7,198 research outputs found

    Nudging folks towards stronger password choices:providing certainty is the key

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    Persuading people to choose strong passwords is challenging. One way to influence password strength, as and when people are making the choice, is to tweak the choice architecture to encourage stronger choice. A variety of choice architecture manipulations i.e. “nudges”, have been trialled by researchers with a view to strengthening the overall password profile. None has made much of a difference so far. Here we report on our design of an influential behavioural intervention tailored to the password choice context: a hybrid nudge that significantly prompted stronger passwords.We carried out three longitudinal studies to analyse the efficacy of a range of “nudges” by manipulating the password choice architecture of an actual university web application. The first and second studies tested the efficacy of several simple visual framing “nudges”. Password strength did not budge. The third study tested expiration dates directly linked to password strength. This manipulation delivered a positive result: significantly longer and stronger passwords. Our main conclusion was that the final successful nudge provided participants with absolute certainty as to the benefit of a stronger password, and that it was this certainty that made the difference

    Estimating Impact and Frequency of Risks to Safety and Mission Critical Systems Using CVSS

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    Many safety and mission critical systems depend on the correct and secure operation of both supportive and core software systems. E.g., both the safety of personnel and the effective execution of core missions on an oil platform depend on the correct recording storing, transfer and interpretation of data, such as that for the Logging While Drilling (LWD) and Measurement While Drilling (MWD) subsystems. Here, data is recorded on site, packaged and then transferred to an on-shore operational centre. Today, the data is transferred on dedicated communication channels to ensure a secure and safe transfer, free from deliberately and accidental faults. However, as the cost control is ever more important some of the transfer will be over remotely accessible infrastructure in the future. Thus, communication will be prone to known security vulnerabilities exploitable by outsiders. This paper presents a model that estimates risk level of known vulnerabilities as a combination of frequency and impact estimates derived from the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The model is implemented as a Bayesian Belief Network (BBN)

    A Graph-Based Approach to Address Trust and Reputation in Ubiquitous Networks

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    The increasing popularity of virtual computing environments such as Cloud and Grid computing is helping to drive the realization of ubiquitous and pervasive computing. However, as computing becomes more entrenched in everyday life, the concepts of trust and risk become increasingly important. In this paper, we propose a new graph-based theoretical approach to address trust and reputation in complex ubiquitous networks. We formulate trust as a function of quality of a task and time required to authenticate agent-to-agent relationship based on the Zero-Common Knowledge (ZCK) authentication scheme. This initial representation applies a graph theory concept, accompanied by a mathematical formulation of trust metrics. The approach we propose increases awareness and trustworthiness to agents based on the values estimated for each requested task, we conclude by stating our plans for future work in this area
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