6 research outputs found

    The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Organization Performance

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    Purpose:  The objectives of this study were 1) to determine the direct effect of Transformational Leadership Competency (TLC) and Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) affecting Balanced Scorecard (BSC), 2) to determine the indirect effect of TLC affecting BSC, and 3) to confirm the developed model of transformational of food industrial organization with public concern by confirming with P-value, RMSEA, GFI, AGFI, and Critical Number.   Theoretical framework:  This study focuses on the relationship between TLC and ESG to BSC that affects the efficiency and success of an organization.   Design/methodology/approach:  The quantitative approach with survey research was conducted to collect data from 150 Executive Officers (CEOs) of food business organizations in Thailand.   Findings:  The finding showed that TCL has a direct effect on ESG (p-value=0.001). TLC has a direct effect on BSC (p-value=0.001). ESG has a direct effect on BSC (p-value=0.001). TLC has an indirect effect on BSC (p-value=0.001).   Research, Practical & Social implications: The recommendation, TLC affected BSC with direct and indirect effects with 64.0 percent.  It implied that public concern is the essential intermediate variable that should be paid attention to introduce in the organization management in the current situation when TLC was integrated into modern management. However, to accomplish effective company management, ESG should be integrated into the transformation of organization management to meet the sustainable food industry.   Originality/value: The value of the study shows that TLC and ESG directly and indirectly influence BSC management and contribute to the organization performanc


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    This case study aimed to analyze the feasibility of applying the strategic planning based on the Balanced Scorecard in a small business For this, we used to study the approaches related to Performance Measurement System (PMS): Total Quality Management, Tableaux de Bord de Gestion, National Award Quality, Skandia Navigator, Sink and Tuttle, Quantum, Management by Objectives, Hoshin Kanri, Performance Prism and Balanced Scorecard, in order to make a comparative analysis between them. The research is qualitative characteristic, data collection was conducted through interviews, document analysis and observation. To analyze the results of strategic planning used the SWOT matrix Porter. Through data analysis it is clear that there is more convergent than divergent factors between the experiences of strategic planning and BSC. The most significant differences are related to the results. The lack of definition of performance indicators, measuring results and linking rewards raises the lack of commitment of the teams in the sense of not being bold and proactive on issues that lead to the achievement of the strategy.El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la viabilidad de aplicar la planificación estratégica basada en el Cuadro de Mando Integral  en una pequeña empresa. Una análisis comparativo de los Sistema de Medición del Desempeño (SMD): Gestión de la Calidad Total, Cuadro de Mando, Premio Nacional de Calidad, Navegador Skandia, Sink y Tuttle, Quantum, Administración por Objetivos, Administración por Directrices, Prisma del Desempeño y Cuadro de Mando Integral. La investigación es la recopilación de datos cualitativos llevados a cabo a través de entrevistas, análisis de documentos y observación. Para analizar los resultados de la planificación estratégica utiliza la matriz DAFO Porter. A través del análisis de datos, está claro que hay más convergentes que divergentes entre los factores de las experiencias de planificación estratégica y el método estudiado BSC. Las diferencias más significativas se relacionan con los resultados. La falta de definición de indicadores de desempeño, medición de resultados y recompensas que une plantea la falta de compromiso de los equipos, en el sentido de no ser audaz y proactiva en las cuestiones que conducen a la consecución de la estrategia.O artigo tem como objetivo analisar a viabilidade de aplicação do planejamento estratégico com base no Balanced Scorecard em uma pequena empresa de segurança. Para tanto, fez-se uma análise comparativa entre os principais Sistemas de Medição de Desempenho (SMD): Total Quality Management; Tableaux de Bord de Gestion; Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade; Navegador Skandia; Sink e Tuttle; Quantum; Administração por Objetivos; Gerenciamento pelas Diretrizes; Performance Prism e Balanced Scorecard. A pesquisa é qualitativa com a coleta de dados realizada através de entrevistas, análise documental e observação. Para analisar os resultados do planejamento estratégico utilizou-se a matriz de SWOT de Porter. Por meio da análise dos dados percebe-se que há mais fatores convergentes do que divergentes entre as experiências de planejamento estratégico da empresa e o Balanced Scorecard. As divergências mais significativas encontram-se relacionadas aos resultados, ou seja, a falta de definição de indicadores de desempenho, mensuração dos resultados e vinculação de recompensas suscita a falta de comprometimento das equipes, no sentido de não serem arrojadas e pró-ativas nas questões que as levam ao alcance da estratégia

    Multicriteria decision model as a support for strategy decision making

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