121,880 research outputs found

    One Fault is All it Needs: Breaking Higher-Order Masking with Persistent Fault Analysis

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    Persistent fault analysis (PFA) was proposed at CHES 2018 as a novel fault analysis technique. It was shown to completely defeat standard redundancy based countermeasure against fault analysis. In this work, we investigate the security of masking schemes against PFA. We show that with only one fault injection, masking countermeasures can be broken at any masking order. The study is performed on publicly available implementations of masking

    DLPFA: Deep Learning based Persistent Fault Analysis against Block Ciphers

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    Deep learning techniques have been widely applied to side-channel analysis (SCA) in recent years and shown better performance compared with traditional methods. However, there has been little research dealing with deep learning techniques in fault analysis to date. This article undertakes the first study to introduce deep learning techniques into fault analysis to perform key recovery. We investigate the application of multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and convolutional neural network (CNN) in persistent fault analysis (PFA) and propose deep learning-based persistent fault analysis (DLPFA). DLPFA is first applied to advanced encryption standard (AES) to verify its availability. Then, to push the study further, we extend DLPFA to PRESENT, which is a lightweight substitution–permutation network (SPN)-based block cipher. The experimental results show that DLPFA can handle random faults and provide outstanding performance with a suitable selection of hyper-parameters

    The Parallel Persistent Memory Model

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    We consider a parallel computational model that consists of PP processors, each with a fast local ephemeral memory of limited size, and sharing a large persistent memory. The model allows for each processor to fault with bounded probability, and possibly restart. On faulting all processor state and local ephemeral memory are lost, but the persistent memory remains. This model is motivated by upcoming non-volatile memories that are as fast as existing random access memory, are accessible at the granularity of cache lines, and have the capability of surviving power outages. It is further motivated by the observation that in large parallel systems, failure of processors and their caches is not unusual. Within the model we develop a framework for developing locality efficient parallel algorithms that are resilient to failures. There are several challenges, including the need to recover from failures, the desire to do this in an asynchronous setting (i.e., not blocking other processors when one fails), and the need for synchronization primitives that are robust to failures. We describe approaches to solve these challenges based on breaking computations into what we call capsules, which have certain properties, and developing a work-stealing scheduler that functions properly within the context of failures. The scheduler guarantees a time bound of O(W/PA+D(P/PA)log1/fW)O(W/P_A + D(P/P_A) \lceil\log_{1/f} W\rceil) in expectation, where WW and DD are the work and depth of the computation (in the absence of failures), PAP_A is the average number of processors available during the computation, and f1/2f \le 1/2 is the probability that a capsule fails. Within the model and using the proposed methods, we develop efficient algorithms for parallel sorting and other primitives.Comment: This paper is the full version of a paper at SPAA 2018 with the same nam

    Algorithm-Directed Crash Consistence in Non-Volatile Memory for HPC

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    Fault tolerance is one of the major design goals for HPC. The emergence of non-volatile memories (NVM) provides a solution to build fault tolerant HPC. Data in NVM-based main memory are not lost when the system crashes because of the non-volatility nature of NVM. However, because of volatile caches, data must be logged and explicitly flushed from caches into NVM to ensure consistence and correctness before crashes, which can cause large runtime overhead. In this paper, we introduce an algorithm-based method to establish crash consistence in NVM for HPC applications. We slightly extend application data structures or sparsely flush cache blocks, which introduce ignorable runtime overhead. Such extension or cache flushing allows us to use algorithm knowledge to \textit{reason} data consistence or correct inconsistent data when the application crashes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for three algorithms, including an iterative solver, dense matrix multiplication, and Monte-Carlo simulation. Based on comprehensive performance evaluation on a variety of test environments, we demonstrate that our approach has very small runtime overhead (at most 8.2\% and less than 3\% in most cases), much smaller than that of traditional checkpoint, while having the same or less recomputation cost.Comment: 12 page

    Integrating testing techniques through process programming

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    Integration of multiple testing techniques is required to demonstrate high quality of software. Technique integration has three basic goals: incremental testing capabilities, extensive error detection, and cost-effective application. We are experimenting with the use of process programming as a mechanism of integrating testing techniques. Having set out to integrate DATA FLOW testing and RELAY, we proposed synergistic use of these techniques to achieve all three goals. We developed a testing process program much as we would develop a software product from requirements through design to implementation and evaluation. We found process programming to be effective for explicitly integrating the techniques and achieving the desired synergism. Used in this way, process programming also mitigates many of the other problems that plague testing in the software development process

    Critical features in electromagnetic anomalies detected prior to the L'Aquila earthquake

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    Electromagnetic (EM) emissions in a wide frequency spectrum ranging from kHz to MHz are produced by opening cracks, which can be considered as the so-called precursors of general fracture. We emphasize that the MHz radiation appears earlier than the kHz in both laboratory and geophysical scale. An important challenge in this field of research is to distinguish characteristic epochs in the evolution of precursory EM activity and identify them with the equivalent last stages in the earthquake (EQ) preparation process. Recently, we proposed the following two epochs/stages model: (i) The second epoch, which includes the finally emerged strong impulsive kHz EM emission is due to the fracture of the high strength large asperities that are distributed along the activated fault sustaining the system. (ii) The first epoch, which includes the initially emerged MHz EM radiation is thought to be due to the fracture of a highly heterogeneous system that surrounds the family of asperities. A catastrophic EQ of magnitude Mw = 6.3 occurred on 06/04/2009 in central Italy. The majority of the damage occurred in the city of L'Aquila. Clear kHz - MHz EM anomalies have been detected prior to the L'Aquila EQ. Herein, we investigate the seismogenic origin of the detected MHz anomaly. The analysis in terms of intermittent dynamics of critical fluctuations reveals that the candidate EM precursor: (i) can be described in analogy with a thermal continuous phase transition; (ii) has anti-persistent behaviour. These features suggest that the emerged candidate precursor could be triggered by microfractures in the highly disordered system that surrounded the backbone of asperities of the activated fault. We introduce a criterion for an underlying strong critical behavior.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Persistent termini of 2004- and 2005-like ruptures of the Sunda megathrust

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    To gain insight into the longevity of subduction zone segmentation, we use coral microatolls to examine an 1100-year record of large earthquakes across the boundary of the great 2004 and 2005 Sunda megathrust ruptures. Simeulue, a 100-km-long island off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddles this boundary: northern Simeulue was uplifted in the 2004 earthquake, whereas southern Simeulue rose in 2005. Northern Simeulue corals reveal that predecessors of the 2004 earthquake occurred in the 10th century AD, in AD 1394 ± 2, and in AD 1450 ± 3. Corals from southern Simeulue indicate that none of the major uplifts inferred on northern Simeulue in the past 1100 years extended to southern Simeulue. The two largest uplifts recognized at a south-central Simeulue site—around AD 1422 and in 2005—involved little or no uplift of northern Simeulue. The distribution of uplift and strong shaking during a historical earthquake in 1861 suggests the 1861 rupture area was also restricted to south of central Simeulue, as in 2005. The strikingly different histories of the two adjacent patches demonstrate that this boundary has persisted as an impediment to rupture through at least seven earthquakes in the past 1100 years. This implies that the rupture lengths, and hence sizes, of at least some future great earthquakes and tsunamis can be forecast. These microatolls also provide insight into megathrust behavior between earthquakes, revealing sudden and substantial changes in interseismic strain accumulation rates