13,639 research outputs found

    A parallelized micro-simulation platform for population and mobility behavior. Application to Belgium.

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    In this book we aim at developing an agent-based micro-simulation framework for (large) population evolution and mobility behaviour. More specifically we focus on the agents generation and the traffic simulation parts of the platform, and its application to Belgium. Hence we firstly develop a synthetic population generator whose main characteristics are its sample-free nature, its ability to cope with moderate data inconsistencies and different levels of aggregation. We then generate the traffic demand forecasting with a stochastic and flexible activity-based model relying on weak data requirements. Finally, a traffic simulation is completed by considering the assignment of the generated demand on the road network. We give the initial developments of a strategic agent-based alternative to the conventional simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment models

    An efficient technique based on polynomial chaos to model the uncertainty in the resonance frequency of textile antennas due to bending

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    The generalized polynomial chaos theory is combined with a dedicated cavity model for curved textile antennas to statistically quantify variations in the antenna's resonance frequency under randomly varying bending conditions. The nonintrusive stochastic method solves the dispersion relation for the resonance frequencies of a set of radius of curvature realizations corresponding to the Gauss quadrature points belonging to the orthogonal polynomials having the probability density function of the random variable as a weighting function. The formalism is applied to different distributions for the radius of curvature, either using a priori known or on-the-fly constructed sets of orthogonal polynomials. Numerical and experimental validation shows that the new approach is at least as accurate as Monte Carlo simulations while being at least 100 times faster. This makes the method especially suited as a design tool to account for performance variability when textile antennas are deployed on persons with varying body morphology

    Flexible quota constraints in positive mathematical programming models

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    To explain over- and underuse of available quota, Buysse et al. (2007) have integrated the shadow cost of the quota constraint in a quota flexibility function in a positive mathematical programming model. This method and central hypothesis, formulated and tested for the case of Belgian sugar beet farms, is in current paper extended and confirmed for the cases of Flemish dairy quota and manure emission rights. Despite the different organisation, objectives and implementations of the diverse quota systems, the results are similar. A higher utilisation of quota is significantly driven by the quota rent, but farm characteristics are also important and the effect declines with increasing quota rent. Regardless the quota, the dairy quota flexibility behaviour of the sample of Flemish farms results in an output price elasticity of 0.6%. The quota flexibility functions can be used for policy analysis, model sophistication and farm advisory instrument.Quota, flexibility, Positive Mathematical Programming, farm model, Common Agricultural Policy, Agricultural and Food Policy, Demand and Price Analysis, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    SimpactCyan 1.0 : an open-source simulator for individual-based models in HIV epidemiology with R and Python interfaces

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    SimpactCyan is an open-source simulator for individual-based models in HIV epidemiology. Its core algorithm is written in C++ for computational efficiency, while the R and Python interfaces aim to make the tool accessible to the fast-growing community of R and Python users. Transmission, treatment and prevention of HIV infections in dynamic sexual networks are simulated by discrete events. A generic “intervention” event allows model parameters to be changed over time, and can be used to model medical and behavioural HIV prevention programmes. First, we describe a more efficient variant of the modified Next Reaction Method that drives our continuous-time simulator. Next, we outline key built-in features and assumptions of individual-based models formulated in SimpactCyan, and provide code snippets for how to formulate, execute and analyse models in SimpactCyan through its R and Python interfaces. Lastly, we give two examples of applications in HIV epidemiology: the first demonstrates how the software can be used to estimate the impact of progressive changes to the eligibility criteria for HIV treatment on HIV incidence. The second example illustrates the use of SimpactCyan as a data-generating tool for assessing the performance of a phylodynamic inference framework

    Evaluation of advanced optimisation methods for estimating Mixed Logit models

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    The performances of different simulation-based estimation techniques for mixed logit modeling are evaluated. A quasi-Monte Carlo method (modified Latin hypercube sampling) is compared with a Monte Carlo algorithm with dynamic accuracy. The classic Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) optimization algorithm line-search approach and trust region methods, which have proved to be extremely powerful in nonlinear programming, are also compared. Numerical tests are performed on two real data sets: stated preference data for parking type collected in the United Kingdom, and revealed preference data for mode choice collected as part of a German travel diary survey. Several criteria are used to evaluate the approximation quality of the log likelihood function and the accuracy of the results and the associated estimation runtime. Results suggest that the trust region approach outperforms the BFGS approach and that Monte Carlo methods remain competitive with quasi-Monte Carlo methods in high-dimensional problems, especially when an adaptive optimization algorithm is used

    Occupational Activities and Cognitive Reserve: a Frontier Approach Applied to the Survey on Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe

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    The aim of this paper was to use a parametric stochastic frontier approach (coming from the economic literature) to explore the impact of the concept of activity (taken in a broad sense: i.e., including both professional and non-professional activities) on the constitution and the care of cognitive reserve among the European population aged 50 and up. For this purpose, we use individual data collected during the first wave of SHARE (Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) performed in 2004. The advantages of this survey were (1) it included a large population (n = 18,623) geographically distributed throughout Europe; and (2) it simultaneously analyzed several dimensions (physical and mental health, mobility, occupational activities, socioeconomic status, etc.). Our results confirm the positive impact of occupational activities on the cognitive functioning of elderly people. These results are discussed in terms of the prevention of cognitive aging and Alzheimer’s disease, and more particularly of retirement policy issues.

    Taking two to tango: the joint prospective assessment of pension sustainability and adequacy in Belgium

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    This presentation discusses how such integrated approach using shared demographic and macroeconomic assumptions has been developed in Belgium. It describes the dynamic microsimulation model MIDAS, highlighting how it aligns to the simulation results of the semi-aggregate model MALTESE. The authors would like to thank Jean-Maurice Frère and Michel Englert for their valuable comments on a previous version of this paper.Pensions; adequacy; sustainability; microsimulation