та проведений аналіз вразливості стратегій захисту. Виділені майбутні тренди застосування ігрового підходу в області кібербезпеки.В данной работе приведен обзор основных направлений применения теоретико-игрового подхода к решению актуальных проблем безопасности. Теория игр исследует взаимодействие рациональных агентов в условиях конфликта и неопределенности. Модели теории игр успешно применяются в экономике, биологии, компьютерных сетях и многих других. Применение в области безопасности – относительно новое направление, которое позволяет представить проблему защиты в виде игры и применить развитые методы анализа. Описано современное состояние области, выделены основные угрозы и соответствующие модели и методы теории игр. Предложено классификацию игровых подходов и проведено сравнение существующих классификаций. Отдельно исследованы атаки типа отказ в обслуживании, которые являются одним из наиболее опасных видов кибер­преступности. Построены игровые модели таких атак и проведен анализ уязвимости существующих стратегий защиты. Выделены вероятные будущие тренды в применении игрового подхода к проблемам кибербезопасности.In this paper we present an overview of the main applications of the game-theoretic approach to the network security. The game theory explores the interaction of rational agents in conflict and uncertainty. Models of game theory are successfully applied in economics, biology, computer networks and many others. Application in the field of security is a relatively new direction that allows us to present the problem of protection in the form of a game and apply advanced analysis methods. We describe main threats and corresponding models and methods of game theory in this field of science. A classification of game-theoretic approaches is proposed and a comparison of existing classifications is made. Denial of service attacks which are one of the most dangerous types of cybercrime are investigated separately. Game models of such attacks are built and the vulnerability of existing defense strategies is analyzed. Possible future trends in the application of the game approach to the problems of cybersecurity are identified and described

    Analysis of the impact of denial of service attacks on centralized control in smart cities

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    The increasing threat of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks targeting Smart City systems impose unprecedented challenges in terms of service availability, especially against centralized control platforms due to their single point of failure issue. The European ARTEMIS co-funded project ACCUS (Adaptive Cooperative Control in Urban (sub) Systems) is focused on a centralized Integration and Coordination Platform (ICP) for urban subsystems to enable real-time collaborative applications across them and optimize their combined performance in Smart Cities. Hence, any outage of the ACCUS ICP, due to DoS attacks, can severely affect not only the interconnected subsystems but also the citizens. Consequently, it is of utmost importance for ACCUS ICP to be protected with the appropriate defense mechanisms against these attacks. Towards this direction, the measurement of the performance degradation of the attacked ICP server can be used for the selection of the most appropriate defense mechanisms. However, the suitable metrics are required to be defined. Therefore, this paper models and analyzes the impact of DoS attacks on the queue management temporal performance of the ACCUS ICP server in terms of system delay by using queueing theory

    Detection of DDoS attacks in Windows Communication Foundation Services

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    Internet provides many critical services so it has become very important to monitor the network traffic so that the resources of the network can be prevented from being depleted from malicious hackers. In this paper, we have presented a mechanism to detect and defense a web-server against a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. We have presented simulation of specific kind of DDoS attack i.e. identity spoofing and SYN flood attack on an application similar to shopping portal and its results to demonstrate the effectiveness of the mechanism. Then, the attack is monitored in resource monitor of the server side monitor showing CPU utilization.Also,some defense mechanisms to defend the server against such attacks has been presented. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15029

    Penanggulangan Serangan LOIC Terhadap Web Server

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    Ketersediaan layanan yang selalu siap secara realtime merupakan hal yang selalu diupayakan untuk menunjang kelancaran layanan dalam menggunakan web server sebagai media utama dalam memberikan dan menunjang interface bagi semua kebutuhan pengguna. Kendala utama karena layanan web server melalui jalur internet maka sering terjadi kendala teknis yang diakibatkan gangguan serangan DoS LOIC yang melumpuhkan kinerja web server, cpu, dan komponen lainnya yang menguras sumber daya komputer server. Hal seperti ini perlu ditanggulangi sehingga layanan web server tetap tersedia bagi pengguna tanpa kendala. Begitu pula serangan yang menggali informasi dari komputer server seperti aktifitas port scanning yang menghasilkan informasi berupa jenis web server, jenis sistem operasi yang digunakan dan informasi penting lainnya. Untuk itu diperlukan upaya penanggulangan dengan menggunakan firewall iptables guna meminimalisir gangguan tersebut

    Towards Loop-Free Forwarding of Anonymous Internet Datagrams that Enforce Provenance

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    The way in which addressing and forwarding are implemented in the Internet constitutes one of its biggest privacy and security challenges. The fact that source addresses in Internet datagrams cannot be trusted makes the IP Internet inherently vulnerable to DoS and DDoS attacks. The Internet forwarding plane is open to attacks to the privacy of datagram sources, because source addresses in Internet datagrams have global scope. The fact an Internet datagrams are forwarded based solely on the destination addresses stated in datagram headers and the next hops stored in the forwarding information bases (FIB) of relaying routers allows Internet datagrams to traverse loops, which wastes resources and leaves the Internet open to further attacks. We introduce PEAR (Provenance Enforcement through Addressing and Routing), a new approach for addressing and forwarding of Internet datagrams that enables anonymous forwarding of Internet datagrams, eliminates many of the existing DDoS attacks on the IP Internet, and prevents Internet datagrams from looping, even in the presence of routing-table loops.Comment: Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2016, 4-8 December 2016, Washington, D.C., US