240 research outputs found

    Photophysics of fluorescent silver nanoclusters

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    Fluorescence imaging has been increasingly relied upon as the method of choice for many biological and medical applications. As demands for more sensitive and higher resolution imaging are ever-increasing, it is critical that photostable, and robust fluorophores capable of delivering high emission rates are available. Fluorescent silver nanoclusters offer an attractive compromise between the photostability and brightness of quantum dots and the compact versatility of organic chromophores. They have been shown to be superior in many roles, including as single molecule fluorophores and bulk multiphoton biological staining agents. The two-photon absorption cross sections are several orders of magnitude larger than commercially-available dyes, and they have demonstrated superior photostability under high intensity irradiation. In addition to the endogenous effects of the cluster, its small size of only a few atoms renders it highly susceptible to surface and environmental effects, which manifests, for example, in the observed photoinduced charge transfer between the silver cluster and oligonucleotide. This state has been shown to be highly advantageous in imaging applications, as control of this state enables better control over the time-averaged emission rate of the molecule. The mechanism of charge transfer, and the possible means by which this state can be controlled will be also be investigated in this work.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dickson, Robert; Committee Member: Brown, Ken; Committee Member: Curtis, Jennifer; Committee Member: Payne, Christine; Committee Member: Perry, Josep

    Design of an RC Oscillator for Automotive Applications

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na návrh integrovaného relaxačního oscilátoru pro automobilové aplikace, které jsou charakteristické extrémními provozními podmínkami a vysokými požadavky na robustnost. Z dostupné literatury byla provedena rešerše, která umožnila postihnout nezbytný teoretický základ pro komparativní studii nedávno představených designů integrovaných oscilátorů a také pomohla navrhnout architekturu oscilátoru, která v implementaci zahrnuje princip IEF. Za účelem předpovězení negativních vlivů na výkon systému a optimálních parametrů bloků byly provedeny simulace vysokoúrovňového modelu. V práci je diskutována implementace jednotlivých bloků a prezentovány výsledky simulace kritických parametrů. Simulace navrženého oscilátoru prokázaly konzistenci konceptu IEF pro praktickou realizaci. Realizovaný systém však potřebuje další vylepšení.The thesis is aimed on the integrated relaxation oscillator design for automotive applications, that are characterized by harsh operation conditions and high robustness requirements. Literature research was conducted to acquire necessary theoretical basis for comparative study of the recently proposed integrated oscillator designs to choose the oscillator architecture utilizing integrated-error feedback for the implementation. High-level model simulations were conducted to predict negative influences on the system performance and to suggest blocks optimal parameters for the design. The implementation of the designed blocks was discussed, and simulation results of the critical parameters were presented. The designed oscillator simulations proved the consistency of the integrated-error feedback concept for practical realization. However, the designed system needs further improvements

    Development of electronics for microultrasound capsule endoscopy

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    Development of intracorporeal devices has surged in the last decade due to advancements in the semiconductor industry, energy storage and low-power sensing systems. This work aims to present a thorough systematic overview and exploration of the microultrasound (µUS) capsule endoscopy (CE) field as the development of electronic components will be key to a successful applicable µUSCE device. The research focused on investigating and designing high-voltage (HV, < 36 V) generating and driving circuits as well as a low-noise amplifier (LNA) for battery-powered and volume-limited systems. In implantable applications, HV generation with maximum efficiency is required to improve the operational lifetime whilst reducing the cost of the device. A fully integrated hybrid (H) charge pump (CP) comprising a serial-parallel (SP) stage was designed and manufactured for > 20 V and 0 - 100 µA output capabilities. The results were compared to a Dickson (DKCP) occupying the same chip area; further improvements in the SPCP topology were explored and a new switching scheme for SPCPs was introduced. A second regulated CP version was excogitated and manufactured to use with an integrated µUS pulse generator. The CP was manufactured and tested at different output currents and capacitive loads; its operation with an US pulser was evaluated and a novel self-oscillating CP mechanism to eliminate the need of an auxiliary clock generator with a minimum area overhead was devised. A single-output universal US pulser was designed, manufactured and tested with 1.5 MHz, 3 MHz, and 28 MHz arrays to achieve a means of fully-integrated, low-power transducer driving. The circuit was evaluated for power consumption and pulse generation capabilities with different loads. Pulse-echo measurements were carried out and compared with those from a commercial US research system to characterise and understand the quality of the generated pulse. A second pulser version for a 28 MHz array was derived to allow control of individual elements. The work involved its optimisation methodology and design of a novel HV feedback-based level-shifter. A low-noise amplifier (LNA) was designed for a wide bandwidth µUS array with a centre frequency of 28 MHz. The LNA was based on an energy-efficient inverter architecture. The circuit encompassed a full power-down functionality and was investigated for a self-biased operation to achieve lower chip area. The explored concepts enable realisation of low power and high performance LNAs for µUS frequencies

    Nanomechanical measurements of fluctuations in biological, turbulent, and confined flows

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    The microcantilever has become a ubiquitous tool for surface science, chemical sensing, biosensing, imaging, and energy harvesting, among many others. It is a device of relatively simple geometry with a static and dynamic response that is well understood. Further, because of it's small size, it is extremely sensitive to small external perturbations. These characteristics make the microcantilever an ideal candidate for a multitude of sensing applications. In this thesis dissertation we use the microcantilever to conduct numerous physical measurements and to study fundamental phenomena in the areas of fluid dynamics, turbulence, and biology. In each area we use the cantilever as a sensitive transducer in order to probe fluctuating forces. In micro and nanometer scale flows the characteristic length scale of the flow approaches and is even exceeded by the fluid mean free path. This limit is beyond the applicability of the Navier-Stokes equations, requiring a rigorous treatment using kinetic theory. In our first study, we conduct a series of experiments in which we use a microcantilever to measure gas dissipation in a nanoscopically confined system. Here, the distance between the gas molecules is of the same order as the separation between the cantilever and the walls of its container. As the cantilever is brought towards the wall, the flow becomes confined in the gap between the cantilever and the wall, affecting the resonant frequency and dissipation of the cantilever. By carefully tuning the separation distance, the gas pressure, and the cantilever oscillation frequency, we study the flow over a broad range of dimensionless parameters. Using these measurements, we provide an in-depth characterization of confinement effects in oscillating nanoflows. In addition, we propose a scaling function which describes the flow in the entire parameter space and which unifies previous theories based on the slip boundary condition and effective viscosity. In our next study, we seek to gain a better understanding of the transition to turbulence in a channel flow. We use a cantilever embedded in the channel wall to perform two sets of experiments: first, we study transition to turbulence triggered by the natural imperfections of the channel walls and second, we study transition under artificially added inlet noise. Our results point to two very different paths to turbulence. In the first case, wall effects lead to an extremely intermittent transitional flow and in the second case, broadband fluctuations originating at the inlet lead to less intermittent flow that is more reminiscent of homogeneous turbulence. The two experiments result in random flows in which high-order moments of near-wall fluctuations differ by orders of magnitude. Surprisingly however, the lowest order statistics in both cases appear qualitatively similar and can be described by a proposed noisy Landau equation. The noise, regardless of its origin, regularizes the Landau singularity of the relaxation time and makes transitions driven by different noise sources appear similar. Our results provide evidence of the existence of a finite turbulent relaxation time in transitional flows due to the persistent nature of noise in the system. In our last study, we turn to biologically-driven fluctuations from bacterial motion. Recent studies suggest that the motion of living bacteria could serve as a good indicator of bacteria species and resistance to antibiotics. To gain a better understanding of these fluctuations, we measure the nanomechanical motion of bacteria adhered to a chemically functionalized silicon microcantilever. A non-specific binding agent is used to attach E. coli to the surface of the device. The motion of the bacteria couples efficiently to the cantilever well below its resonance frequency, causing a measurable increase in its mechanical fluctuations. We vary the bacterial concentration over two orders of magnitude and are able to observe a corresponding change in the amplitude of fluctuations. Additionally, we administer antibiotics (Streptomycin) to kill the bacteria and observe a decrease in the fluctuations. A basic physical model is used to explain the observed spectral distribution of the mechanical fluctuations. These results lay the groundwork for understanding the motion of microorganisms adhered to surfaces and for developing micromechanical sensors for rapid bacterial identification and antibiotic resistance testing

    Dynamics of resonant tunneling diode optoelectronic oscillators

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    Tese de dout., Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2012The nonlinear dynamics of optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) oscillators comprising semiconductor resonant tunneling diode (RTD) nanoelectronic quantum devices has been investigated. The RTD devices used in this study oscillate in the microwave band frequency due to the negative di erential conductance (NDC) of their nonlinear current voltage characteristics, which is preserved in the optoelectronic circuit. The aim was to study RTD circuits incorporating laser diodes and photo-detectors to obtain novel dynamical operation regimes in both electrical and optical domains taking advantage of RTD's NDC characteristic. Experimental implementation and characterization of RTD-OEICs was realized in parallel with the development of computational numerical models. The numerical models were based on ordinary and delay di erential equations consisting of a Li enard's RTD oscillator and laser diode single mode rate equations that allowed the analysis of the dynamics of RTD-OEICs. In this work, several regimes of operation are demonstrated, both experimentally and numerically, including generation of voltage controlled microwave oscillations and synchronization to optical and electrical external signals providing stable and low phase noise output signals, and generation of complex oscillations that are characteristic of high-dimensional chaos. Optoelectronic integrated circuits using RTD oscillators are interesting alternatives for more e cient synchronization, generation of stable and low phase noise microwave signals, electrical/optical conversion, and for new ways of optoelectronic chaos generation. This can lead to simpli cation of communication systems by boosting circuits speed while reducing the power and number of components. The applications of RTD-OEICs include operation as optoelectronic voltage controlled oscillators in clock recovery circuit systems, in wireless-photonics communication systems, or in secure communication systems using chaotic waveforms

    Etude d'un auto-oscillateur non-isochrone (Application à la dynamique non-linéaire de l'aimantation induite par transfert de spin)

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    Les oscillateurs à transfert de spin (STO) sont des oscillateurs Radiofréquence nanométriques dont la fréquence peut être variée d'un ordre de grandeur. Cette forte agilité en fréquence provient des propriétés non-linéaires de la dynamique de l'aimantation induite par le transfert de spin (STT) dans des multicouches magnétiques nano-structurées. Cette forte agilité en fréquence a le désavantage d'induire une forte sensibilité au bruit. La pureté spectrale des STO est alors bien en dessous des pré-requis pour les applications en télécommunications. Les principales propriétés de la dynamique de l'aimantation induite par le STT ont été décrites simplement à l'aide de la théorie non-linéaire des ondes de spin. Cependant des informations importantes sur le mode d'excitation sont enfouies dans des paramètres phénoménologiques tels que le couplage amplitude-phase NU et le taux de relaxation Gp. La détermination de ces paramètres avec précision est d'un intérêt primordial pour la description de la dynamique non-linéaire. Cette thèse décrit plusieurs méthodes expérimentales pour extraire ces paramètres. La première est la spectroscopie de bruit depuis le domaine temporel qui permet l'extraction des Densités Spectrales de Puissance du bruit d'amplitude et de phase. Leur analyse dans le cadre des modèles théoriques permet non seulement d'extraire directement les paramètres non-linaires mais également de quantifier le bruit de phase qui a un intérêt technologique. Ceci est démontré pour des dispositifs basés sur des jonctions tunnels magnétiques. La deuxième méthode est basée sur l'analyse des largeurs de raies des harmoniques du signal, où il est montré que du fait des propriétés non-isochrones des STO, la relation entre Dfn et Df1 est non triviale et permet l'extraction de NU et Gp. Nous utilisons alors toutes les informations obtenues sur le régime autonome de la dynamique des STO pour comprendre leur dynamique non-autonome qui sont des pré-requis à leurs utilisations dans des architectures RF complexes.Spin Torque Oscillators (STO) are nano-sized Radio-Frequency oscillators whose frequency agility can be tuned by an order of magnitude. This tuning originates from the non-linear properties of the underlying magnetization dynamics that is induced by spin transfer torque (STT) in multilayered magnetic nanostructures. Being highly tunable in frequency has the inconvenient of creating a very strong sensitivity to noise. As a result the spectral purity of STOs is far below the one required for applications for instance in telecommunications. The magnetization dynamics induced by STT has been described theoretically in the frame of nonlinear spin wave theory that makes the essential features of the underlying properties very transparent. However important information on the excitation mode are "buried" in phenomenological parameters such as NU the amplitude-phase coupling and Gp the amplitude relaxation rate. Determining these parameters with accuracy from experiments is thus an important issue. This thesis describes several experimental methods to extract these parameters. The first is time domain noise spectroscopy which permits to extract phase and amplitude noise Power Spectral Densities. Their analysis in the frame of theoretical models allows direct extraction of the nonlinear parameters, but also to quantify the technological relevant phase noise. This is demonstrated for magnetic tunnel junction devices. A second method is the analysis of higher harmonics linewidth, where it is shown that due to the non-isochronous property of STOs, the relationship between Dfn and Df1 is non-trivial and allows to extract NU and Gp. We then apply the information gathered on the autonomous dynamics of STOs to understand the non-autonomous dynamics of STOs that are a prerequisite for the use of STOs in complex RF architectures. It is shown experimentally how the nonlinear parameters influence this non-autonomous behaviour.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF