89,005 research outputs found

    Zerber+R: Top-k Retrieval from a Confidential Index

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    Zerr, S., Olmedilla, D., Nejdl, W., & Siberski, W. (2009). Zerber+R: Top-k Retrieval from a Confidential Index. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology: Advances in Database Technology (pp. 439-449). March, 24-26, 2009, Saint Petersburg, Russia (ISBN: 978-1-60558-422-5).Privacy-preserving document exchange among collaboration groups in an enterprise as well as across enterprises requires techniques for sharing and search of access-controlled information through largely untrusted servers. In these settings search systems need to provide confidentiality guarantees for shared information while offering IR properties comparable to the ordinary search engines. Top-k is a standard IR technique which enables fast query execution on very large indexes and makes systems highly scalable. However, indexing access-controlled information for top-k retrieval is a challenging task due to the sensitivity of the term statistics used for ranking. In this paper we present Zerber+R -- a ranking model which allows for privacy-preserving top-k retrieval from an outsourced inverted index. We propose a relevance score transformation function which makes relevance scores of different terms indistinguishable, such that even if stored on an untrusted server they do not reveal information about the indexed data. Experiments on two real-world data sets show that Zerber+R makes economical usage of bandwidth and offers retrieval properties comparable with an ordinary inverted index.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    The uncertain representation ranking framework for concept-based video retrieval

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    Concept based video retrieval often relies on imperfect and uncertain concept detectors. We propose a general ranking framework to define effective and robust ranking functions, through explicitly addressing detector uncertainty. It can cope with multiple concept-based representations per video segment and it allows the re-use of effective text retrieval functions which are defined on similar representations. The final ranking status value is a weighted combination of two components: the expected score of the possible scores, which represents the risk-neutral choice, and the scores’ standard deviation, which represents the risk or opportunity that the score for the actual representation is higher. The framework consistently improves the search performance in the shot retrieval task and the segment retrieval task over several baselines in five TRECVid collections and two collections which use simulated detectors of varying performance

    Combining and selecting characteristics of information use

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    In this paper we report on a series of experiments designed to investigate the combination of term and document weighting functions in Information Retrieval. We describe a series of weighting functions, each of which is based on how information is used within documents and collections, and use these weighting functions in two types of experiments: one based on combination of evidence for ad-hoc retrieval, the other based on selective combination of evidence within a relevance feedback situation. We discuss the difficulties involved in predicting good combinations of evidence for ad-hoc retrieval, and suggest the factors that may lead to the success or failure of combination. We also demonstrate how, in a relevance feedback situation, the relevance assessments can provide a good indication of how evidence should be selected for query term weighting. The use of relevance information to guide the combination process is shown to reduce the variability inherent in combination of evidence

    Exploring Topic-based Language Models for Effective Web Information Retrieval

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    The main obstacle for providing focused search is the relative opaqueness of search request -- searchers tend to express their complex information needs in only a couple of keywords. Our overall aim is to find out if, and how, topic-based language models can lead to more effective web information retrieval. In this paper we explore retrieval performance of a topic-based model that combines topical models with other language models based on cross-entropy. We first define our topical categories and train our topical models on the .GOV2 corpus by building parsimonious language models. We then test the topic-based model on TREC8 small Web data collection for ad-hoc search.Our experimental results show that the topic-based model outperforms the standard language model and parsimonious model

    PFTijah: text search in an XML database system

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    This paper introduces the PFTijah system, a text search system that is integrated with an XML/XQuery database management system. We present examples of its use, we explain some of the system internals, and discuss plans for future work. PFTijah is part of the open source release of MonetDB/XQuery

    Dublin City University at CLEF 2004: experiments with the ImageCLEF St Andrew's collection

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    For the CLEF 2004 ImageCLEF St Andrew's Collection task the Dublin City University group carried out three sets of experiments: standard cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) runs using topic translation via machine translation (MT), combination of this run with image matching results from the VIPER system, and a novel document rescoring approach based on automatic MT evaluation metrics. Our standard MT-based CLIR works well on this task. Encouragingly combination with image matching lists is also observed to produce small positive changes in the retrieval output. However, rescoring using the MT evaluation metrics in their current form significantly reduced retrieval effectiveness