6,994 research outputs found

    Development of optimal energy management and sizing strategies for large-scale electrical storage systems supporting renewable energy sources.

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    284 p.El desarrollo e integración de las fuentes de energía renovable (RES) conducirá a un futuro energético más sostenible. Las plantas renovables deberán mejorar su participación y operación a través de los mercados de electricidad de una manera más controlada y segura. Además, el diseño actual del mercado está cambiando para permitir una participación inclusiva en mercados de flexibilidad. En este contexto, los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía (ESS) se consideran una de las tecnologías flexibles clave que pueden apoyar la operación de las energías renovables, mediante servicios como: 1) control de la potencia generada, 2) mejora de los errores de predicción, y 3) provisión de servicios auxiliares de regulación de frecuencia. Sin embargo, el desarrollo del almacenamiento ha sido frenado también por sus altos costos. Por lo tanto, esta tesis doctoral aborda el tema del ¿Desarrollo de estrategias óptimas de gestión y dimensionamiento de los sistemas de almacenamiento eléctrico a gran escala como apoyo a fuentes de energía renovable¿, con el objetivo de desarrollar una metodología con una perspectiva global, mediante una estrategia de gestión de energía avanzada (EMS) que aborda la gestión de activos (RES + ESS) a largo plazo y por otro lado, el cálculo del dimensionamiento y operación del almacenamiento a corto plazo (en la operación en tiempo real), para asegurar un marco adecuado que permita evaluar la rentabilidad de la integración del almacenamiento en aplicaciones conectadas a la red. La estrategia de gestión de energía propuesta es validada a través de dos casos de estudio: una planta renovable individual (eólica o solar) con almacenamiento, y un porfolio de renovables y almacenamiento

    Development of optimal energy management and sizing strategies for large-scale electrical storage systems supporting renewable energy sources.

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    284 p.El desarrollo e integración de las fuentes de energía renovable (RES) conducirá a un futuro energético más sostenible. Las plantas renovables deberán mejorar su participación y operación a través de los mercados de electricidad de una manera más controlada y segura. Además, el diseño actual del mercado está cambiando para permitir una participación inclusiva en mercados de flexibilidad. En este contexto, los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía (ESS) se consideran una de las tecnologías flexibles clave que pueden apoyar la operación de las energías renovables, mediante servicios como: 1) control de la potencia generada, 2) mejora de los errores de predicción, y 3) provisión de servicios auxiliares de regulación de frecuencia. Sin embargo, el desarrollo del almacenamiento ha sido frenado también por sus altos costos. Por lo tanto, esta tesis doctoral aborda el tema del ¿Desarrollo de estrategias óptimas de gestión y dimensionamiento de los sistemas de almacenamiento eléctrico a gran escala como apoyo a fuentes de energía renovable¿, con el objetivo de desarrollar una metodología con una perspectiva global, mediante una estrategia de gestión de energía avanzada (EMS) que aborda la gestión de activos (RES + ESS) a largo plazo y por otro lado, el cálculo del dimensionamiento y operación del almacenamiento a corto plazo (en la operación en tiempo real), para asegurar un marco adecuado que permita evaluar la rentabilidad de la integración del almacenamiento en aplicaciones conectadas a la red. La estrategia de gestión de energía propuesta es validada a través de dos casos de estudio: una planta renovable individual (eólica o solar) con almacenamiento, y un porfolio de renovables y almacenamiento

    Agroforestry: Reconciling Production with Protection of the Environment A Synopsis of Research Literature

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    This is a synopsis of research literature that investigates the potential of temperate agroforestry as a sustainable production system. Agroforestry is a concept of integrated land use that combines elements of agriculture and forestry. An emphasis on managing rather than reducing complexity promotes a functionally biodiverse system that balances productivity with environmental protection

    Profitability analysis on demand-side flexibility: A review

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    Flexibility has emerged as an optimal solution to the increasing uncertainty in power systems produced by the continuous development and penetration of distributed generation based on renewable energy. Many studies have shown the benefits for system operators and stakeholders of diverse ancillary services derived from demand-side flexibility. Cost-benefit analysis on these flexibility services should be carried out to determine the profitable applications, as well as the required adjustments on energy market, price schemes and normative framework to maximize the positive impacts of the available flexibility. This paper endeavors to review the main topics, variables and indexes related to the profitability analysis on demand-side flexibility, as well as the influence of energy markets, pricing and standards on revenue maximization. The conclusions drawn from this review demonstrate that the profitability of flexibility services considerably de-pends on energy market structure, involved assets, electricity prices and current ancillary services remuneration.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Potential of Smart Renewable Hubs with Gridsol technology in Europe

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    La tesi tratta le prospettive del CSP in Europa fino al 2050. Gli scenari e l'analisi di sensitività riflettono la Strategia Climatica pubblicata nel 2018 dalla Commissione Europea e discutono la funzione del CSP come impianto singolo o integrato in soluzioni ibride per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi climatici nel lungo periodo. Lo studio si avvale del modello Balmorel ed è condotto nell'ambito del progetto Gridsol, finanziato dall'Unione Europea.openEmbargo temporaneo per motivi di segretezza e/o di proprietà dei risultati e informazioni di enti esterni o aziende private che hanno partecipato alla realizzazione del lavoro di ricerca relativo alla tes

    Accelerating U.S. Clean Energy Deployment: Investor Policy Priorities

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    International investment to mitigate climate change is far below levels needed to reach the two-degree target. The International Energy Agency estimates that an average of an additional 1trillioninincrementalfinancingforcleanenergyisneededtomeetthetemperaturetarget.InSeptember2014,over350investorsrepresenting1 trillion in incremental financing for clean energy is needed to meet the temperature target. In September 2014, over 350 investors representing 24 trillion in assets issued the Global Investor Statement on Climate Change, calling on governments to create an ambitious global agreement that includes a meaningful price on carbon -- the "Clean Trillion."This paper connects the Clean Trillion goal to the current United States climate and clean energy policy framework, which is a mixture of federal, state, and local initiatives. The paper outlines the 2015 U.S. policy priorities of the Policy Working Group of the Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR), a network of more than 110 institutional investors primarily based in the U.S., focused on investment risks and opportunities associated with climate change

    The Emerging Industry of Aggregation: Novel business models and empowerment strategies for incentive-based demand response in Finland

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    In the course of the energy transition, novel business models for aggregation are emerging in the Finnish energy sector. To anticipate and govern the energy transition and its sustainability, knowledge on the current state and development of this novel industry is essential. Hence, the aim of the study is to describe novel business models for aggregation and discourses attached to them, to provide an overall picture of the emerging industry and its relation to energy transition. The research aim is approached through the theoretical framework of sustainability transition studies and its recent intersection with business models and discursive legitimation, niche empowerment in especial. Methodologically the study adopts the approach of critical discourse analysis and business models as a unit of analysis. The research data bases on a desk study and interviews of 14 companies. The analysis identifies and generalizes novel business models and empowerment strategies for aggregation. Three general business model archetypes for aggregation are suggested: balance-responsible aggregator, independent aggregator and sub-aggregator. The archetypes differ regarding their market position, customer segments, key resources and motivation to engage in aggregation business. The varying key resources of the archetypes result in interrelated partnerships among the companies. The niche-overarching empowerment strategies favour fit-and-conform legitimation. However, the niche-internal, archetype-specific empowerment strategies are more heterogenous. The balance-responsible aggregator archetype seems to engage in the novel industry to renew and grow its position in the energy sector. The independent aggregator archetype strives to establish a novel market position in the Finnish energy regime, while the strategy of the sub-aggregator archetype is to position in the industry as a technical enabler of others’ business models for aggregation. Previous empirical studies on niche empowerment have mostly been longitudinal, largely portraying niches as unanimous. The study positions in certain moment in time, enriching empirical evidence on the heterogeneity of empowerment strategies of niche advocates, which further reflect the heterogeneity of their motivations and capabilities. In the context of the study it seems that the more peripheral the niche advocate companies are to the regime, the more stretch-and-transform legitimation they employ. Overall, though the archetypes engage in aggregation for different strategic reasons, their main motivations seem rather market than sustainability oriented. The role of the aggregation niche can be described as intermediary regarding the energy transition, as the industry seems to support gradual renewal of the energy regime, and the continuity of its current values and principles in the course of the energy transition

    Illiquid oceans : the risk of liquidity shortages for the expansion of offshore wind energy in Germany

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    The German transition to renewable energies has so far been an example of a successful energy transition of a major economy. Even though this transition is criticized for being only a half-hearted solution, it is an important example of the attempt of a major economy to transit towards renewable energies and is therefore worth studying in its own rights. Thus, my aim in this thesis is the identification of obstacles on the pathway towards renewable energies to contribute to a more stable transition to a fossil free economy, as one of the most urgent issues of our time. This research is relevant to the broader question, of whether it could be a suitable strategy to reform the energy sector without reforming related sectors such as the FS. Focusing on the financial basis of the renewable energy transition, I claim that the German transition is at risk, as its financing relies on the unstable financial system. Private capital sources are expected to finance most of the necessary investment in renewable energies. Those capital sources, however, are volatile and instable, as described by Minsky’s instability hypothesis, which was supported by the strong evidence of the latest financial crisis. I analyse the financial basis of the German energy transition from a structural as well as a discursive dimension. Both dimensions are consistently embraced by the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis, as developed by Fairclough, which I apply in my research. I use offshore wind energy as a case which allows me to conduct an in depth problem analysis. My structural analysis clearly showed strong financial linkages between the financial system and key companies operative in the energy transition. Standing on the shoulders of Minsky’s instability hypothesis, I follow that those linkages destabilize the energy transition. My discursive analysis pointed to a lack of problem awareness amongst the key agents of the energy transition. Thus, also the importance of risk mitigation is hardly emphasized in their discourse. The problem of financial instability of the German transition to renewable energies demands a problem awareness that results in further research and ultimately structural changes. Acknowledging the interconnectedness between the energy and the financial system is a first step in finding holistic problem solutions. On this note, my research puts sustainability into a new light: By tackling sustainability problems, all connected systems can be changed for a better. It is time to end thinking in trade-offs

    Improving the Market for Flexibility in the Electricity Sector. Report of a CEPS Task Force. CEPS Task Force Report

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    Electricity will play a greater role in the transport and building sectors and all decarbonisation scenarios point to the increasing electrification of the energy system. To reach EU climate change targets, however, electricity will need to come increasingly from low carbon sources, especially (but not only) from variable renewable energy sources. Both trends − the electrification of sectors and the need to integrate electricity from variable renewables − mean that the electricity sector should become more flexible. This report reflects the discussions held in the CEPS Energy Climate House Task Force on Creating a Market Design for Flexibility in EU Electricity Markets, which met between April and September 2017. The Task Force formulated a number of recommendations in the areas of short-term and balancing markets; grid reinforcement and cross-zonal capacity allocation; aggregation; priority dispatch; DSOs (distribution system operators); and sectoral integration