12 research outputs found

    Software-As-A-Service: Implications For Business And Technology In Product Software Companies

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    Many software organizations are currently transitioning from an on-premises deployment model to the Software as a Service (SaaS) model. If a company restricts changes only in the business or technical perspective, the transition leads to higher costs, poor adoption of the SaaS model, and in the worst case, the company can lose its business. Much literature focuses on changes within one domain and is generally also limited to one perspective. This paper provides stakeholders (i.e. product managers, and business managers) an integrated perspective (business and technological) with a comprehensive framework that covers changes in four domains: business/product structure, revenue logic, customer relationships, and partnerships. The applicability of the proposed framework is assessed with a case study of a large software product vendor. The paper also contributes by providing a new avenue to study SaaS, with an integrated perspective for the organizational transition period. For the industry, this paper suggests a way to assess the impacts of organizational transition towards the SaaS model. With this overview in hand, software-producing organizations can use the comprehensive framework to successfully transition to become SaaS vendors

    A Systematic Mapping Study on Requirements Engineering in Software Ecosystems

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    Software ecosystems (SECOs) and open innovation processes have been claimed as a way forward for the software industry. A proper understanding of requirements is as important for these IT-systems as for more traditional ones. This paper presents a mapping study on the issues of requirements engineering and quality aspects in SECOs and analyzes emerging ideas. Our findings indicate that among the various phases or subtasks of requirements engineering, most of the SECO specific research has been accomplished on elicitation, analysis, and modeling. On the other hand, requirements selection, prioritization, verification, and traceability has attracted few published studies. Among the various quality attributes, most of the SECOs research has been performed on security, performance and testability. On the other hand, reliability, safety, maintainability, transparency, usability attracted few published studies. The paper provides a review of the academic literature about SECO-related requirements engineering activities, modeling approaches, and quality attributes, positions the source publications in a taxonomy of issues and identifies gaps where there has been little research.Comment: Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR) 11(1

    Your app is no longer welcome in our app store: Partner exclusion in software ecosystems

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    Software ecosystems are sets of interdependent actors that collaboratively interact with a shared market for software and services. In commercial software ecosystems, there is typically a platform that is managed by one central software producing organization. Subsequently, the central organization orchestrates the partners that wish to be part of the software ecosystem. As the relationship between the orchestrator and the partner matures, the platform orchestrator runs into new challenges: how should partners be rewarded in the software ecosystem for their good behavior and punished for any bad behavior, with removal from the ecosystem as its most drastic step? In this work we focus on partner evaluation and exclusion by conducting a set of exploratory theory building interviews with partner managers working at these software platform orchestrators. Our findings indicate that exclusion of partners in practice involves the removal of resources and funding. In the case of technology partners, orchestrators typically remove these resources by restricting access to app stores or technical resources. For business partners, exclusion involves the loss of support from commercial resources or revenue streams derived from contracts

    Open source software ecosystems : a systematic mapping

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    Context: Open source software (OSS) and software ecosystems (SECOs) are two consolidated research areas in software engineering. OSS influences the way organizations develop, acquire, use and commercialize software. SECOs have emerged as a paradigm to understand dynamics and heterogeneity in collaborative software development. For this reason, SECOs appear as a valid instrument to analyze OSS systems. However, there are few studies that blend both topics together. Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the current state of the art in OSS ecosystems (OSSECOs) research, specifically: (a) what the most relevant definitions related to OSSECOs are; (b) what the particularities of this type of SECO are; and (c) how the knowledge about OSSECO is represented. Method: We conducted a systematic mapping following recommended practices. We applied automatic and manual searches on different sources and used a rigorous method to elicit the keywords from the research questions and selection criteria to retrieve the final papers. As a result, 82 papers were selected and evaluated. Threats to validity were identified and mitigated whenever possible. Results: The analysis allowed us to answer the research questions. Most notably, we did the following: (a) identified 64 terms related to the OSSECO and arranged them into a taxonomy; (b) built a genealogical tree to understand the genesis of the OSSECO term from related definitions; (c) analyzed the available definitions of SECO in the context of OSS; and (d) classified the existing modelling and analysis techniques of OSSECOs. Conclusion: As a summary of the systematic mapping, we conclude that existing research on several topics related to OSSECOs is still scarce (e.g., modelling and analysis techniques, quality models, standard definitions, etc.). This situation calls for further investigation efforts on how organizations and OSS communities actually understand OSSECOs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Partner ecosystems in enterprise software: cause and effect of the business model from vendor, partner and customer perspectives

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    “A Software Ecosystem” is an economic ecosystem that forms around one specific software vendor. As the software industry changes rapidly, research presented earlier shows, that the success of a software is not only defined by its own success but by the success of its ecosystem.” (Popp & Meyer, 2010, s. 131) In most cases, a software ecosystem formulates over time around one large, global organization. The vendor enables other companies to engage in co-operation with it, resell its product portfolio to customers or complement their own offerings with the organization’s product or service portfolio. In large software ecosystems, there are multiple types of third-party organizations engaging the vendor and acting between it and the end customers. Different types of third party organizations aim to bring value to the ecosystem in different ways, according to business strategies they have chosen. The most common types of third party entities in enterprise software ecosystems are Value-added resellers (VARs), Value-added distributors (VADs), System Integrators (SIs) and independent technology consultants. The purpose of the ecosystem is to act as an environment that enables all parties in the ecosystem to benefit from each other’s existence and create value that could not be captured as efficiently, if at all, without the ecosystem and the external entities as parts of it. The most common goals the software vendors pursue with the ecosystem strategy can be further subcategorized into three main sub-goals; financial goals including cost-cutting and monetization, product leadership related goals through open co-innovation, and finally network effect related goals that can be achieved in the market. Although strategic partnerships complicate the business especially since the third parties might represent multiple competing technology vendors, they have been successfully utilized in almost every major industry, including enterprise software. In general, software ecosystems enable increasing value to existing end users, increasing attractiveness to new users, sharing the efforts of product innovation between the partners and increasing lock-in effect among the global clientele. Additionally, the partners enable physical presence in more local markets without expanding the vendor’s own customer facing sales personnel to uncontrollable numbers

    A survey of associate models used within large software ecosystems

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    Associate models are powerful tools for large software ecosystem orchestrators to manage clusters within its ecosystem. At present, however, it remains unclear how these associate models are used in practice and of what elements such models consist. Without an overview of what associate models consist of, the concept of software ecosystem orchestration will remain elusive. In this paper, a conceptual overview is presented that describes the structure of an ecosystem associate model. The conceptual overview consists of the roles fulfilled by the participant within the associate commitment, including the dimension of the role as well as resulting benefits, requirements and costs. Furthermore, the conceptual overview enables a categorization into different forms of associate model governance, entry barriers and goals for the three respective models. With the conceptual overview, software ecosystem orchestrators can develop their own associate models and attain insight into the forces that are at play in their own software ecosystem

    A survey of associate models used within large software ecosystems

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    Associate models are powerful tools for large software ecosystem orchestrators to manage clusters within its ecosystem. At present, however, it remains unclear how these associate models are used in practice and of what elements such models consist. Without an overview of what associate models consist of, the concept of software ecosystem orchestration will remain elusive. In this paper, a conceptual overview is presented that describes the structure of an ecosystem associate model. The conceptual overview consists of the roles fulfilled by the participant within the associate commitment, including the dimension of the role as well as resulting benefits, requirements and costs. Furthermore, the conceptual overview enables a categorization into different forms of associate model governance, entry barriers and goals for the three respective models. With the conceptual overview, software ecosystem orchestrators can develop their own associate models and attain insight into the forces that are at play in their own software ecosystem

    Open source software ecosystems quality analysis from data sources

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    Background: Open source software (OSS) and software ecosystems (SECOs) are two consolidated research areas in software engineering. The adoption of OSS by firms, governments, researchers and practitioners has been increasing rapidly in the last decades, and in consequence, they find themselves in a new kind of ecosystem composed by software communities,foundations, developers and partners, namely Open Source Software Ecosystem (OSSECO). In order to perform a systematic quality evaluation of a SECO, it is necessary to define certain types of concrete elements. This means that measures and evaluations should be described (e.g., through thresholds or expert judgment). The quality evaluation of an OSSECO may serve several purposes, for example: adopters of the products of the OSSECO may want to know about the liveliness of the OSSECO (e.g., recent updates); software developers may want to know about the activeness (e.g., how many collaborators are involved and how active they are); and the OSSECO community itself to know about the OSSECO health (e.g., evolving in the right direction). However, the current approaches for evaluating software quality (even those specific for open source software) do not cover all the aspects relevant in an OSSECO from an ecosystem perspective. Goal: The main goal of this PhD thesis is to support the OSSECO quality evaluation by designing a framework that supports the quality evaluation of OSSECOs. Methods: To accomplish this goal, we have used and approach based on design science methodology by Wieringa [1] and the characterization of software engineering proposed by M. Shaw [2], in order to produce a set of artefacts to contribute in thequality evaluation of OSSECOs and to learn about the effects of using these artefacts in practice. Results: We have conducted a systematic mapping to characterize OSSECOs and designed the QuESo framework (a framework to evaluate the OSSECO quality) composed by three artifacts: (i) QuESo-model, a quality model for OSSECOs; (ii) QuESoprocess, a process for conducting OSSECO quality evaluations using the QuESo-model; and (iii) QuESo-tool, a software component to support semi-automatic quality evaluation of OSSECOs. Furthermore, this framework has been validated with a case study on Eclipse. Conclusions: This thesis has contributed to increase the knowledge and understanding of OSSECOs, and to support the qualityevaluation of OSSECOs. [ntecedentes: el software de código abierto (OSS, por sus siglas en inglés) y los ecosistemas de software (SECOs, por sus siglas en inglés) son dos áreas de investigación consolidadas en ingeniería de software. La adopción de OSS por parte de empresas, gobiernos, investigadores y profesionales se ha incrementado rápidamente en las últimas décadas, y, en consecuencia, todos ellos hacen parte de un nuevo tipo de ecosistema formado por comunidades de software, fundaciones, desarrolladores y socios denominado ecosistema de software de código abierto. (OSSECO, por sus siglas en inglés)). Para realizar una evaluación sistemática de la calidad de un SECO, es necesario definir ciertos tipos de elementos concretos. Esto significa que tanto las métricas como las evaluaciones deben ser descritos (por ejemplo, a través de datos históricos o el conocimiento de expertos). La evaluación de la calidad de un OSSECO puede ser de utilidad desde diferentes perspectivas, por ejemplo: los que adoptan los productos del OSSECO pueden querer conocer la vitalidad del OSSECO (por ejemplo, el número de actualizaciones recientes); los desarrolladores de software pueden querer saber sobre la actividad del OSSECO (por ejemplo, cuántos colaboradores están involucrados y qué tan activos son); incluso la propia comunidad del OSSECO para conocer el estado de salud del OSSECO (por ejemplo, si está evolucionando en la dirección correcta). Sin embargo, los enfoques actuales para evaluar la calidad del software (incluso aquellos específicos para el software de código abierto) no cubren todos los aspectos relevantes en un OSSECO desde una perspectiva ecosistémica. Objetivo: El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es apoyar la evaluación de la calidad de OSSECO mediante el diseño de un marco de trabajo que ayude a la evaluación de la calidad de un OSSECO. Métodos: Para lograr este objetivo, hemos utilizado un enfoque basado en la metodología design science propuesta por Wieringa [1]. Adicionalmente, nos hemos basado en la caracterización de la ingeniería de software propuesta por M. Shaw [2], con el fin de construir un conjunto de artefactos que contribuyan en la evaluación de la calidad de un OSSECO y para conocer los efectos del uso de estos artefactos en la práctica. Resultados: Hemos realizado un mapeo sistemático para caracterizar los OSSECOs y hemos diseñado el marco de trabajo denominado QuESo (es un marco de trabajo para evaluar la calidad de los OSSECOs). QuESo a su vez está compuesto por tres artefactos: (i) QuESo-model, un modelo de calidad para OSSECOs; (ii) QuESo-process, un proceso para llevar a cabo las evaluaciones de calidad de OSSECOs utilizando el modelo QuESo; y (iii) QuESo-tool, un conjunto de componentes de software que apoyan la evaluación de calidad de los OSSECOs de manera semiautomática. QuESo ha sido validado con un estudio de caso sobre Eclipse. Conclusiones: esta tesis ha contribuido a aumentar el conocimiento y la comprensión de los OSSECOs, y tambien ha apoyado la evaluación de la calidad de los OSSECOsPostprint (published version

    Open source software ecosystems quality analysis from data sources

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    Background: Open source software (OSS) and software ecosystems (SECOs) are two consolidated research areas in software engineering. The adoption of OSS by firms, governments, researchers and practitioners has been increasing rapidly in the last decades, and in consequence, they find themselves in a new kind of ecosystem composed by software communities,foundations, developers and partners, namely Open Source Software Ecosystem (OSSECO). In order to perform a systematic quality evaluation of a SECO, it is necessary to define certain types of concrete elements. This means that measures and evaluations should be described (e.g., through thresholds or expert judgment). The quality evaluation of an OSSECO may serve several purposes, for example: adopters of the products of the OSSECO may want to know about the liveliness of the OSSECO (e.g., recent updates); software developers may want to know about the activeness (e.g., how many collaborators are involved and how active they are); and the OSSECO community itself to know about the OSSECO health (e.g., evolving in the right direction). However, the current approaches for evaluating software quality (even those specific for open source software) do not cover all the aspects relevant in an OSSECO from an ecosystem perspective. Goal: The main goal of this PhD thesis is to support the OSSECO quality evaluation by designing a framework that supports the quality evaluation of OSSECOs. Methods: To accomplish this goal, we have used and approach based on design science methodology by Wieringa [1] and the characterization of software engineering proposed by M. Shaw [2], in order to produce a set of artefacts to contribute in thequality evaluation of OSSECOs and to learn about the effects of using these artefacts in practice. Results: We have conducted a systematic mapping to characterize OSSECOs and designed the QuESo framework (a framework to evaluate the OSSECO quality) composed by three artifacts: (i) QuESo-model, a quality model for OSSECOs; (ii) QuESoprocess, a process for conducting OSSECO quality evaluations using the QuESo-model; and (iii) QuESo-tool, a software component to support semi-automatic quality evaluation of OSSECOs. Furthermore, this framework has been validated with a case study on Eclipse. Conclusions: This thesis has contributed to increase the knowledge and understanding of OSSECOs, and to support the qualityevaluation of OSSECOs. [ntecedentes: el software de código abierto (OSS, por sus siglas en inglés) y los ecosistemas de software (SECOs, por sus siglas en inglés) son dos áreas de investigación consolidadas en ingeniería de software. La adopción de OSS por parte de empresas, gobiernos, investigadores y profesionales se ha incrementado rápidamente en las últimas décadas, y, en consecuencia, todos ellos hacen parte de un nuevo tipo de ecosistema formado por comunidades de software, fundaciones, desarrolladores y socios denominado ecosistema de software de código abierto. (OSSECO, por sus siglas en inglés)). Para realizar una evaluación sistemática de la calidad de un SECO, es necesario definir ciertos tipos de elementos concretos. Esto significa que tanto las métricas como las evaluaciones deben ser descritos (por ejemplo, a través de datos históricos o el conocimiento de expertos). La evaluación de la calidad de un OSSECO puede ser de utilidad desde diferentes perspectivas, por ejemplo: los que adoptan los productos del OSSECO pueden querer conocer la vitalidad del OSSECO (por ejemplo, el número de actualizaciones recientes); los desarrolladores de software pueden querer saber sobre la actividad del OSSECO (por ejemplo, cuántos colaboradores están involucrados y qué tan activos son); incluso la propia comunidad del OSSECO para conocer el estado de salud del OSSECO (por ejemplo, si está evolucionando en la dirección correcta). Sin embargo, los enfoques actuales para evaluar la calidad del software (incluso aquellos específicos para el software de código abierto) no cubren todos los aspectos relevantes en un OSSECO desde una perspectiva ecosistémica. Objetivo: El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es apoyar la evaluación de la calidad de OSSECO mediante el diseño de un marco de trabajo que ayude a la evaluación de la calidad de un OSSECO. Métodos: Para lograr este objetivo, hemos utilizado un enfoque basado en la metodología design science propuesta por Wieringa [1]. Adicionalmente, nos hemos basado en la caracterización de la ingeniería de software propuesta por M. Shaw [2], con el fin de construir un conjunto de artefactos que contribuyan en la evaluación de la calidad de un OSSECO y para conocer los efectos del uso de estos artefactos en la práctica. Resultados: Hemos realizado un mapeo sistemático para caracterizar los OSSECOs y hemos diseñado el marco de trabajo denominado QuESo (es un marco de trabajo para evaluar la calidad de los OSSECOs). QuESo a su vez está compuesto por tres artefactos: (i) QuESo-model, un modelo de calidad para OSSECOs; (ii) QuESo-process, un proceso para llevar a cabo las evaluaciones de calidad de OSSECOs utilizando el modelo QuESo; y (iii) QuESo-tool, un conjunto de componentes de software que apoyan la evaluación de calidad de los OSSECOs de manera semiautomática. QuESo ha sido validado con un estudio de caso sobre Eclipse. Conclusiones: esta tesis ha contribuido a aumentar el conocimiento y la comprensión de los OSSECOs, y tambien ha apoyado la evaluación de la calidad de los OSSECO