1,058 research outputs found

    Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Risks to Adopters and Users

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    Bring your own device (BYOD) policy refers to a set of regulation broadly adopted by organizations that allows employee-owned mobile devices – like as laptops, smartphones, personal digital assistant and tablets – to the office for use and connection to the organizations IT infrastructure. BYOD offers numerous benefits ranging from plummeting organizational logistic cost, access to information at any time and boosting employee’s productivity. On the contrary, this concept presents various safety issues and challenges because of its characteristic security requirements. This study explored diverse literature databases to identify and classify BYOD policy adoption issues, possible control measures and guidelines that could hypothetically inform organizations and users that adopt and implement BYOD policy. The literature domain search yielded 110 articles, 26 of them were deemed to have met the inclusion standards. In this paper, a list of possible threats/vulnerabilities of BYOD adoption were identified. This investigation also identified and classified the impact of the threats/vulnerabilities on BYOD layered components according to security standards of “FIPS Publication 199” for classification. Finally, a checklist of measures that could be applied by organizations & users to mitigate BYOD vulnerabilities using a set layered approach of data, device, applications, and people were recommended

    A Risk management framework for the BYOD environment

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    Computer networks in organisations today have different layers of connections, which are either domain connections or external connections. The hybrid network contains the standard domain connections, cloud base connections, “bring your own device” (BYOD) connections, together with the devices and network connections of the Internet of Things (IoT). All these technologies will need to be incorporated in the Oman Vision 2040 strategy, which will involve changing several cities to smart cities. To implement this strategy artificial intelligence, cloud computing, BYOD and IoT will be adopted. This research will focus on the adoption of BYOD in the Oman context. It will have advantages for organisations, such as increasing productivity and reducing costs. However, these benefits come with security risks and privacy concerns, the users being the main contributors of these risks. The aim of this research is to develop a risk management and security framework for the BYOD environment to minimise these risks. The proposed framework is designed to detect and predict the risks by the use of MDM event logs and function logs. The chosen methodology is a combination of both qualitative and quantitative approaches, known as a mixed-methods approach. The approach adopted in this research will identify the latest threats and risks experienced in BYOD environments. This research also investigates the level of user-awareness of BYOD security methods. The proposed framework will enhance the current techniques for risk management by improving risk detection and prediction of threats, as well as, enabling BYOD risk management systems to generate notifications and recommendations of possible preventive/mitigation actions to deal with them

    BYOD: Risk considerations in a South African organisation

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    In recent times, while numerous organisations have difficulty keeping abreast with the frequent year-on-year technology changes, their employees on the other hand, continue to bring their personal devices to work to more readily access organisational data. This concept is known as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Studies have demonstrated that the introduction of BYOD commonly has a positive effect on both organisation and employees: increased optimism, job satisfaction and productivity are some of the perceived positive effects. Furthermore, BYOD can improve employees’ opportunities for mobile working and assist with the work flexibility they seek. This phenomenon, however, is still not well understood. In the South African context, this refers particularly to an inadequate understanding of risks associated with the introduction of BYOD into organisations. Some of the risks associated with this phenomenon are, for instance, related to information security, legislation and privacy issues. Hence, the intention of this research was to investigate, determine and assess BYOD risk considerations in a South African organisation. Using the available literature on this subject and an interpretative exploratory case study approach, this research explored various facets of BYOD-related risks (e.g. implementational, technological, legislation, regulation and privacy risks, human aspects and organisational concerns) as well as the impact these risks may have on both employees and an organisation. The organisation under investigation – from this point onward referred to as “Organisation A” – is a South African based information technology (IT) security consulting and service management organisation, which has seen increased expansion in its business and thus an increase in the number of its employees utilising their personal devices at the workplace. Even so, Organisation A was uncertain regarding possible risks that might hinder benefits of BYOD. Hence, this researcher defined the main research question as “What are the risks of introducing the BYOD in the South African organisation and what is an effective approach to address identified risks?”. The main objective was to identify and describe BYOD-related risks and to propose an appropriate model for addressing these risks. To answer the main research question, this researcher reviewed the applicable literature on the BYOD, including the limited South African literature pertaining to the subject. The review elicited the most common BYOD-related risks but also some models, frameworks and standards that may be applied for addressing these risks. Based on these revelations, an applicable BYOD risk management model was created and proposed. The literature review findings were subsequently tested in the empirical setting (in Organisation A) by conducting comprehensive interviews with research participants. This research adopted a qualitative approach in general and a case study methodology in particular. The collected data were analysed using the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), which aided in providing a comprehensive understanding of the interviewees’ responses regarding the BYOD risks. The interviewees were selected based on a purposeful (pre-defined) sampling. The results of this interpretative research suggest that the interviewees’ responses are closely aligned with the information on BYOD risks collected from the pertinent literature. The results show that successful introduction and usage of BYOD in the studied organisation requires the implementation of mixed risk management measures: technological (e.g. mobile device management and its additional components), non-technological (e.g. IT or BYOD security policies), the usage of general risk management frameworks (e.g. ISO 27001), the development of an organisational security culture and skilling of the human factor (e.g. employee awareness, training and education, for example). Additionally, it was found that participation of employees in the development of BYOD policies is an essential and effective tactic for transforming a fragile BYOD risk link (i.e. employees) into a strong risk prevention mechanism. Furthermore, this research also revealed that in the South African context, it is important that an organisation’s BYOD security policies are sound, preferably meeting the POPI Act requirements and thereby avoiding legislation risks. The contribution of this research is twofold: first academic, and second, practical. The academic contribution is realised by adding to the body of knowledge on the BYOD risks – most particularly in terms of understanding potential risks when introducing BYOD in the South African context. The practical contribution manifests through the provision of detailed risk considerations and mitigation guidelines for organisations wishing to introduce BYOD practices or considering ways to improve their current BYOD risk management strategy. It is acknowledged that this research has some limitations, particularly in regard to the limited generalisation of the findings due to the limited sample provided by only one organisation. Although the results are not necessarily applicable to other South African organisations, these limitations did not impact the relevance and validity of this research

    An Exploratory Study of the Approach to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in Assuring Information Security

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    The availability of smart device capabilities, easy to use apps, and collaborative capabilities has increased the expectations for the technology experience of employees. In addition, enterprises are adopting SaaS cloud-based systems that employees can access anytime, anywhere using their personal, mobile device. BYOD could drive an IT evolution for powerful device capabilities and easy to use apps, but only if the information security concerns can be addressed. This research proposed to determine the acceptance rate of BYOD in organizations, the decision making approach, and significant factors that led to the successful adoption of BYOD using the expertise of experienced internal control professionals. The approach and factors leading to the decision to permit the use of BYOD was identified through survey responses, which was distributed to approximately 5,000 members of the Institute for Internal Controls (IIC). The survey participation request was opened by 1,688 potential respondents, and 663 total responses were received for a response rate of 39%. Internal control professionals were targeted by this study to ensure a diverse population of organizations that have implemented or considered implementation of a BYOD program were included. This study provided an understanding of how widely the use of BYOD was permitted in organizations and identified effective approaches that were used in making the decision. In addition, the research identified the factors that were influential in the decision making process. This study also explored the new information security risks introduced by BYOD. The research argued that there were several new risks in the areas of access, compliance, compromise, data protection, and control that affect a company’s willingness to support BYOD. This study identified new information security concerns and risks associated with BYOD and suggested new elements of governance, risk management, and control systems that were necessary to ensure a secure BYOD program. Based on the initial research findings, future research areas were suggested

    Mobile Technology Deployment Strategies for Improving the Quality of Healthcare

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    Ineffective deployment of mobile technology jeopardizes healthcare quality, cost control, and access, resulting in healthcare organizations losing customers and revenue. A multiple case study was conducted to explore the strategies that chief information officers (CIOs) used for the effective deployment of mobile technology in healthcare organizations. The study population consisted of 3 healthcare CIOs and 2 healthcare information technology consultants who have experience in deploying mobile technology in a healthcare organization in the United States. The conceptual framework that grounded the study was Wallace and Iyer\u27s health information technology value hierarchy. Data were collected using semistructured interviews and document reviews, followed by within-case and cross-case analyses for triangulation and data saturation. Key themes that emerged from data analysis included the application of disruptive technology in healthcare, ownership and management of mobile health equipment, and cybersecurity. The healthcare CIOs and consultants emphasized their concern about the lack of cybersecurity in mobile technology. CIOs were reluctant to deploy the bring-your-own-device strategy in their organizations. The implications of this study for positive social change include the potential for healthcare CIOs to emphasize the business practice of supporting healthcare providers in using secure mobile equipment deployment strategies to provide enhanced care, safety, peace of mind, convenience, and ease of access to patients while controlling costs

    The impact of bring-your-own-device on work practices in the financial sector

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    Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) refers to the practice of allowing the employees of an organisation to use their own computers, smartphones, or other devices for work purposes. This has brought a tremendous change in today's working environment. Organisations are faced with many technology trends which have the potential to create a competitive advantage in terms of both performance and efficiency. This paper follows a qualitative approach in which 15 interviews were conducted and a survey covering of 87 respondents was distributed. The findings show that the financial sector interpret s BYOD as a strategy that can create a competitive advantage to provide benefits of increased productivity, flexibility in the workforce, more autonomy, and contribute to the cost - efficiency of the business. There was also a disregard of policy formulation for BYOD from management which created a problem as employees became despondent that their personal devices were n o t allowed to access the corporate network. In addition, the findings revealed that work practices have to be re - defined and policies have to be drawn up in order to protect the company's assets and to provide guidelines. To guide the research in this emerging area, a review of several established theories that have not yet been applied to BYOD were used to form part of the proposed framework, which aims to provide a mechanism in the workplace to evaluate the impact of BYOD. This paper used exploratory analysis where six major influences of work practices were identified: 1) Change in behaviour; 2) Impact on workload; 3) Changes in motivation of individuals; 4) Re-definition of work practices; 5) Impact on overall performance; and 6) Approach required for industry. It was possible to associate them to several related constructs in IS literature which exposed possibilities for future theory-building efforts. The main influences on work practices are discussed with respect to the proposed framework

    Strategies That Mitigate IT Infrastructure Demands Produced by Student BYOD Usa

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    The use of bring your own devices (BYOD) is a global phenomenon, and nowhere is it more evident than on a college campus. The use of BYOD on academic campuses has grown and evolved through time. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to identify the successful strategies used by chief information officers (CIOs) to mitigate information technology infrastructure demands produced by student BYOD usage. The diffusion of innovation model served as the conceptual framework. The population consisted of CIOs from community colleges within North Carolina. The data collection process included semistructured, in-depth face-to-face interviews with 9 CIOs and the analysis of 25 documents, all from participant case organizations. Member checking was used to increase the validity of the findings. During the data analysis phase, the data were coded, sorted, queried, and analyzed obtained from semistructured interviews and organizational documentation with NVivo, a qualitative data analysis computer software package. Through methodological triangulation, 3 major themes emerged from the study: the importance of technology management tools, the importance of security awareness training, and the importance of BYOD security policies and procedures. These themes highlight successful strategies employed by CIOs. The implications for positive social change as a result of this study include creating a more positive experience for students interacting with technology on campus. Effects on social change will also arise by increasing a student\u27s mindfulness through security awareness programs, which will empower the student to take more control of their online presence and as they pass that information along to family and friends

    Three-dimensional security framework for BYOD enabled banking institutions in Nigeria.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Bring your own device (BYOD) has become a trend in the present day, giving employees the freedom to bring personal mobile devices to access corporate networks. In Nigeria, most banking institutions are increasingly allowing their employees the flexibility to utilize mobile devices for work-related activities. However, as they do so, the risk of corporate data being exposed to threats increases. Hence, the study considered developing a security framework for mitigating BYOD security challenges. The study was guided by organizational, socio-technical and mobility theories in developing a conceptual framework. The study was conducted in two phases, the threat identification and the framework evaluation, using a mixed-methods approach. The main research strategies used for the threat identification were a questionnaire and interviews while closed and open-ended questions were used for the framework evaluation. A sample consisted of 380 banking employees from four banks were involved in the study. In addition, the study conducted in-depth interviews with twelve management officials from the participating banks. As for the framework evaluation, the study sampled twelve respondents to assess the developed security framework for viability as far as mitigating security threats emanating from BYOD in the banking sector is concerned. The sample consisted of eight executive managers of the bank and four academic experts in information security. Quantitative data was analysed using SPSS version 21 while qualitative data was thematically analysed. Findings from the threat identification revealed that banking institutions must develop security systems that not only identify threats associated with technical, social and mobility domains but also provide adequate mitigation of the threats. For the framework evaluation, the findings revealed that the security framework is appropriate in mitigating BYOD security threats. Based on the findings of the study, the developed security framework will help banks in Nigeria to mitigate against BYOD security threats. Furthermore, this security framework will contribute towards the generation of new knowledge in the field of information security as far as BYODs are concerned. The study recommends ongoing training for banks’ employees as it relates to mitigation of security threats posed by mobile devices

    Cybersecurity Strategies for Universities With Bring Your Own Device Programs

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    The bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon has proliferated, making its way into different business and educational sectors and enabling multiple vectors of attack and vulnerability to protected data. The purpose of this multiple-case study was to explore the strategies information technology (IT) security professionals working in a university setting use to secure an environment to support BYOD in a university system. The study population was comprised of IT security professionals from the University of California campuses currently managing a network environment for at least 2 years where BYOD has been implemented. Protection motivation theory was the study\u27s conceptual framework. The data collection process included interviews with 10 IT security professionals and the gathering of publicly-accessible documents retrieved from the Internet (n = 59). Data collected from the interviews and member checking were triangulated with the publicly-accessible documents to identify major themes. Thematic analysis with the aid of NVivo 12 Plus was used to identify 4 themes: the ubiquity of BYOD in higher education, accessibility strategies for mobile devices, the effectiveness of BYOD strategies that minimize risk, and IT security professionals\u27 tasks include identifying and implementing network security strategies. The study\u27s implications for positive social change include increasing the number of users informed about cybersecurity and comfortable with defending their networks against foreign and domestic threats to information security and privacy. These changes may mitigate and reduce the spread of malware and viruses and improve overall cybersecurity in BYOD-enabled organizations
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