7 research outputs found

    A specification language for organisational performance indicators

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    A specification language for performance indicators and their relations and requirements is presented and illustrated for a case study in logistics. The language can be used in different forms, varying from informal, semiformal, graphical to formal. A software environment has been developed that supports the specification process and can be used to automatically check whether performance indicators or relations between them or certain requirements over them are satisfied in a given organisational process

    Design of an innovation platform for manufacturing SMES

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    This paper reports on the conception of a collaborative, internet-based innovation platform with semantic capabilities, which implements a new methodology for the adoption of a systematic innovation process in globally-acting networked SMEs. The main objective of the innovation platform is to stimulate the generation of ideas, the selection of good ideas and their ultimate implementation. The platform will support SMEs to manage and implement the complex innovation processes arisen in a networked environment, taking into account their internal and external links, by enabling an open multi-agent focused innovation system, facilitating customer, provider, supplier and employee- focused innovation. The solution is specifically focused on the needs of manufacturing SMEs and will observe product, process and management innovation. The paper presents the key elements of the innovation model and makes references to a novel approach concerning the development of a robust and flexible Central Knowledge Repository for the innovation platform

    A Bibliometric Analysis and Review on Performance Modeling Literature

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    In management practice, performance indicators are considered as a prerequisite to make informed decisions in line with the organization's goals. On the other hand, indicators summarizes compound phenomena in a few digits, which can induce to inadequate decisions, biased by information loss and conflicting values. Model driven approaches in enterprise engineering can be very effective to avoid these pitfalls, or to take it under control. For that reason, "performance modeling" has the numbers to play a primary role in the "model driven enterprise" scenario, together with process, information and other enterprise-related aspects. In this perspective, we propose a systematic review of the literature on performance modeling in order to retrieve, classify, and summarize existing research, identify the core authors and define areas and opportunities for future research

    Modelo multicritério para apoiar o uso de avaliações de desempenho com foco nos indicadores

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2011Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar a construção de um modelo de avaliação para Indicadores de Desempenho. O incremento da complexidade dos contextos a serem gerenciados, nas últimas décadas, tem se caracterizado pela magnitude das consequências, assim como pelo incremento do número de variáveis a serem consideradas. Um dos instrumentos gerenciais que a ciência disponibilizou para administrar essas situações é a Avaliação de Desempenho, que operacionaliza as variáveis por meio de Indicadores de Desempenho que, uma vez integrados, formam o instrumento de gestão. Uma vez que os indicadores são parte integrante da Avaliação de Desempenho, a forma como são identificados, organizados e mensurados impacta diretamente na validação científica da identificação/construção dos indicadores e na confiabilidade das aplicações de Avaliação de Desempenho. Contudo, a aplicação de um processo de Revisão Sistêmica da Literatura revelou oportunidades de aperfeiçoamento nos indicadores de diferentes metodologias de avaliação. Diante disso, foi selecionada a Metodologia Multicritério de Apoio à Decisão # Construtivista como instrumento de intervenção para construir o modelo de avaliação devido a seu diferencial de contribuição ao problema de pesquisa em relação às outras metodologias multicritério. A pesquisa adota a visão Construtivista, o método Qualitativo-quantitativo e desenvolve um Estudo de Caso para testar a aderência do modelo construído à proposta inicial. A partir do modelo construído, foi possível: (i) identificar 58 critérios que compõem o modelo para avaliar o desempenho dos indicadores; (ii) traçar o Perfil de Impacto dos indicadores de três aplicações publicadas de Avaliação de Desempenho, que utilizam diferentes metodologias; (iii) propor ações de aperfeiçoamento que, caso implementadas, aumentem a performance dos indicadores; e, (iv) traçar um Perfil de Impacto para os indicadores do Estudo de Caso após a aplicação das ações de aperfeiçoamento. Os resultados evidenciam a disponibilização de um modelo que permite aperfeiçoar a operacionalização dos instrumentos de Avaliação de Desempenho quanto à sua forma de identificar, organizar, mensurar e integrar os Indicadores de DesempenhoThis paper aims to present the construction of a Performance Indicators evaluation model. The increasing complexity of the contexts to be managed, in recent decades, has been characterized by the magnitude of their consequences, as well as the increased number of variables to consider. One of the management tools that science has made available to manage these situations is the Performance Measurement which operationalize the variables by means of Performance Indicators that, once integrated, constitutes a management tool. Once the indicators are an integral part of Performance Measurement, how they are identified, organized and measured directly impacts in the scientific validation of the indicators identification/construction and in the reliability of the Performance Measurement. However, the application of a literature systematic review revealed opportunities for improvement in the indicators of different assessment methodologies. Given this, was selected the Multicriteria Decision Aid - Constructivist Methodology as the intervention tool to construct the evaluation model because their differential of contribution to the research problem in relation to other multicriteria methods. The research adopts a constructivist view, the Qualitative-quantitative method and develops a Case Study to test the adherence of the model built with the initial proposal. From the model constructed, it was possible: (i) identify 58 criteria that compose the model to evaluate the performance of the indicators, (ii) to trace the impact profile of the indicators of three published applications of performance evaluation, using different methodologies; (iii) to propose improvement actions which, if implemented, increase the performance of the indicators; and (iv) to draw an Impact Profile to the Case Study indicators after implementation of improvement actions. The results evidence the availability of a model that improves the operationalization of Performance Measurement instruments on its way to identify, organize, integrate and measure Performance Indicators

    On Computer-Aided Methods for Modeling and Analysis of Organizations

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    Treur, J. [Promotor

    A Specification Language for Organisational Performance Indicators

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