29 research outputs found

    Mobile Apps as Supplements of a Typical Discrete Mathematics Course: Benefits, Features, and Design Elements

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    Mobile Apps have tremendous potential for use as very effective supplements to the exiting learning modalities in a typical introductory Discrete Mathematics course. In this article we consider the general nature of a typical introductory Discrete Mathematics courses and derive elements of design which are expected to make the mobile Apps intended for use as supplements to such a course more effective. We enumerate the elements of the topical coverage and inherent characteristics of typical introductory Discrete Mathematics course, and the benefits of a mobile App course supplement. We then present the design aspects and desired salient features of mobile Apps intended for uses as supplements in a typical introductory Discrete Mathematics course, and the elements of user experience (UX) of such an App. We believe that several of these design elements could be adapted across several different courses and disciplines to enhance the learning experience

    M-Learning: A New Paradigm of Learning Mathematics in Malaysia

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    M-Learning is a new learning paradigm of the new social structure with mobile and wireless technologies.Smart school is one of the four flagship applications for Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) under Malaysian government initiative to improve education standard in the country. With the advances of mobile devices technologies, mobile learning could help the government in realizing the initiative. This paper discusses the prospect of implementing mobile learning for primary school students. It indicates significant and challenges and analysis of user perceptions on potential mobile applications through a survey done in primary school context. The authors propose the m-Learning for mathematics by allowing the extension of technology in the traditional classroom in term of learning and teaching.Comment: Wireless technology, teaching mathematics, flexible learning, m-Learnin

    Unlocking the Potential of Wireless Learning

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    Wirelessly enabled learning offers distinctive benefits to teaching and learning because of portability, low cost and improved communication capabilities (Kukulska-Hulme & Traxler, 2005). This article presents an exploratory review of several categories of wireless technologies, their successful applications in higher education institutions and challenges from the educator’s perspective. Recent research reports a diverse range of wireless learning strategies, see for example Parsons et al. (2006), and current applications of wireless technologies in teaching are still emerging. Conclusions drawn from successful experiments using mobile devices and wireless networks in universities may inspire others and help reassess the challenges ahead. Further studies are needed to explore and successfully apply wireless capabilities driven by the pedagogy, rather than the technology. This paper attempts to outline various teaching strategies and relevant categories of wireless applications focusing on the relationship between the pedagogy and the supporting technology. It concludes with suggesting issues for further research, especially the need to thoroughly evaluate the learning benefits of wireless applications

    Design of the University Mobile Educational Environment

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    The article addresses issues related to the description of the aspects of the instructional design of a mobile educational environment of a modern higher education institution. The authors give the definitions of the mobile educational environment, describe its functional features, and also consider the requirements for its instructional design and development. The article presents the clustering of digital services for the full implementation of a mobile educational environment (services for planning and supporting educational activities, services for organizing and supporting educational activities, communication and feedback services, general information services). The results of the experimental research to identify the attitude of students, teachers and administrative workers to the functional significance of mobile technologies and their application in the educational process are presented

    Mobile Learning Business Model Framework

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    M-learning has become more and more important but still is a young educational and economical (Edu-Eco) technology. M-learning strategies are aimed at economic, academic and technological objectives, however they lack in modeling ensured economic measurements in the sense of profitable products. Throughout this paper, we discuss the prime categories of elements that participate in the m-learning value net and give an overview of their business models. In addition to considering the mobile and e-learning business, business models, we deconstruct the m-learning value net, and also use a literature review in order to identify different actors in a business model for M-learning

    Revolusi Pembelajaran Metodologi Ekonomi Selama Masa Pandemik Covid-19 Melalui Fitur “Tanya Egy”

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    Abstract: The research methodology is a subject that has an essential role in completing the study. Even though students have received this course during the college period, many students still feel confused in determining the research method to complete their thesis, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The School from Home learning system prevents students from meeting face to face and talking directly to the lecturer. So, it is important to innovate where students can ask freely about the problems of both quantitative and qualitative research methods. So, there needs innovative learning to solve it. Authors made an innovation called Tanya Egy, based on a website application for Question and Answer (Q&A) about research methodology problems, both quantitative or qualitative. The Tanya Egy application has been synchronized with SPEDOL (Economic Library Service System and Online Data), owned by the Department of Economic Development FE UM. In this application, there are also many lecturers with econometric expertise and lecturers with expertise in the field of qualitative research methods. So this feature is not only for students who are taking research methods but also for students who are preparing a thesis or students who are currently on the verge of confusion in completing their thesis. The result of this activity is that 23 students have used and asked questions online through the Ask Egy feature. As many as 80 percent of students said this feature was beneficial in completing their thesis.   Abstrak : Metodologi penelitian merupakan matakuliah yang memiliki peranan penting dalam penyelesaian studi. Meskipun selama masa kuliah mahasiswa telah mendapatkan matakuliah ini akan tetapi masih banyak mahasiswa merasa kebingungan dalam menentukan metode penelitian untuk menyelesaikan skripsi.  Kondisi ini diperparah saat adanya pandemi Covid-19. Sistem pembelajaran School from Home membuat mahasiswa dibatasi untuk bertatap muka dan berbicara langsung dengan dosennya. Sehingga, penting untuk melakukan inovasi dimana mahasiswa dapat bertanya bebas mengenai permasalahan metode penelitian baik kuantitatif maupun kualitatif. Penemuan inovasi aplikasi “Tanya Egy” merupakan fitur yang berupa website khusus untuk Tanya jawab permasalahan metodologi penelitian secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Aplikasi Tanya Egy telah tersinkronisasi dengan SPEDOL (Sistem Pelayanan Pustaka Ekonomi dan Data Online) yang telah dimiliki oleh jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan FE UM. Dalam aplikasi ini juga tergabung banyak dosen dengan keahlian ekonometrika maupun dosen dengan keahlian di bidang metode penelitian kualitatif. Sehingga fitur ini tidak hanya untuk mahasiswa yang sedang menempuh metode penelitian namun juga untuk mahasiswa yang akan menyiapkan skripsi atau mahasiswa yang saat ini berada diambang kebingungan dalam penyelesaian skripsi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu terdapat sebanyak 23 mahasiswa yang sudah memanfaatkan dan bertanya secara daring melalui fitur Tanya Egy. Kemudian sebanyak 80 persen mahasiswa mengatakan bahwa fitur ini sangat membantu dalam penyelesaian skripsi

    Mobile-based library loan service(MBLLS)

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    Most libraries provide book reservation and renewal services through the library counter as well as online computer.However, through the counter, these services are only available during of ice hours.Even though through online computer, users are able to access the services anytime, but they must be connected to the Internet which limits their access to these services.Since the need of library users have increased tremendously, an alternative technology is required.Thus, mobile technology has been identified as a potential alternative since it is able to provide the two services anytime and anywhere.This paper discusses a prototype Mobile-Based Library Loan Service (MBLLS), a facility which has been developed for library users to access online library services through mobile devices. MBLLS was developed for book reservation and renewal services. Results of user evaluation on the MBLLS indicate that it has good usability in terms of Usefulness, Ease of Use and Outcome/Future Use.The results also indicate that there is a significant dif erence between novice and expert users for Usefulness and Ease of Use, while no significant dif erence for Outcome/Future Use

    Arquitectura para el desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas para dispositivos móviles.

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    Proyecto de Investigación. Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2015El cambio constante en la tecnología afecta las organizaciones y la sociedad en general. Esto provoca el surgimiento de nuevos paradigmas ante el auge constante de la ciencia y la tecnología en campos como la educación. La explosión de nuevas plataformas computacionales, especialmente en dispositivos móviles, motivan la generación de metodologías que permitan el desarrollo de aplicaciones para esas plataformas. Este proyecto fue planteado para diseñar e implementar una arquitectura que permita desarrollar aplicaciones educativas para dispositivos móviles, que utilizan los sistemas operativos iOS y Android, desde una perspectiva de ingeniería. La definición de una metodología y la consideración de diferentes aspectos para definir la arquitectura de aplicaciones móviles, es validada con el desarrollo de dos aplicaciones de forma exitosa.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Ric

    Unlocking the Potential of Wireless Learning

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    Wirelessly enabled learning offers distinctive benefits to teaching and learning because of portability, low cost and improved communication capabilities (Kukulska-Hulme & Traxler, 2005). This article presents an exploratory review of several categories of wireless technologies, their successful applications in higher education institutions and challenges from the educator’s perspective. Recent research reports a diverse range of wireless learning strategies, see for example Parsons et al. (2006), and current applications of wireless technologies in teaching are still emerging. Conclusions drawn from successful experiments using mobile devices and wireless networks in universities may inspire others and help reassess the challenges ahead. Further studies are needed to explore and successfully apply wireless capabilities driven by the pedagogy, rather than the technology. This paper attempts to outline various teaching strategies and relevant categories of wireless applications focusing on the relationship between the pedagogy and the supporting technology. It concludes with suggesting issues for further research, especially the need to thoroughly evaluate the learning benefits of wireless applications