83 research outputs found

    Software development processes for games: a systematic literature review

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    This paper describes the methodology and results from a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of the software processes used in game development. A total of 404 papers were analyzed as part of the review and the various process models that are used in industry and academia/research are presented. Software Process Improvement (SPI) initiatives for game development are dis-cussed. The factors that promote or deter the adoption of process models, and implementing SPI in practice are highlighted. Our findings indicate that there is no single model that serves as a best practice process model for game development and it is a matter of deciding which model is best suited for a particular game. Agile models such as Scrum and XP are suited to the knowledge intensive domain of game development where innovation and speed to market are vital. Hybrid approaches such as reuse can also be suitable for game development where the risk of the upfront investment in terms of time and cost is mitigated with a game that has stable requirements and a longer lifespan


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    Abstract This study aims to examine the effect of social capital on the loan,payment behavior Community self help group in Blimbing Sub district Malang city. This type of research is survey .The population are members of community self help groups. The technique of sampling is simple random sampling. This study uses muitiple linear regression analysis. The analysis result showed that all the independent variable simultaneously has positive and significant effect on the dependent variable. Partially,networks has positive and significant effect on payment behavior. Trust has negative and no significant effect on payment behavior

    Improving Assessment and Evaluation Strategies on Online Learning

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    ICLI is an annual International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI) hosted byUniversitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Indonesian Consortium for Learning Innovation Research (ICLIR) as well as Univerisiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perlis, Malaysia serving as co-organizer this year. The conference aims to gather researchers, practitioners, students, experts, consultants, teachers and lecturers to share their insights and experiences on research not only in constructing innovations in learning but also the knowledge of learner’s capability. The learners who are characterized as creative and competent by having the ability to understand what they have learned and capable of taking initiative and thinking critically. In addition, ICLI is organized on the basis of the trend in the 21st century, categorized by the increasing complexity of technology and the emergence of a corporate restructuring movement. This book is the proceeding of ICLI 2021, containing a selection of articles presented at this conference as the output of the activity. Various topics around education are covered in this book and some literature studies around specific topics on learning and education are covered as well. This proceeding book will be beneficial to students, scholars, and practitioners who have a deep concern in education. It is also futuristic with a lot of practical insights for students, faculty, and practitioners, and also a description of the Indonesian educational system in today’s era

    The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Digital Competence of Educators

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    The Covid-19 pandemic is having an undeniable impact on all the statements of society. Regarding teaching and learning activities, most educational institutions suspended in-person instruction and moved to remote learning during the lockdown of March and April 2020. Although nowadays many countries have progressively re-opened their educational systems, blended learning is a common practice aimed to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 disease. This disruption has supposed an unprecedented acceleration to the digitalization of teaching and learning. Teaching professionals have been forced to develop their digital competence in a short amount of time, getting mastery in the management of information, the creation of audiovisual contents, and the use of technology to keep their students connected. This Special Issue presents contributions regarding the adoption of distance learning strategies, experiences, or lessons learned in this domain


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    ABSTRAK PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN ONE SIDED VIEW 3D HOLOGRAM PADA MATA PELAJARAN BIOLOGI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN CRITICAL THINKING PESERTA DIDIK KELAS X Oleh Fidia Diah Ayuni Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektivitas media pembelajaran hologram 3D satu sisi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada materi virus. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengembangan (RnD) Borg and Gall yang dimodifikasi menjadi sembilan tahapan penelitian dan pengembangan, diuji melalui kuasi eksperimen. Populasi kelas X berjumlah >100 peserta didik, dengan sampel skala kecil sebanyak enam peserta didik dan skala luas masing-masing 36 peserta didik dalam kelas eksperimen dan kontrol. Teknik analisis data kuantitatif yang kemudian dijelaskan secara kualitatif. Pengembangan media ini memiliki keunggulan utama dalam teknologi proyeksi holografik 3D yang dapat mengatasi keterbatasan pengajaran tradisional. Keunikan dari penelitian ini adalah satu sisi tampilan yang mempertahankan kefokusan dan pembuatan hologram dengan bahan yang sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase tingkat nilai kelayakan menurut validator ahli media 97%, validator ahli materi 97%, validator ahli bahasa dengan instrumen non-test 81%, dan instrumen test 80%. Penilaian kelayakan rata-rata guru pamong 95% dan peserta didik 92%, termasuk dalam kriteria "Sangat Baik". Hasil analisis N-Gain angket menunjukkan nilai signifikansi 0,260, yang menunjukkan distribusi yang normal karena nilai signifikansi ≥0,05. Keefektifan media ini dibuktikan melalui uji Independent Samples Test dengan nilai df 70, dengan mean untuk pretest dan post-test sebesar 17,782 ≥ 1,6999. Hal ini menunjukkan penolakan terhadap nilai Ho dan penerimaan terhadap nilai Ha. Kata Kunci: Critical Thinking, Materi Virus, Media Pembelajaran One Sided View 3D Hologram. iv ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the effectiveness of one-sided 3D hologram learning media in enhancing students' critical thinking skills in the subject of viruses. The modified Borg and Gall's R&D approach with nine stages of research and development was employed, tested through quasi-experimental methods. The population consisted of X grade students (>100), with a small-scale sample of six participants and a large-scale sample of 36 participants in both experimental and control groups. Quantitative data analysis techniques were utilized, followed by qualitative explanation. The development of this media offers a significant advantage through its 3D holographic projection technology, overcoming limitations of traditional teaching methods. The unique aspect of this research lies in its one-sided display, maintaining focus and utilizing simple materials for hologram creation. The research results revealed high feasibility ratings from expert validators in media (97%), subject matter (97%), and language (81% for non-test instruments and 80% for test instruments). The average feasibility assessment by supervising teachers was 95%, and by students was 92%, falling within the "Very Good" criteria. The N�Gain questionnaire analysis indicated a significance value of 0.260, demonstrating a normal distribution as the significance value was ≥0.05. The effectiveness of the media was demonstrated through the Independent Samples Test with a df value of 70, where the mean for both pretest and post-test (17.782 ≥ 1.6999) led to the rejection of the null hypothesis (Ho) and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis (Ha). Keyword: Critical Thinking, One Sided View 3D Hologram Learning Media, Virus Subject