6 research outputs found

    State Controlled Object Oriented Programming

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    In this thesis, we examine an extension to the idea of object oriented programming to make programs easier for people and compilers to understand. Often objects behave differently depending on the history of past operations as well as their input that is their behavior depends on state. We may think of the fields of an object as encoding two kinds of information: data that makes up the useful information in the object and state that controls its behavior. Object oriented languages do not distinguish these two. We propose that by specifying these two, programs become clearer for people to write and understand and easier for machines to transform and optimize. We introduce the notion of state controlled object oriented programming, abbreviated as “SCOOP”, which encompasses explicit support of state in objects. While introducing an extension to object oriented programming, our objective is to minimize any burden on the programmer while programming with SCOOP. Static detection of the current state of an object by programming languages has been a challenge. To overcome this challenge without compromising our objective, a technique is presented that advances contemporary work. We propose an implementation scheme for a SCOOP compiler that effectively synchronizes the external and internal representation of state of objects. As an implication of this scheme, SCOOP would provide the memento design pattern by default. We also show how a portion of an object particular to its state can be replaced dynamically, allowing state dependent polymorphism. Further, we discuss how programs coded in SCOOP can be model checked

    Control automĂĄtico adaptativo por medio del ciclo MAPE-K, en el Internet de las cosas, usando el System On Chip ESP32

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    El Internet de las Cosas (IoT) es una revoluci on tecnol ogica, en la que se interconectan personas, procesos, datos y objetos inanimados, usando el Internet como puente entre ellos. Estas interacciones ofrecen nuevas posibilidades para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas al igual manera que mejorar algunos procesos industriales. Esta tesis de Maestr a aport o al desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en el Internet de las Cosas, al proporcionar un Objeto de Internet que capaz de realizar control autom atico adaptativo por medio del ciclo Monitorear, Analizar, Plani car, Ejecutar y Conocer (MAPE-K). Este Objeto de Internet se desarrollo por medio del System On Chip ESP32, de la empresa Espressif. El Objeto de Internet se probo en sistemas electr onicos Lineales e Invariantes en el Tiempo (LTI). El sistema desarrollado mostr o ser capaz de realizar el control de estos y adaptarse a cambios en su din amica interna. Durante el desarrollo de esta tesis se investig o en las areas del control autom atico, sistemas embebidos, inteligencia arti cial y desarrollo de Aplicaciones WebThe Internet of Things (IoT) is a technological revolution, in which people, processes, data and inanimate objects are interconnected, using the Internet as a bridge between them. These interactions offer new possibilities to improve the quality of life of people as well as improve some industrial processes. This Master’s thesis contributed to the development of applications based on the Internet of Things, by providing an Internet Object capable of performing adaptive automatic control through the Monitor, Analyze, Plan, Execute and Know cycle (MAPE-K). This Internet Object was developed by means of the System On Chip ESP32, from the company Espressif. The Internet Object was tested in Linear and Time Invariant (LTI) electronic systems. The developed system showed to be capable of controlling these and adapting to changes in it’s internal dynamics. During the development of this thesis, research was carried out in the areas of automatic control, embedded systems, artificial intelligence and the development of Web Applications

    Context-Aware Service Creation On The Semantic Web

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    With the increase of the computational power of mobile devices, their new capabilities and the addition of new context sensors, it is possible to obtain more information from mobile users and to offer new ways and tools to facilitate the content creation process. All this information can be exploited by the service creators to provide mobile services with higher degree of personalization that translate into better experiences. Currently on the web, many data sources containing UGC provide access to them through classical web mechanisms (built on a small set of standards), that is, custom web APIs that promote the fragmentation of the Web. To address this issue, Tim Berners-Lee proposed the Linked Data principles to provide guidelines for the use of standard web technologies, thus allowing the publication of structured on the Web that can be accessed using standard database mechanisms. The increase of Linked Data published on the web, increases opportunities for mobile services take advantage of it as a huge source of data, information and knowledge, either user-generated or not. This dissertation proposes a framework for creating mobile services that exploit the context information, generated content of its users and the data, information and knowledge present on the Web of Data. In addition we present, the cases of different mobile services created to take advantage of these elements and in which the proposed framework have been implemented (at least partially). Each of these services belong to different domains and each of them highlight the advantages provided to their end user