869 research outputs found

    Critical Workforce Skills for Bachelor-Level Geoscientists: An Analysis of Geoscience Job Advertisements

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    Understanding the skills bachelor-level geoscientists need to enter the workforce is critical to their success. The goal of this study was to identify the workforce skills that are most requested from a broad range of geoscience employers. We collected 3668 job advertisements for bachelor-level geoscientists and used a case-insensitive, code-matching function in Matlab to determine the skills geoscience employers seek. Written communication (67%), field skills (63%), planning (53%), and driving (51%) were most frequently requested. Field skills and data collection were frequently found together in the ads. Written communication skills were common regardless of occupation. Quantitative skills were requested less frequently (23%) but were usually mentioned several times in the ads that did request them, signaling their importance for certain jobs. Some geoscience-specific skills were rarely found, such as temporal understanding (5%) and systems thinking (0%). We also subdivided field skills into individual tasks and ranked them by employer demand. Site assessments and evaluations, unspecified field tasks, and monitoring were the most frequently requested field skills. This study presents the geoscience community with a picture of the skills sought by employers of bachelor-level geoscientists and provides departments and programs with data they can use to assess their curricula for workforce preparation

    Critical workforce skills for bachelor-level geoscientists: An analysis of geoscience job advertisements

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    Understanding the skills bachelor-level geoscientists need to enter the workforce is critical to their success. The goal of this study was to identify the workforce skills that are most requested from a broad range of geoscience employers. We collected 3668 job advertisements for bachelor-level geoscientists and used a case-insensitive, code-matching function in Matlab to determine the skills geoscience employers seek. Written communication (67%), field skills (63%), planning (53%), and driving (51%) were most frequently requested. Field skills and data collection were frequently found together in the ads. Written communication skills were common regardless of occupation. Quantitative skills were requested less frequently (23%) but were usually mentioned several times in the ads that did request them, signaling their importance for certain jobs. Some geoscience-specific skills were rarely found, such as temporal understanding (5%) and systems thinking (0%). We also subdivided field skills into individual tasks and ranked them by employer demand. Site assessments and evaluations, unspecified field tasks, and monitoring were the most frequently requested field skills. This study presents the geoscience community with a picture of the skills sought by employers of bachelor-level geoscientists and provides departments and programs with data they can use to assess their curricula for workforce preparation

    Высшее образование: сфера услуг или новая отрасль экономики?

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    В статье анализируется процесс изменений направлений и уровней сферы образования, динамичное превращение ее в специфическую отрасль реальной экономики, воспроизводящую интеллектуальный капитал и научную продукцию. В современном мире, динамичном и высококонкурентном, предъявляющим большие требования к профессионализму, умениям и навыкам под конкретные задачи и проблемы, вопрос значимости получения образования в нужных объемах и в нужные сроки стал актуальным. Последние годы структурной перестройки экономик развитых и развивающихся стран, глобальные вызовы (пандемия коронавируса) буквально за считанные месяцы делают одни отрасли убыточными, их специалистов не востребованными, а другие сферы экономики, особенно новые, более перспективными, в которых уровень зарплат соответственно гораздо выше, чем в других. В таких условиях рынок образования, отрасль обучения, переподготовка специалистов, производство и «продажа» вузами результатов прикладных и фундаментальных научных исследований в качестве специфического товара становятся крайне значимыми и подчас являются единственным фактором развития новых сфер экономики. Цель исследования: обоснование фактора трансформации рынка образования в отдельный элемент или отрасль реального сектора цифровой экономики; выявление взаимодополняемости государственной и частной систем образования; раскрытие роли новых сфер экономики в процессе данной трансформации и доказательство того, что рынок образования интегрируется с новыми сферами экономики, новыми технологиями. В работе использованы методы системного подхода, сравнительного и эконометрического анализа. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в переносе акцента от понимания рынка образования как сферы подготовки кадров для новых сфер экономики к пониманию рынка образования как внутренней составляющей новых сфер экономики. Научная новизна статьи прослеживается в постановке вопроса в другом ракурсе: новые сферы экономики становятся гораздо сложнее любого вида и уровня образования, и данные сферы трансформируют рынок образования, а не наоборо

    How the didactic and instructional design in a blended research-based learning environment supports learning - the total mediation effect of intrinsic motivation

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    Seit 2012 haben die wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Institute der Universität Leipzig und der Technischen Universität Dresden mehrere Prototypen einer innovativen komplexen Online-Lehr-Lernumgebung entwickelt und getestet (Achtenhagen & John, 1992, Schlicht et al. 2017, S. 46). Der jüngste Prototyp wurde von 2017 bis 2021 in einem Blended-Research-Based-Learning (RBL)-Kurs zu Forschungsmethoden für Bachelor-Studierende an der Universität Leipzig getestet. Die zentrale Forschungsfrage lautete: Wie lernen Erstsemester der Wirtschaftswissenschaften mit dem Blended-RBL-Kurs zu Forschungsmethoden? Die zentrale Herausforderung bestand darin, die Studierenden auf systematische Weise an wissenschaftliches Denken heranzuführen (Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 2014, S. 6; Schlicht et al., 2017, S. 43). Darüber hinaus war weitere Forschung zum besseren Verständnis des Lernprozesses mit dem Blended-RBL-Kurs erforderlich (Dziuban et al. 2018; Klauser, 1998; Reinmann, 2016, 2011; Schlicht, 2021, Schlicht et al., 2017, S. 48). Ein quantitatives Design wurde verwendet, um die Lernergebnisse des Blended-RBL-Kurses zu analysieren (Isaac & Michael, 1995). In Anlehnung an die Definitionen für quasi-experimentelle Designs von Campbell und Stanley (1966) wurde ein Ein-Gruppen-Pretest-Posttest-Design durchgeführt. Interessanterweise zeigen die Ergebnisse einen vollständigen Mediationseffekt (Hayes, 2013) der intrinsischen Motivation zwischen der Akzeptanz und den Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten. Die Akzeptanz ist signifikant und positiv mit der intrinsischen Motivation verbunden, der indirekte Effekt a ist mit 0,89 hoch. Der indirekte Effekt der intrinsischen Motivation auf Wissen und Fähigkeiten ist positiv signifikant und sein Wert b ist 0,43 und der direkte Effekt der Akzeptanz auf Wissen und Fähigkeiten c' ist 0,374. Der Gesamteffekt der Akzeptanz auf Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten hat einen standardisierten Koeffizienten von 0,3644, was bedeutet, dass für jede Einheit, die wir die Zeichensetzung in der Akzeptanzskala verbessern können, eine Verbesserung um 0,3644 in der Skala der Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten durch den indirekten Effekt der intrinsischen Motivation, der 0,3904 beträgt, erwartet wird. Obwohl die Motivation am Ende des Kurses abnahm, zeigt diese Studie, dass durch die Verbesserung der Akzeptanz erwartet wird, dass wir sowohl die Lernergebnisse, die intrinsische Motivation als auch die Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten steigern können.:Contents List of Abbreviations V List of Tables VII List of Figures IX List of Equations XII 1 Introduction to Researching Blended Research-Based Learning in Business Higher Education 13 1.1 General Context for Innovative Blended Research-Based Learning Offers in Higher Education During Pandemic Times 13 1.2 Blended Research-Based Learning Background at Leipzig University 16 1.3 Problems in Researching Blended Learning in Business Higher Education 18 1.3.1 Research Gaps in Online and Blended Learning for Business Higher Education 18 1.3.2 Research Gap in Blended RBL for Business Higher Education 20 1.3.3 Evaluating a Blended RBL Course at Leipzig University 22 1.4 Purpose of the Study 24 1.5 Significance of the Study 24 1.6 Research Questions 26 1.7 Organization of the Study 27 2 Model Generation for the Influence of the Acceptance on the Learning Process for Blended Research-Based Learning 30 2.1 Understanding the Learning Concept and its Implications for PBL and RBL Environments 30 2.2 Blended Learning More Than a Sort of Online Learning 32 2.2.1 Three Approaches to Blended Learning Models 36 2.2.2 Pedagogical Aspects of Designing Blended Learning for Higher Education 39 2.2.3 Complex Teaching-Learning Environments in Business Higher Education 41 2.3 Problem-Based Learning in Connection to Research-Based Learning 43 2.4 Research-Based Learning Fosters Academic Thinking by Using the Three Basic Dimensions of Teaching that Promote Learning 46 2.4.1 Research-Based Learning at the Beginning of Studies 50 2.4.2 Research-Based Learning and Blended Delivery 54 2.5 Evaluation Aspects for Blended Research-Based Learning in Business Higher Education 56 2.6 Understanding Good Teaching in Higher Education 62 2.7 Knowledge and Skills Acquisition – Cognitive Facets in the Learning Process for Blended Research-Based Learning Environments 64 2.8 Motivation Facet in the Blended Research-Based Learning Process for Business Higher Education 68 2.9 Acceptance of Blended Learning Offers in Higher Education 73 2.10 Control Variables for the Blended RBL Study 80 2.11 Proposed Conceptual Model for the Relationship Between Acceptance, Motivation, and Knowledge and Skills in Blended Research-Based Learning 82 3 Longitudinal Research Design of the Learning Process and Acceptance within the Blended RBL Course at Leipzig University 88 3.1 General Settings of the Blended RBL Course on Research Methods 88 3.1.1 Blended RBL Course Description 89 3.1.2 Portrayal of the Complex Learning Environment and the Blended RBL Course on Research Methods 91 3.2 Implementing a Quasi-Experimental Design for Understanding the Learning Process and Acceptance Within the Blended RBL Course 95 3.3 General Description of the Sample and Participants 96 3.4 Learning Process and Acceptance Instrumentation 96 3.5 Instrument Validity and Reliability 98 3.5.1 Factor analysis for Motivation, Knowledge and Skills, and Acceptance 98 3.5.2 Normality Assumption for Motivation, Knowledge and Skills, and Acceptance 99 3.5.3 Extraction and Rotation Methods Selection for EFA 103 3.5.4 Bidimensional Scale for Motivation and Unidimensional Scales for Knowledge and Skills and Acceptance 103 3.5.5 Reliability Estimates for Motivation, Knowledge and Skills, and Acceptance 105 3.6 Data Collection Procedures and Analysis 107 4 Significant Gains on the Learning Process and High Acceptance of the Blended RBL Course at Leipzig University 109 4.1 Overview of the Evaluation Analysis at Leipzig University 109 4.2 Sample Descriptive Statistics 109 4.3 Knowledge and Skills on Research Methods Increased After Attending the Blended RBL Course 110 4.4 Motivation Levels Remain Stable During the Blended RBL Course 113 4.5 The Blended RBL Course on Research Methods Achieved High Acceptance Among Business Education Students 119 4.6 Evidence of Associations Between Motivation, Knowledge and Skills, and Acceptance 121 4.7 Intrinsic Motivation and Acceptance as Good Predictors for Knowledge and Skills Acquisition 125 4.8 Total Mediation Effect of Intrinsic Motivation Between Acceptance and Knowledge and Skills 131 5 Discussion and Conclusion 137 5.1 Discussion of the Findings 137 5.2 Limitations 145 5.3 Implications for Practice 146 5.4 Recommendations for Future Research 148 References 151 Appendix A 194 Pre-test and Post-test Questionnaires in German and English 194 Appendix B 198 Histograms and Q-Q Plots by Item 198 Histograms and Q-Q Plots by Variable 212 Appendix C 214 Student’s Semester by Intrinsic Motivation 214 Appendix D 216 Nonparametric Correlations Between the Study’s Variables 216 Declaration of academic integrity according to § 8 par. 2 (1.) 218 Declaration of academic integrity according to § 8 par. 2 (2.) 21

    Global Initiatives and Higher Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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    The Fourth industrial Revolution (4IR) is forcing higher education (HE) into a new era where it must either actively and positively contribute to innovation, sustainability, and development or become obsolete and redundant. HE must leave its ivory tower and forge links and partnerships with society, industry, and governing bodies by delivering graduates that are holistically educated and trained to bring positive innovation and change and to address the challenges that humanity is facing in the 21st century

    Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT): Special issue: International Perspectives and interactions in Education

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    Our special issue presents a plethora of perspectives and innovative practices in education contexts from across the world. Authors from Canada, USA, South America, Europe and China, argue their case on advancements in educational settings and discuss the value of knowledge. Articles published in this issue include papers presented at the International Conference on Education (EDU2019), organized by the Communication Institute of Greece 13-16/5/2019, in Athens, Greece

    Towards a digital learning ecosystem within a community of inquiry : design-based research in ICT engineering education

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    Yhteiskunnan lisääntyvä digitalisaatio on muuttanut oppimistapojamme ja työskentelyämme merkittävästi. Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan insinöörikoulutuksen alalla uusien digitaalisten teknologioiden ilmaantuminen ja teollisuuden vallankumous ovat synnyttäneet tarpeen kehittää uusia pedagogisia lähestymistapoja, jotka integroituvat saumattomasti alan menetelmiin ja käytäntöihin. Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy digitaalisen oppimisen ekosysteemin suunnittelukehyksen sekä sitä tukevien suunnitteluperiaatteiden luomiseen, missä verkko-oppiminen integroidaan insinöörikoulutukseen huomioiden sekä koulutuspoliittiset näkökulmat että yhteisön sidosryhmien kokemukset ja odotukset. Sidosryhmiksi tässä tutkimuksessa käsitetään opiskelijoiden lisäksi teollisuuden edustajat, sekä ohjaajina tieto- ja viestintätekniikan insinöörikoulutuksen opettajat ja yksikön tutkimus- ja kehityshanketoiminnan henkilöstö. Tutkimus sijoittuu Lapin ammattikorkeakoulun tieto- ja viestintätekniikan insinöörikoulutukseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on varmistaa opiskeluun sitouttavan ja mielenkiintoa ylläpitävän ekosysteemin toteutuminen, jotta opiskelijoille tarjoutuu mahdollisuus hankkia tarvittavat tiedot ja taidot todellisten ongelmien ratkaisemiseen sekä valmistautumiseen digitalisoituvaan elinkeinoelämään ja teollisuuteen. Design-tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on syventää tietämystä alan tekniikan koulutuksen suunnittelusta sekä toteutuksen vaatimuksista ja toimintaperiaatteista. Tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi päätutkimusongelmaa: Mitkä ovat digitaalisen oppimisen ekosysteemin suunnitteluperiaatteet ja ominaisuudet, jotka vastaavat sidosryhmien tarpeisiin ja tieto- ja viestintätekniikan insinöörikoulutuksen linjauksiin sekä ohjaaviin asiakirjoihin? lähestytään tässä tutkimuksessa kaikkiaan kolmen osatutkimuksen avulla, joista kukin on raportoitu omana artikkelinaan. Ensimmäiset kaksi osatutkimusta kattavat design-tutkimuksen ensimmäisen syklin ja kolmas osatutkimus kattaa toisen syklin. Ensimmäisessä osatutkimuksessa tutkittiin tietoja viestintätekniikan insinöörikoulutuksen sen hetkisen oppimisen ekosysteemin sidosryhmien ajatuksia ja kokemuksia. Laadullisen tutkimuksen aineisto koostui opiskelijoiden haastatteluista sekä ohjaajilta että teollisuuden ja elinkeinoelämän edustajilta kerätyistä web-kyselyn vastauksista. Tulokset analysoitiin laadullisella sisällönanalyysilla. Toisessa osatutkimuksessa pilotoitiin tiimiyhteistyöalustaa hyödyntävää projektiperustaista oppimista integroidussa opetussuunnitelmassa, käyttäen sulautettua oppimista tutkivan yhteisön (Community of Inquiry, CoI) kontekstissa. Opiskelijoiden kokemuksia arvioitiin CoI-kyselytutkimuksella ja tiimityöalustan käyttöä analysoitiin palvelimen logitietojen perusteella. Kolmas osatutkimus keskittyi opiskelijoiden oppimiskokemuksiin verkossa hyödyntäen myös CoI-instrumenttia. Sekä toisen että kolmannen osatutkimuksen CoI-kyselyn vastausten analyysimenetelmänä oli Rasch Rating Scale Model -malli. Syvemmän ymmärryksen saavuttamiseksi kolmannessa osatutkimuksessa opiskelijoilta pyydettiin myös sanallisia kokemuksia ja ajatuksia. Kunkin osatutkimuksen tulokset muodostivat perustan seuraavien vaiheiden suunnittelulle ja interventioille, tukien design-tutkimuksen etenemistä ja syventäen ymmärrystä. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen tuloksena ehdotetaan digitaalisen oppimisen ekosysteemin suunnittelukehystä tieto- ja viestintätekniikan insinöörikoulutukselle. Kehystä tukevat seuraavat suunnitteluperiaatteet: 1) tiimiyhteistyöalustan käyttöönotto, 2) kaikkien sidosryhmien aktiivinen osallistuminen yhteistyöhön, 3) ekosysteemin kulttuurin luominen, 4) sulautetun oppimisen hyödyntäminen, 5) ohjaajatiimin perustaminen, 6) online-resurssipoolin luominen, 7) projektiperustaisen oppimisen soveltaminen ja 8) toimialakohtaisten menetelmien ja konseptien hyödyntäminen. Nämä suunnitteluperiaatteet voidaan edelleen tiivistää suunnittelukehyksen ominaisuuksiksi, joita ovat: 1) koheesio, 2) yhteistyö, 3) jakaminen, 4) virtuaalisuus, 5) integrointi, 6) työkalut, 7) ongelmanratkaisu ja 8) teknologia. Tämän insinööritieteitä ja kasvatustiedettä yhdistävän tutkimuksen tulokset ovat laajentaneet insinöörikoulutuksen tietämystä ja tuottaneet teoreettisesti ja empiirisesti perustellun uuden suunnittelukehyksen ICT-insinöörikoulutuksen digitaalisen oppimisen ekosysteemin suunnittelulle. Tämä tutkimus paikkaa aukon kansainvälisessä tutkimuskentässä ja luo vankan perustan jatkokeskusteluille, tutkimushankkeille ja edistysaskeleille globaalissa digitaalisessa muutoksessa. Lisäksi se edistää korkeakoulujen ja teollisuuden välistä yhteistyötä, mahdollistaen tiedon ja asiantuntemuksen vaihdon tällä nopeasti kehittyvällä alalla.The increasing digitalisation of society has significantly transformed our learning methods and work processes. In the field of information and communication technology (ICT) engineering education, the emergence of new digital technologies and the industrial revolution have created a need to develop new pedagogical approaches that seamlessly integrate with industry methods and practices. This dissertation focuses on creating a design framework for a digital learning ecosystem and supporting design principles that integrate online learning with engineering education, taking into account both educational policy perspectives and the experiences and expectations of community stakeholders. In this research, stakeholders include students, industry representatives, instructors in ICT engineering education and personnel involved in research and development projects in the ICT unit. The research is situated in the context of ICT engineering education at Lapland University of Applied Sciences. This study aims to ensure the realisation of an engaging and meaningful digital learning ecosystem, providing students with the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to solve real-world problems and prepare for the digitising industry. The purpose of this design-based research (DBR) is to deepen our understanding of the design and implementation requirements and principles of ICT engineering education. To achieve the research goals of this study, which addresses the main research question, ‘What are the design principles and characteristics of a digital learning ecosystem that align with the needs of stakeholders and the policies in ICT engineering education?’, three sub-studies were conducted, each reported as a separate article. The first two sub-studies covered the first cycle of the DBR, and the third sub-study covered the second cycle. In the first sub-study, the thoughts and experiences of stakeholders within the current learning ecosystem of ICT engineering education were investigated. The qualitative research data consisted of interviews with students and web survey responses collected from instructors and industry representatives. The results were analysed using content analysis. The second sub-study piloted project-based learning supported by a team collaboration platform in an integrated curriculum, utilising blended learning in the context of a community of inquiry (CoI). The students’ experiences were assessed through a CoI survey, and the usage of the team collaboration platform was analysed based on server log data. The focus of the third sub-study was on students’ experiences in a fully online environment, which were examined using the CoI instrument. The results of the CoI instrument in the second and third sub-studies were analysed using the Rasch rating scale analysis method. To gain a deeper understanding, the students were also asked to provide verbal accounts of their experiences and thoughts in the third sub-study. The results of each sub-study served as a basis for planning subsequent phases and interventions, supporting the progress of the DBR and enhancing the understanding of the topic. As a result of this doctoral research, a design framework for a digital learning ecosystem is proposed for ICT engineering education. The framework is supported by the following design principles: 1) adoption of a team collaboration platform, 2) active participation of all stakeholders in collaboration, 3) creation of an ecosystem culture, 4) utilisation of blended learning methods, 5) establishment of an instructor team, 6) creation of an online resource pool, 7) application of project-based learning methods, and 8) utilisation of industry-specific methods and concepts. These design principles can be further condensed into the characteristics of the design framework, which establishes a connection between the framework and the emerging ideologies of the present era. The characteristics of the framework include 1) cohesion, 2) collaboration, 3) sharing, 4) virtual, 5) integration, 6) tools, 7) problem-solving, and 8) technology. The results of this research, which combines the disciplines of engineering and educational sciences, have expanded the new knowledge of engineering education and generated a theoretically and empirically justified design framework for a digital learning ecosystem in ICT engineering education. This research is significant because it fills a gap in the international research landscape and provides a solid foundation for further discussions, research projects, and advancements in the global digital transformation. In addition, it promotes collaboration between higher education institutions and industry, enabling the exchange of knowledge and expertise in this rapidly evolving field