12 research outputs found

    Linear Kernels for Edge Deletion Problems to Immersion-Closed Graph Classes

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    Suppose F is a finite family of graphs. We consider the following meta-problem, called F-Immersion Deletion: given a graph G and an integer k, decide whether the deletion of at most k edges of G can result in a graph that does not contain any graph from F as an immersion. This problem is a close relative of the F-Minor Deletion problem studied by Fomin et al. [FOCS 2012], where one deletes vertices in order to remove all minor models of graphs from F. We prove that whenever all graphs from F are connected and at least one graph of F is planar and subcubic, then the F-Immersion Deletion problem admits: - a constant-factor approximation algorithm running in time O(m^3 n^3 log m) - a linear kernel that can be computed in time O(m^4 n^3 log m) and - a O(2^{O(k)} + m^4 n^3 log m)-time fixed-parameter algorithm, where n,m count the vertices and edges of the input graph. Our findings mirror those of Fomin et al. [FOCS 2012], who obtained similar results for F-Minor Deletion, under the assumption that at least one graph from F is planar. An important difference is that we are able to obtain a linear kernel for F-Immersion Deletion, while the exponent of the kernel of Fomin et al. depends heavily on the family F. In fact, this dependence is unavoidable under plausible complexity assumptions, as proven by Giannopoulou et al. [ICALP 2015]. This reveals that the kernelization complexity of F-Immersion Deletion is quite different than that of F-Minor Deletion

    Bounded-Depth Frege Complexity of Tseitin Formulas for All Graphs

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    We prove that there is a constant K such that Tseitin formulas for an undirected graph G requires proofs of size 2tw(G)Ω(1/d) in depth-d Frege systems for d < (Formula presented.) where tw(G) is the treewidth of G. This extends Håstad recent lower bound for the grid graph to any graph. Furthermore, we prove tightness of our bound up to a multiplicative constant in the top exponent. Namely, we show that if a Tseitin formula for a graph G has size s, then for all large enough d, it has a depth-d Frege proof of size 2tw(G)O(1/d)poly(s). Through this result we settle the question posed by M. Alekhnovich and A. Razborov of showing that the class of Tseitin formulas is quasi-automatizable for resolution

    Improper colourings inspired by Hadwiger’s conjecture

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    Hadwiger’s Conjecture asserts that every Kt-minor-free graph has a proper (t − 1)-colouring. We relax the conclusion in Hadwiger’s Conjecture via improper colourings. We prove that every Kt-minor-free graph is (2t − 2)-colourable with monochromatic components of order at most 1/2 (t − 2). This result has no more colours and much smaller monochromatic components than all previous results in this direction. We then prove that every Kt-minor-free graph is (t − 1)-colourable with monochromatic degree at most t − 2. This is the best known degree bound for such a result. Both these theorems are based on a decomposition method of independent interest. We give analogous results for Ks,t-minorfree graphs, which lead to improved bounds on generalised colouring numbers for these classes. Finally, we prove that graphs containing no Kt-immersion are 2-colourable with bounded monochromatic degree

    Defective and Clustered Graph Colouring

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    Consider the following two ways to colour the vertices of a graph where the requirement that adjacent vertices get distinct colours is relaxed. A colouring has "defect" dd if each monochromatic component has maximum degree at most dd. A colouring has "clustering" cc if each monochromatic component has at most cc vertices. This paper surveys research on these types of colourings, where the first priority is to minimise the number of colours, with small defect or small clustering as a secondary goal. List colouring variants are also considered. The following graph classes are studied: outerplanar graphs, planar graphs, graphs embeddable in surfaces, graphs with given maximum degree, graphs with given maximum average degree, graphs excluding a given subgraph, graphs with linear crossing number, linklessly or knotlessly embeddable graphs, graphs with given Colin de Verdi\`ere parameter, graphs with given circumference, graphs excluding a fixed graph as an immersion, graphs with given thickness, graphs with given stack- or queue-number, graphs excluding KtK_t as a minor, graphs excluding Ks,tK_{s,t} as a minor, and graphs excluding an arbitrary graph HH as a minor. Several open problems are discussed.Comment: This is a preliminary version of a dynamic survey to be published in the Electronic Journal of Combinatoric

    Bounded-depth Frege complexity of Tseitin formulas for all graphs

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    We prove that there is a constant K such that Tseitin formulas for a connected graph G requires proofs of size 2tw(G)javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@531a834b in depth-d Frege systems for [Formula presented], where tw(G) is the treewidth of G. This extends HÃ¥stad's recent lower bound from grid graphs to any graph. Furthermore, we prove tightness of our bound up to a multiplicative constant in the top exponent. Namely, we show that if a Tseitin formula for a graph G has size s, then for all large enough d, it has a depth-d Frege proof of size 2tw(G)javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@25a4b51fpoly(s). Through this result we settle the question posed by M. Alekhnovich and A. Razborov of showing that the class of Tseitin formulas is quasi-automatizable for resolution

    Local Structure for Vertex-Minors

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    This thesis is about a conjecture of Geelen on the structure of graphs with a forbidden vertex-minor; the conjecture is like the Graph Minors Structure Theorem of Robertson and Seymour but for vertex-minors instead of minors. We take a step towards proving the conjecture by determining the "local structure''. Our first main theorem is a grid theorem for vertex-minors, and our second main theorem is more like the Flat Wall Theorem of Robertson and Seymour. We believe that the results presented in this thesis provide a path towards proving the full conjecture. To make this area more accessible, we have organized the first chapter as a survey on "structure for vertex-minors''