7 research outputs found

    Content-aware power saving multimedia adaptation for mobile learning

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    Due to the tremendous enhancements in the capabilities of mobile devices in recent years and accessibility to higher bandwidth mobile internet, the use of online multimedia learning resources on mobile devices is increasingly becoming popular. Improvements in battery capacity have not matched the same advancements compared to other features of mobile devices. Limited Battery power is introducing a significant challenge in making better use of online educational multimedia resources. Online Multimedia Resources drains more battery power as a result of higher amount of wireless data transfer and therefore limiting learning opportunities on the move. Many power saving multimedia adaptation techniques have been suggested. Majority of these techniques achieve battery efficiency while reducing multimedia quality. So far, however, to the best of our knowledge no previous effort has considered the factor of learning efficacy in multimedia adaptation process. Existing adaptation techniques are susceptible to information loss as a result of quality of reduction. Such loss affects the learning content efficacy and jeopardizes the learning process. In this paper, we recommend a novel power save educational multimedia adaptation approach that considers the learning aspect of multimedia in the adaptation process. Our technique enables learning for extended duration by battery power saving without putting the learning process at risk. Efficacy of entire learning resources is managed by not allowing any part of the learning multimedia to be delivered in a quality that will negatively affect the learning outcome. We also present a framework that guides the implementation of our approach followed by description of our prototype application that uses educational multimedia metadata implemented in semantic web technologies

    Energy-Aware Streaming Multimedia Adaptation: An Educational Perspective

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    As mobile devices are getting more powerful and more affordable the use of online educational multimedia is also getting very prevalent. Limited battery power is nevertheless, a major restricting factor as streaming multimedia drains battery power quickly. Many battery efficient multimedia adaptation techniques have been proposed that achieve battery efficiency by lowering presentation quality of entire multimedia. Adaptation is usually done without considering any impact on the information contents of multimedia. In this paper, based on the results of an experimental study, we argue that without considering any negative impact on information contents of multimedia the adaptation may negatively impact the learning process. Some portions of the multimedia that require a higher visual quality for conveying learning information may lose their learning effectiveness in the adapted lowered quality. We report results of our experimental study that indicate that different parts of the same learning multimedia do not have same minimum acceptable quality. This strengthens the position that power-saving adaptation techniques for educational multimedia must be developed that lower the quality of multimedia based on the needs of its individual fragments for successfully conveying learning informatio

    Um estudo nacional sobre o ensino a distância aplicado em alunos com deficiência auditiva e deficiência visual face à Covid-19

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    Entre os alunos mais afetados pela COVID-19 estão aqueles que apresentam necessidades educativas especiais, sobretudo, no que concerne o acesso aos recursos tecnológicos necessários à participação no ensino a distância. O presente estudo pretende compreender os recursos tecnológicos existentes, em contexto domiciliário, a alunos com deficiência auditiva e deficiência visual. A amostra é constituída por 68 alunos, com idades compreendidas entre os dois e os dezanove anos, que frequentavam escolas da rede pública em Portugal. Os dados analisados evidenciam que o computador é o equipamento mais presente nos domicílios e, ao nível da internet, a maioria dispõe de uma ligação cuja qualidade varia de média a boa. Relativamente às aulas síncronas, a taxa de frequência variou entre os 60% e os 100%, tendo sido observado um efeito da disponibilidade de recursos sobre o nível de frequência. Este estudo permitiu conhecer a realidade atual, no que diz respeito à capacidade das famílias de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais para proporcionarem os recursos necessários à participação e inclusão dos seus filhos neste modelo de ensino, possibilitando uma intervenção atempada com vista ao sucesso educativo destes alunos.Among the students most affected by COVID-19 are those with special educational needs, especially with regard to access to technological resources necessary for participation in distance education. This study aims to understand the existing technological resources, in a home context, for students with hearing impairment and visual impairment. The sample consists of 68 students, aged between two and nineteen, who attended public schools in Portugal. The analyzed data show that the computer is the most common equipment in households and, in terms of the internet, most of them have a connection whose quality varies from average to good. Regarding synchronous classes, the attendance rate varied between 60% and 100%, with an effect of the availability of resources on the level of attendance being observed. This study allowed us to know the current reality, with regard to the ability of families of children with special educational needs to provide the necessary resources for the participation and inclusion of their children in this teaching model, enabling an intervention to promote the educational success of these students.Este trabalho foi financiado por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito dos projetos do CIEC (Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança da Universidade do Minho) com as referências UIDB/00317/2020 e UIDP/00317/2020

    Mobile learning e zona de desenvolvimento proximal: transformando o ensino e aprendizagem de línguas através da tecnologia móvel

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    O objetivo deste artigo é discutir a potencialidade do uso do celular na interação do aluno versus aluno versus professor no ensino e aprendizagem de língua inglesa como língua estrangeira. A teoria em que a análise foi apoiada foi o conceito de zona de desenvolvimento proximal (ZDP), segundo os estudos de Lev Vygotsky (1999); os participantes do estudo foram representados por alunos do Ensino Médio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piauí (IFPI) do Campus Teresina Zona Sul, na capital do estado do Piauí - Brasil. A maioria dos alunos 59% acreditaram que a abordagem de aprendizagem colaborativa aumentou seu espírito de equipe, exerceu sua capacidade de colaboração, incentivou-os a compartilhar e aprender com seus pares, aumentou a amizade entre os membros do grupo e proporcionou uma proximidade com o professor, como feedback imediato

    The effects of the implementation of the mobile apps in the improvement of proficiency of Intermediate English I students of the Bachelor of Arts in English Teaching from the University of El Salvador.

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    The technological world of today has provides new way to develop daily tasks through the use of different technological devices such as tablets, laptops, or smartphones. The use of these devices has been an essential part for everyone making them more dependent on technology. When talking about mobile technology, it can be said that there is a great change concerning the acquisition of new languages. That is why the main objective of this study is to know about the effects of the implementation of the English learning apps in the improvement of EFL learners. In this research, a bibliographical study has been taken to know what others researchers think about the topic being studied. For this bibliographic study, a total of 25 files about the topic have been taken into account as part of the sample. There is a collection of research projects, articles, graduation projects, e-books, among others that are going to help in this investigation. The methodology that is going to be used for this study is a bibliographical study, the researchers are going to select the appropriate documents to analyze them and do a summary of each article or research project. Then, a critic will be provided of each document telling if it is considered that the information presented by authors is reliable and helpful to the research. Also, researchers will analyze every piece of information to see if it can be implemented in the EFL learning process

    Supporting seamless learning: Students' use of multiple devices in open and distance learning universities

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    El propòsit d'aquesta tesi doctoral és entendre els hàbits i comportaments d'aprenentatge dels estudiants que utilitzen diferents dispositius per a aprendre amb la finalitat de determinar com duen a terme les activitats d'aprenentatge utilitzant les diferents tecnologies de què disposen en els diferents llocs on es mouen, a més de diagnosticar els diferents tipus de suport que requereixen durant l'aprenentatge. La recerca utilitza com a mostra d'estudi dues universitats d'aprenentatge obert i a distància (AOD): una situada a Espanya i una altra situada a Sud-àfrica. Els resultats demostren que els estudiants són capaços de continuar l'aprenentatge en múltiples contextos i ubicacions fent servir múltiples dispositius (tecnologies mòbils i personals) i internet. En aquest sentit, l'aprenentatge és ininterromput. Així, doncs, les universitats d'AOD necessiten redefinir el seu disseny d'aprenentatge i els serveis de suport a l'estudiant durant l'aprenentatge.El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es entender los hábitos y comportamientos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes que utilizan diferentes dispositivos para aprender con el fin de determinar cómo llevan a cabo las actividades de aprendizaje utilizando las diferentes tecnologías de las que disponen en los distintos lugares donde se mueven, además de diagnosticar los diferentes tipos de apoyo que requieren durante el aprendizaje. La investigación utiliza como muestra de estudio dos universidades de aprendizaje abierto y a distancia (AAD): una situada en España y otra situada en Sudáfrica. Los resultados demuestran que los estudiantes son capaces de continuar el aprendizaje en múltiples contextos y ubicaciones usando para ello múltiples dispositivos (tecnologías móviles y personales) e internet. En este sentido, el aprendizaje es ininterrumpido. Así, pues, las universidades de AAD necesitan redefinir su diseño de aprendizaje y los servicios de apoyo al estudiante durante el aprendizaje.The objective of this doctoral thesis is to understand the learning habits and behaviours of students using different devices in their learning in order to determine how they move between technologies, locations and learning activities, and the types of support they require. A mixed methods case study was conducted at two open and distance learning (ODL) universities, one in Spain and one in South Africa. Students are able to continue their learning experiences across different contexts and settings with the aid of mobile and personal technologies, together with internet services. This fulfils the aim of seamless learning. The results of the study will enable universities to design better learning experiences or offer improved support services to better meet the needs of students using multiple devices