393 research outputs found

    Development of the Feature Extractor for Speech Recognition

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    Projecte final de carrera realitzat en col.laboració amb University of MariborWith this diploma work we have attempted to give continuity to the previous work done by other researchers called, Voice Operating Intelligent Wheelchair – VOIC [1]. A development of a wheelchair controlled by voice is presented in this work and is designed for physically disabled people, who cannot control their movements. This work describes basic components of speech recognition and wheelchair control system. Going to the grain, a speech recognizer system is comprised of two distinct blocks, a Feature Extractor and a Recognizer. The present work is targeted at the realization of an adequate Feature Extractor block which uses a standard LPC Cepstrum coder, which translates the incoming speech into a trajectory in the LPC Cepstrum feature space, followed by a Self Organizing Map, which classifies the outcome of the coder in order to produce optimal trajectory representations of words in reduced dimension feature spaces. Experimental results indicate that trajectories on such reduced dimension spaces can provide reliable representations of spoken words. The Recognizer block is left for future researchers. The main contributions of this work have been the research and approach of a new technology for development issues and the realization of applications like a voice recorder and player and a complete Feature Extractor system

    Speech recognition in noisy car environment based on OSALPC representation and robust similarity measuring techniques

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    The performance of the existing speech recognition systems degrades rapidly in the presence of background noise. The OSALPC (one-sided autocorrelation linear predictive coding) representation of the speech signal has shown to be attractive for speech recognition because of its simplicity and its high recognition performance with respect to the standard LPC in severe conditions of additive white noise. The aim of this paper is twofold: (1) to show that OSALPC also achieves good performance in a case of real noisy speech (in a car environment), and (2) to explore its combination with several robust similarity measuring techniques, showing that its performance improves by using cepstral liftering, dynamic features and multilabeling.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Linear prediction of the one-sided autocorrelation sequence for noisy speech recognition

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    The article presents a robust representation of speech based on AR modeling of the causal part of the autocorrelation sequence. In noisy speech recognition, this new representation achieves better results than several other related techniques.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Semi-continuous hidden Markov models for speech recognition

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    Evaluation of preprocessors for neural network speaker verification

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    Percepcijska utemeljenost kepstranih mjera udaljenosti za primjene u obradi govora

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    Currently, one of the most widely used distance measures in speech and speaker recognition is the Euclidean distance between mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC). MFCCs are based on filter bank algorithm whose filters are equally spaced on a perceptually motivated mel frequency scale. The value of mel cepstral vector, as well as the properties of the corresponding cepstral distance, are determined by several parameters used in mel cepstral analysis. The aim of this work is to examine compatibility of MFCC measure with human perception for different values of parameters in the analysis. By analysing mel filter bank parameters it is found that filter bank with 24 bands, 220 mels bandwidth and band overlap coefficient equal and higher than one gives optimal spectral distortion (SD) distance measures. For this kind of mel filter bank, the difference between vowels can be recognised for full-length mel cepstral SD RMS measure higher than 0.4 - 0.5 dB. Further on, we will show that usage of truncated mel cepstral vector (12 coefficients) is justified for speech recognition, but may be arguable for speaker recognition. We also analysed the impact of aliasing in cepstral domain on cepstral distortion measures. The results showed high correlation of SD distances calculated from aperiodic and periodic mel cepstrum, leading to the conclusion that the impact of aliasing is generally minor. There are rare exceptions where aliasing is present, and these were also analysed.Jedna od danas najčešće korištenih mjera u automatskom prepoznavanju govora i govornika je mjera euklidske udaljenosti MFCC vektora. Algoritam za izračunavanje mel frekvencijskih kepstralnih koeficijenata zasniva se na filtarskom slogu kod kojeg su pojasi ekvidistantno raspoređeni na percepcijski motiviranoj mel skali. Na vrijednost mel kepstralnog vektora, a samim time i na svojstva kepstralne mjere udaljenosti glasova, utječe veći broj parametara sustava za kepstralnu analizu. Tema ovog rada je ispitati usklađenost MFCC mjere sa stvarnim percepcijskim razlikama za različite vrijednosti parametara analize. Analizom parametara mel filtarskog sloga utvrdili smo da filtar sa 24 pojasa, širine 220 mel-a i faktorom preklapanja filtra većim ili jednakim jedan, daje optimalne SD mjere koje se najbolje slažu s percepcijom. Za takav mel filtarski slog granica čujnosti razlike između glasova je 0.4-0.5 dB, mjereno SD RMS razlikom potpunih mel kepstralnih vektora. Također, pokazat ćemo da je korištenje mel kepstralnog vektora odrezanog na konačnu dužinu (12 koeficijenata) opravdano za prepoznavanje govora, ali da bi moglo biti upitno u primjenama prepoznavanja govornika. Analizirali smo i utjecaj preklapanja spektara u kepstralnoj domeni na mjere udaljenosti glasova. Utvrđena je izrazita koreliranost SD razlika izračunatih iz aperiodskog i periodičkog mel kepstra iz čega zaključujemo da je utjecaj preklapanja spektara generalno zanemariv. Postoje rijetke iznimke kod kojih je utjecaj preklapanja spektara prisutan, te su one posebno analizirane

    Development of the Feature Extractor for Speech Recognition

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    Projecte final de carrera realitzat en col.laboració amb University of MariborWith this diploma work we have attempted to give continuity to the previous work done by other researchers called, Voice Operating Intelligent Wheelchair – VOIC [1]. A development of a wheelchair controlled by voice is presented in this work and is designed for physically disabled people, who cannot control their movements. This work describes basic components of speech recognition and wheelchair control system. Going to the grain, a speech recognizer system is comprised of two distinct blocks, a Feature Extractor and a Recognizer. The present work is targeted at the realization of an adequate Feature Extractor block which uses a standard LPC Cepstrum coder, which translates the incoming speech into a trajectory in the LPC Cepstrum feature space, followed by a Self Organizing Map, which classifies the outcome of the coder in order to produce optimal trajectory representations of words in reduced dimension feature spaces. Experimental results indicate that trajectories on such reduced dimension spaces can provide reliable representations of spoken words. The Recognizer block is left for future researchers. The main contributions of this work have been the research and approach of a new technology for development issues and the realization of applications like a voice recorder and player and a complete Feature Extractor system

    Development of automatic speech recognition system for voice activated Ground Control system

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    This paper gives details of the development of a speech recognition system for voice activated Ground Control Station (GCS). The speech recognition is implemented using MATLAB and the results are validated against the Hidden Markov Model Tool Kit (HTK), an open source tool for speech recognition. The menu items of Mission planner, a typical open source GCS used for flying of Micro Air Vehicles (MAV) are used for the experiments

    Real time speaker recognition using MFCC and VQ

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    Speaker Recognition is a process of automatically recognizing who is speaking on the basis of the individual information included in speech waves. Speaker Recognition is one of the most useful biometric recognition techniques in this world where insecurity is a major threat. Many organizations like banks, institutions, industries etc are currently using this technology for providing greater security to their vast databases.Speaker Recognition mainly involves two modules namely feature extraction and feature matching. Feature extraction is the process that extracts a small amount of data from the speaker’s voice signal that can later be used to represent that speaker. Feature matching involves the actual procedure to identify the unknown speaker by comparing the extracted features from his/her voice input with the ones that are already stored in our speech database.In feature extraction we find the Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients, which are based on the known variation of the human ear’s critical bandwidths with frequency and these, are vector quantized using LBG algorithm resulting in the speaker specific codebook. In feature matching we find the VQ distortion between the input utterance of an unknown speaker and the codebooks stored in our database. Based on this VQ distortion we decide whether to accept/reject the unknown speaker’s identity. The system I implemented in my work is 80% accurate in recognizing the correct speaker.In second phase we implement on the acoustic of Real Time speaker ecognition using mfcc and vq on a TMS320C6713 DSP board. We analyze the workload and identify the most timeconsuming operations


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    Speech Recognition or Speech Recognizer (SR) has become an important tool for people with physical disabilities when handling Home Automation (HA) appliances. This technology is expected to improve the daily life of the elderly and the disabled so that they are always in control over their lives, and continue to live independently, to learn and stay involved in social life. The goal of the research is to solve the constraints of current Malay SR that is still in its infancy stage where there is limited research in Malay words, especially for HA applications. Since, most of the previous works were confined to wired microphone; this limitation of using wireless microphone type makes it an important area of the research. Research was carried out to develop SR word model for five (5) Malay words and five (5) English words as commands to activate and deactivate home appliances