120,398 research outputs found

    A Modeling approach for analysis and improvement of spindle-holder-tool assembly dynamics

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    The most important information required for chatter stability analysis is the dynamics of the involved structures, i.e. the frequency response functions (FRFs) which are usually determined experimentally. In this study, the tool point FRF of a spindle-holder-tool assembly is analytically determined by using the receptance coupling and structural modification techniques. Timoshenko’s beam model is used for increased accuracy. The spindle is also modeled analytically with elastic supports representing the bearings. The mathematical model is used to determine the effects of different parameters on the tool point FRF and to identify contact dynamics from experimental measurements. The applications of the model are demonstrated and the predictions are verified experimentally

    Analytical modeling of spindle-tool dynamics on machine tools using Timoshenko beam model and receptance coupling for the prediction of tool point FRF

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    Regenerative chatter is a well-known machining problem that results in unstable cutting process, poor surface quality and reduced material removal rate. This undesired self-excited vibration problem is one of the main obstacles in utilizing the total capacity of a machine tool in production. In order to obtain a chatter-free process on a machining center, stability diagrams can be used. Numerically or analytically, constructing the stability lobe diagram for a certain spindleholdertool combination implies knowing the system dynamics at the tool tip; i.e., the point frequency response function (FRF) that relates the dynamic displacement and force at that point. This study presents an analytical method that uses Timoshenko beam theory for calculating the tool point FRF of a given combination by using the receptance coupling and structural modication methods. The objective of the study is two fold. Firstly, it is aimed to develop a reliable mathematical model to predict tool point FRF in a machining center so that chatter stability analysis can be done, and secondly to make use of this model in studying the effects of individual bearing and contact parameters on tool point FRF so that better approaches can be found in predicting contact parameters from experimental measurements. The model can also be used to study the effects of several spindle, holder and tool parameters on chatter stability. In this paper, the mathematical model, as well as the details of obtaining the system component (spindle, holder and tool) dynamics and coupling them to obtain the tool point FRF are given. The model suggested is veried by comparing the natural frequencies of an example spindleholdertool assembly obtained from the model with those obtained from a nite element software

    Simulation of multi-axis machining processes using z-mapping technique

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    Parameter selection in machining operations is curial for product quality and high productivity. Process parameters such as feed, spindle speed and depth of cuts are often chosen by trial-error methods. Mathematical models can be employed to predict the mechanics and the dynamics of the process. In this study, Z-mapping technique is utilized to simulate the process step by step by updating the workpiece according the given tool path where the cutter engagement areas are also determined. Using the numerical generalized process model, whole process is simulated for any milling tool geometry including intricate profiling tools, serrated cutters and tools with variable edge geometries

    Analytical prediction of part dynamics for machining stability analysis

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    An analytical procedure is developed to predict workpiece dynamics in a complete machining cycle in order to obtain frequency response functions (FRF) which are needed in chatter stability analyses. For this purpose, a structural modification method which is an efficient tool for updating FRFs is used. The removed mass by machining is considered as a structural modification in order to determine the FRFs at different stages of the process. The method is implemented in a computer code and demonstrated on different geometries. The predictions are compared and verified by FEA. Predicted FRFs are used in chatter stability analyses, and the effect of part dynamics on stability is studied. Different cutting strategies are compared for increased chatter free material removal rates considering part dynamics

    Analytical and experimental study of feed rate in high-speed milling

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    In the context of high-speed milling (HSM), during the machining process dynamic machine response has to be identified. To achieve this, we have to calculate the feed rate evolution in linear and circular interpolation according to dynamic performance of machine. In addition to that, actual trajectory for transition passages between two interpolations must be estimated with take into account of specific machining tolerances. This article proposes a model of machine tool behavior for a tool path with linear and circular interpolations and machining cycle time prediction. The method involves subdividing the trajectories into elementary geometries according to the type of interpolation (circular or linear). At points where different trajectories meet, there is often a discontinuity in curvature or in tangency, which decreases the feed rate. At the points of discontinuity in tangency, a fillet radius is inserted. In this article, the influence of the geometry for elementary trajectories was determined. Then, the value of the fillet radius between linear and circular contours in different combinations was modeled. An industrial application was carried out in order to validate models and to determine the influence of feed rate evolution on the machining cycle time

    Increasing productivity in high speed milling of airframe components using chatter stability diagrams

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    In this study, the application of chatter stability diagrams in industrial operations is presented with representative cases. Challenges arising due to the practical aspects of production systems are discussed in detail. Effects of tool, tool holder, spindle and CNC machine on chatter stability diagrams are presented. The implementation of the stability diagrams under such challenges is presented through real application examples showing significant reduction in machining times

    A lean assessment tool based on systems dynamics

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    Lean manufacturing is synonymous with a set of practices used in the identification and elimination of waste related with the manufacturing system, and focusing on what creates value for the customer. Lean assessment tools enable an overall audit of the performance of lean practices, and so are able to identify lean improvements. The interactions between lean practices and their improvements are often latent and need to be investigated: a systems approach can be used to disclose these hidden interactions. In this article, system dynamics is used as a lean assessment tool to assess and improve lean performance for a print packaging manufacturing system

    A novel haptic model and environment for maxillofacial surgical operation planning and manipulation

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    This paper presents a practical method and a new haptic model to support manipulations of bones and their segments during the planning of a surgical operation in a virtual environment using a haptic interface. To perform an effective dental surgery it is important to have all the operation related information of the patient available beforehand in order to plan the operation and avoid any complications. A haptic interface with a virtual and accurate patient model to support the planning of bone cuts is therefore critical, useful and necessary for the surgeons. The system proposed uses DICOM images taken from a digital tomography scanner and creates a mesh model of the filtered skull, from which the jaw bone can be isolated for further use. A novel solution for cutting the bones has been developed and it uses the haptic tool to determine and define the bone-cutting plane in the bone, and this new approach creates three new meshes of the original model. Using this approach the computational power is optimized and a real time feedback can be achieved during all bone manipulations. During the movement of the mesh cutting, a novel friction profile is predefined in the haptical system to simulate the force feedback feel of different densities in the bone

    Effect analysis of bearing and interface dynamics on tool point FRF for chatter stability in machine tools by using a new analytical model for spindle-tool assemblies

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    Self-excited vibration of the tool, regenerative chatter, can be predicted and eliminated if the stability lobe diagram of the spindle–holder–tool assembly is known. Regardless of the approach being used, analytically or numerically, forming the stability lobe diagram of an assembly implies knowing the point frequency response function (FRF) in receptance form at the tool tip. In this paper, it is aimed to study the effects of spindle–holder and holder–tool interface dynamics, as well as the effects of individual bearings on the tool point FRF by using an analytical model recently developed by the authors for predicting the tool point FRF of spindle–holder–tool assemblies. It is observed that bearing dynamics control the rigid body modes of the assembly, whereas, spindle–holder interface dynamics mainly affects the first elastic mode, while holder–tool interface dynamics alters the second elastic mode. Individual bearing and interface translational stiffness and damping values control the natural frequency and the peak of their relevant modes, respectively. It is also observed that variations in the values of rotational contact parameters do not affect the resulting FRF considerably, from which it is concluded that rotational contact parameters of both interfaces are not as crucial as the translational ones and therefore average values can successfully be used to represent their effects. These observations are obtained for the bearing and interface parameters taken from recent literature, and will be valid for similar assemblies. Based on the effect analysis carried out, a systematic approach is suggested for identifying bearing and interface contact parameters from experimental measurements

    Machining strategy development in 5-axis milling operations using process models

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    Increased productivity and part quality can be achieved by selecting machining strategies and conditions properly. At one extreme very high speed and feed rate with small depth of cut can be used for high productivity whereas deep cuts accompanied with slow speeds and feeds may also provide increased material removal rates in some cases. In this study, it is shown that process models are useful tools to simulate and compare alternative strategies for machining of a part. 5-axis milling of turbine engine compressors made out of titanium alloys is used as the case study where strategies such as flank milling (deep cuts), point milling (light cuts) and stripe milling (medium depths) are compared in terms of process time by considering chatter stability, surface finish and tool deflections
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