21,489 research outputs found

    Entanglement-assisted weak value amplification

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    Large weak values have been used to amplify the sensitivity of a linear response signal for detecting changes in a small parameter, which has also enabled a simple method for precise parameter estimation. However, producing a large weak value requires a low postselection probability for an ancilla degree of freedom, which limits the utility of the technique. We propose an improvement to this method that uses entanglement to increase the efficiency. We show that by entangling and postselecting nn ancillas, the postselection probability can be increased by a factor of nn while keeping the weak value fixed (compared to nn uncorrelated attempts with one ancilla), which is the optimal scaling with nn that is expected from quantum metrology. Furthermore, we show the surprising result that the quantum Fisher information about the detected parameter can be almost entirely preserved in the postselected state, which allows the sensitive estimation to approximately saturate the optimal quantum Cram\'{e}r-Rao bound. To illustrate this protocol we provide simple quantum circuits that can be implemented using current experimental realizations of three entangled qubits.Comment: 5 pages + 6 pages supplement, 5 figure

    Discovering an active subspace in a single-diode solar cell model

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    Predictions from science and engineering models depend on the values of the model's input parameters. As the number of parameters increases, algorithmic parameter studies like optimization or uncertainty quantification require many more model evaluations. One way to combat this curse of dimensionality is to seek an alternative parameterization with fewer variables that produces comparable predictions. The active subspace is a low-dimensional linear subspace defined by important directions in the model's input space; input perturbations along these directions change the model's prediction more, on average, than perturbations orthogonal to the important directions. We describe a method for checking if a model admits an exploitable active subspace, and we apply this method to a single-diode solar cell model with five input parameters. We find that the maximum power of the solar cell has a dominant one-dimensional active subspace, which enables us to perform thorough parameter studies in one dimension instead of five

    An alternative solution to the model structure selection problem

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    An alternative solution to the model structure selection problem is introduced by conducting a forward search through the many possible candidate model terms initially and then performing an exhaustive all subset model selection on the resulting model. An example is included to demonstrate that this approach leads to dynamically valid nonlinear model

    BQP-completeness of Scattering in Scalar Quantum Field Theory

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    Recent work has shown that quantum computers can compute scattering probabilities in massive quantum field theories, with a run time that is polynomial in the number of particles, their energy, and the desired precision. Here we study a closely related quantum field-theoretical problem: estimating the vacuum-to-vacuum transition amplitude, in the presence of spacetime-dependent classical sources, for a massive scalar field theory in (1+1) dimensions. We show that this problem is BQP-hard; in other words, its solution enables one to solve any problem that is solvable in polynomial time by a quantum computer. Hence, the vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude cannot be accurately estimated by any efficient classical algorithm, even if the field theory is very weakly coupled, unless BQP=BPP. Furthermore, the corresponding decision problem can be solved by a quantum computer in a time scaling polynomially with the number of bits needed to specify the classical source fields, and this problem is therefore BQP-complete. Our construction can be regarded as an idealized architecture for a universal quantum computer in a laboratory system described by massive phi^4 theory coupled to classical spacetime-dependent sources.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figures. Corrected typo in foote

    A Space Communications Study Final Report, Sep. 15, 1965 - Sep. 15, 1966

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    Reception of frequency modulated signals passed through deterministic and random time-varying channel

    The Surface Laplacian Technique in EEG: Theory and Methods

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    This paper reviews the method of surface Laplacian differentiation to study EEG. We focus on topics that are helpful for a clear understanding of the underlying concepts and its efficient implementation, which is especially important for EEG researchers unfamiliar with the technique. The popular methods of finite difference and splines are reviewed in detail. The former has the advantage of simplicity and low computational cost, but its estimates are prone to a variety of errors due to discretization. The latter eliminates all issues related to discretization and incorporates a regularization mechanism to reduce spatial noise, but at the cost of increasing mathematical and computational complexity. These and several others issues deserving further development are highlighted, some of which we address to the extent possible. Here we develop a set of discrete approximations for Laplacian estimates at peripheral electrodes and a possible solution to the problem of multiple-frame regularization. We also provide the mathematical details of finite difference approximations that are missing in the literature, and discuss the problem of computational performance, which is particularly important in the context of EEG splines where data sets can be very large. Along this line, the matrix representation of the surface Laplacian operator is carefully discussed and some figures are given illustrating the advantages of this approach. In the final remarks, we briefly sketch a possible way to incorporate finite-size electrodes into Laplacian estimates that could guide further developments.Comment: 43 pages, 8 figure