6 research outputs found

    Accelerated Data Delivery Architecture

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    This paper introduces the Accelerated Data Delivery Architecture (ADDA). ADDA establishes a framework to distribute transactional data and control consistency to achieve fast access to data, distributed scalability and non-blocking concurrency control by using a clean declarative interface. It is designed to be used with web-based business applications. This framework uses a combination of traditional Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) combined with a distributed Not Only SQL (NoSQL) database and a browser-based database. It uses a single physical and conceptual database schema designed for a standard RDBMS driven application. The design allows the architect to assign consistency levels to entities which determine the storage location and query methodology. The implementation of these levels is flexible and requires no database schema changes in order to change the level of an entity. Also, a data leasing system to enforce concurrency control in a non-blocking manner is employed for critical data items. The system also ensures that all data is available for query from the RDBMS server. This means that the system can have the performance advantages of a DDBMS system and the ACID qualities of a single-site RDBMS system without the complex design considerations of traditional DDBMS systems

    H2O: A Hands-free Adaptive Store

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    Modern state-of-the-art database systems are designed around a single data storage layout. This is a fixed decision that drives the whole architectural design of a database system, i.e., row-stores, column-stores. However, none of those choices is a universally good solution; different workloads require different storage layouts and data access methods in order to achieve good performance. In this paper, we present the H2O system which introduces two novel concepts. First, it is flexible to support multiple storage layouts and data access patterns in a single engine. Second, and most importantly, it decides on-the-fly, i.e., during query processing, which design is best for classes of queries and the respective data parts. At any given point in time, parts of the data might be materialized in various patterns purely depending on the query workload; as the workload changes and with every single query, the storage and access patterns continuously adapt. In this way, H2O makes no a priori and fixed decisions on how data should be stored, allowing each single query to enjoy a storage and access pattern which is tailored to its specific properties. We present a detailed analysis of H2O using both synthetic benchmarks and realistic scientific workloads. We demonstrate that while existing systems cannot achieve maximum performance across all workloads, H2O can always match the best case performance without requiring any tuning or workload knowledge

    Scalability aspects of data cleaning

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    Data cleaning has become one of the important pre-processing steps for many data science, data analytics, and machine learning applications. According to a survey by Gartner, more than 25% of the critical data in the world's top companies is flawed, which can result in economic losses amounting to trillions of dollars a year. Over the past few decades, several algorithms and tools have been developed to clean data. However, many of these solutions find it difficult to scale, as the amount of data has increased over time. For example, these solutions often involve a quadratic amount of tuple-pair comparisons or generation of all possible column combinations. Both these tasks can take days to finish if the dataset has millions of tuples or a few hundreds of columns, which is usually the case for real-world applications. The data cleaning tasks often have a trade-off between the scalability and the quality of the solution. One can achieve scalability by performing fewer computations, but at the cost of a lower quality solution. Therefore, existing approaches exploit this trade-off when they need to scale to larger datasets, settling for a lower quality solution. Some approaches have considered re-thinking solutions from scratch to achieve scalability and high quality. However, re-designing these solutions from scratch is a daunting task as it would involve systematically analyzing the space of possible optimizations and then tuning the physical implementations for a specific computing framework, data size, and resources. Another component in these solutions that becomes critical with the increasing data size is how this data is stored and fetched. As for smaller datasets, most of it can fit in-memory, so accessing it from a data store is not a bottleneck. However, for large datasets, these solutions need to constantly fetch and write the data to a data store. As observed in this dissertation, data cleaning tasks have a lifecycle-driven data access pattern, which are not suitable for traditional data stores, making these data stores a bottleneck when cleaning large datasets. In this dissertation, we consider scalability as a first-class citizen for data cleaning tasks and propose that the scalable and high-quality solutions can be achieved by adopting the following three principles: 1) by having a new primitive-base re-writing of the existing algorithms that allows for efficient implementations for multiple computing frameworks, 2) by efficiently involving domain expert’s knowledge to reduce computation and improve quality, and 3) by using an adaptive data store that can transform the data layout based on the access pattern. We make contributions towards each of these principles. First, we present a set of primitive operations for discovering constraints from the data. These primitives facilitate re-writing efficient distributed implementations of the existing discovery algorithms. Next, we present a framework involving domain experts, for faster clustering selection for data de-duplication. This framework asks a bounded number of queries to a domain-expert and uses their response to select the best clustering with a high accuracy. Finally, we present an adaptive data store that can change the layout of the data based on the workload's access pattern, hence speeding-up the data cleaning tasks