19,417 research outputs found

    Investigating the Factors That Contribute to In-App Purchases in Online Gaming:The Stimulus-Organism-Response Model

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    Advancements in online payment mechanics has revolutionised the monetisation of online games. One such method known as In-App Purchases (IAPs) - small purchases of virtual goods for real world currencies, has become a popular method of increasing the profitability of online games. In-App Purchases are made only by small percentages of players in a game and the reasons influencing players to make In-App Purchases vary. Exploring the influencers of players online purchase intent in online games may assist game developers in increasing players’ willingness to make In-App Purchases. The monetisation mechanics of games and consumers’ willingness to make online purchases are an important focus in the online gaming industry when determining the profitability of a game. Thus, coming to understand the monetisation mechanics of a game and the way it influences consumers online purchase intent can be useful to game developers and marketers when developing new games. The purpose of this study was, thus, to assist both game developers and marketers in understanding the influencers of online purchase intent in online games, in order to better create and market more profitable online games. The Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) model was used to better understand InApp purchasing behavior, where Stimulus refers to game characteristics, Organism refers to gameplay experience that could lead to the Response resulting in Online Purchase Intent. The factors identified that contributed to this response include: Active Control, Reciprocal Communication, Social Identity, Skill and Challenge which constitute the Stimulus constructs of the S-O-R model; the factors which constitute Response include: Flow, Cognitive Involvement and Affective Involvement. The model was tested using an online survey and tested through the use of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling software. The results of the study provide support for the conceptual framework and indicate that Online Purchase Intent may be most influenced by the way players personally identify with a game, and how much of a challenge the game presents. The results also indicate that emotional involvement with a game has a significant positive influence on Online Purchase Intent and that online purchases may be impulse purchases. The findings of this study imply that game developers may be able to influence Online Purchase Intent by increasing the level challenge found in games. Additionally, marketers may be able to influence online purchases through the use of emotional appeals in game advertisements and by offering limited edition sales of InApp Purchases. Future research related to this study should explore which emotions are the greatest influencers of Online Purchase Intention, and how these emotions influence the willingness to make In-App Purchases

    Gamification in Retail Brand Loyalty Mobile Applications

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    Games are a fun way for humans to spend hours effortlessly motivated to complete tasks and achieve goals. Gamification, the process of applying game features to non-game contexts, produces the enjoyable motivation of games outside of games. According to social exchange theory, gamification motivates by adding value to a user’s experience, which inspires action. Companies can use gamification to build relationships with clients and increase sales. Onboarding, fast feedback, points, levels, badges, and community are particularly effective game features for a brand loyalty program within a mobile application (app). Gamification, informed by social exchange theory, can effectively build brand loyalty over a mobile app; the purpose of this paper is to propose such an app, which can be tested through further research

    Understanding the price drivers of successful apps in the mobile app market

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    In this paper, we take the perspective of app developers. Specifically, based on a sample of top paid apps from three major app stores, i.e., App Store, Google Play, and Blackberry World, we construct a hedonic price model to examine the role of relevant factors in price formation in the app market. Our results suggest a strong evidence of two-sided market effects. In fact, the lower price charged for apps operating as two-sided markets reflect the strategy of subsidising users, due to the positive cross-side externalities they exert on valuable third parties. Surprisingly, the effects of trialability, in-app purchase and mechanisms to build reputation are not significant in the context of successful apps. Finally, we find weak evidence that developers of top paid apps prefer price skimming to penetration price strategies

    Mobile Privacy and Business-to-Platform Dependencies: An Analysis of SEC Disclosures

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    This Article systematically examines the dependence of mobile apps on mobile platforms for the collection and use of personal information through an analysis of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings of mobile app companies. The Article uses these disclosures to find systematic evidence of how app business models are shaped by the governance of user data by mobile platforms, in order to reflect on the role of platforms in privacy regulation more generally. The analysis of SEC filings documented in the Article produces new and unique insights into the data practices and data-related aspects of the business models of popular mobile apps and shows the value of SEC filings for privacy law and policy research more generally. The discussion of SEC filings and privacy builds on regulatory developments in SEC disclosures and cybersecurity of the last decade. The Article also connects to recent regulatory developments in the U.S. and Europe, including the General Data Protection Regulation, the proposals for a new ePrivacy Regulation and a Regulation of fairness in business-to-platform relations

    Design of VR app applied to cognitive training

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    L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és el disseny d’una aplicació de realitat virtual per millorar el tractament dels pacients amb deteriorament cognitiu lleu, així com estudiar els possibles avantatges que aquesta tecnologia pot proporcionar en aquest camp. Es va escollir la realitat virtual perquè permet augmentar la sensació d’immersió pel que fa a les tecnologies actuals. Actualment la realitat virtual s’està utilitzant amb aquest tipus de tractament i està aconseguint gran resultats amb els pacients. A més, mitjançant l’ús d’aquesta tècnica d’immersió visual, s’espera que ajudi a millorar la capacitat dels pacients davant nous problemes, com pot ser la iniciació a la realitat virtual, una qüestió fonamental que ajuda a la millora dels pacients que es troben en les primeres etapes de la malaltia. L’aplicació consisteix en un entorn de supermercat virtual on el pacient pot realitzar diverses proves. En aquesta hi haurà diferents nivells amb diverses complexitats, sempre després d’haver realitzat un tutorial previ. L’aplicació s’ha realitzat en dues fases diferents: primer es va crear el guió, amb col·laboració amb la unitat d’Alzheimer de l’Hospital Clínic. Els nivells de l’aplicació es van definir aquí. El següent va ser la realització de l’aplicació amb col·laboració amb la companyia Vysion 360. Per a la seva utilització per la unitat d’Alzheimer de l’Hospital Clínic, l’aplicació tenia que complir diferents criteris. En primer lloc, els nivells de dificultat tenen que ser suficients per realitzar un tractament a llarg termini. En segon lloc, per crear una bona experiència de immersió, l’entorn creat té que ser el més realista possible. Finalment, s’ha creat una base de dades local per guardar la informació de totes les sessions, utilitzat posteriorment en l’anàlisi de evolució dels pacients. Amb aquesta aplicació, s’espera que els resultats en els pacients amb deteriorament cognitiu lleu milloren respecte a les tècniques anteriors. Especialment gràcies a la gran experiència d’immersió aconseguida amb la realitat virtual, la qual ajuda a la concentració dels pacients durant el tractament

    Main drivers for microtransactions as impulse purchases in e-commerce

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    M30, M31With mobile technology evolving at a very fast-paced level, consumers now have many choices of entertainment on their mobile devices. Thousands of games are available to download free of charge on virtually every smartphone and with them a new revenue model has emerged: microtransactions. Characterized by low price points, microtransaction have seldom been studied extensively. With great potential in the future, this type of revenue model is currently outgrowing traditional pay-to-play model types. By focusing on several types of mobile game item drivers and adapting some previous research and models, this study intends to identify and create a model with the main drivers of microtransactions that lead to impulse purchases in mobile game applications and understand if a price increase will lead to a lower purchase intention. A PLS-SEM analysis was conducted on a sample of 301 individuals. The measurement model showed a good fit of parameters, with AVE above 0.50 for all components, composite reliability superior to 0.70 for all components as well as an HTMT value inferior to 0.90 present in each component relationship. The six components considered explained 53.3% of the variance in impulse buying tendency. Significant component drivers from strongest to least robust were flow experience, social, hedonic/emotional and performance drivers. Functionality and low perceived risk were not drivers of impulse buying tendency.Com a tecnologia móvel a evoluir a um passo cada vez mais acelerado, os consumidores têm agora várias escolhas de entretenimento nos seus dispositivos móveis. Milhares de jogos estão disponíveis para descarregar de forma gratuita em virtualmente qualquer smartphone e com isso, um novo modelo de negócio tem emergido: microtransações. Caracterizado pelos seus preços baixos, as microtransações têm raramente sido estudadas extensivamente. Com um grande potencial no futuro, este tipo de modelo de negócio está a ultrapassar no presente os modelos tradicionais de comprar-para-jogar. Ao focar-se em vários tipos de drivers de itens de jogos móveis e adaptando pesquisas e modelos anteriores, este estudo pretende identificar e criar um modelo com os principais drivers das microtransações que originam compras por impulse em aplicações de jogos móveis e compreender se um aumento de preço leva a uma intenção de compra reduzida. Uma análise de PLS-SEM foi efetuada numa amostra de 301 indivíduos. O modelo medido demonstrou um bom índice dos seus parâmetros, com um AVE superior a 0.50 para todos os componentes, confiabilidade composta também superior a 0.70 para todos os componentes e um valor de HTMT inferior a 0.90 para cada relação entre os componentes. Os seis componentes originais considerados explicam 53.2% da variância da tendência de compra por impulso. Os drivers de conteúdo significantes do mais forte para o menos forte foram: fluidez de experiência, social, hedónico/emocional e performance. Funcionalidade e baixa perceção de risco não foram drivers de tendência de compra por impulso


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    The competitive mobile app markets along with the lack of business experience of mobile app startups has created many challenges for startups in their efforts to create a viable business through developing and publishing apps. In this study, we collected data from 20 international mobile game startups that were working on their first commercial game with the aim to develop a successful game as the first step toward a successful business. Through a classic grounded theory methodology, we developed a theoretical model. Our model depicts how startups work with three requirements of visibility, quality and user engagement toward success while enhancing each and every one of the requirements through online and offline social interactions with various members of the mobile ecosystem. Our study contributes to the existing literature on mobile app development and the interactions of startups with the platform owner, users, and their games artefact, particularly by highlighting how the startups leverage the social aspects of mobile app platforms for success. It also contributes to the knowledge on business creation in startups through explaining the fundamental factors that early-stage mobile game startups consider in their work on mobile platforms to create a successful business

    The Industry and Policy Context for Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion:Market Analysis, Future Prospects and Key Challenges in Videogames, Serious Games and Gamification

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    The effective use of digital games for empowerment and social inclusion (DGEI) of people and communities at risk of exclusion will be shaped by, and may influence the development of a range of sectors that supply products, services, technology and research. The principal industries that would appear to be implicated are the 'videogames' industry, and an emerging 'serious games' industry. The videogames industry is an ecosystem of developers, publishers and other service providers drawn from the interactive media, software and broader ICT industry that services the mainstream leisure market in games, The 'serious games' industry is a rather fragmented and growing network of firms, users, research and policy makers from a variety of sectors. This emerging industry is are trying to develop knowledge, products, services and a market for the use of digital games, and products inspired by digital games, for a range of non-leisure applications. This report provides a summary of the state of play of these industries, their trajectories and the challenges they face. It also analyses the contribution they could make to exploiting digital games for empowerment and social inclusion. Finally, it explores existing policy towards activities in these industries and markets, and draws conclusions as to the future policy relevance of engaging with them to support innovation and uptake of effective digital game-based approaches to empowerment and social inclusion.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Exploring social gambling: scoping, classification and evidence review

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    The aim of this report is to speculate on the level of concern we might have regarding consumer risk in relation to ‘social gambling.’ In doing so, this report is intended to help form the basis to initiate debate around a new and under-researched social issue; assist in setting a scientific research agenda; and, where appropriate, highlight concerns about any potential areas that need to be considered in terms of precautionary regulation. This report does not present a set of empirical research findings regarding ‘social gambling’ but rather gathers information to improve stakeholder understanding