6 research outputs found


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    Software development involves several interrelated factors that influence development efforts and productivity. Improving the estimation techniques available to project managers will facilitate more effective time and budget control in software development. Software Effort Estimation or software cost/effort estimation can help a software development company to overcome difficulties experienced in estimating software development efforts. This study aims to compare the Machine Learning method of Linear Regression (LR), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Radial Basis Function (RBF), and Decision Tree Random Forest (DTRF) to calculate estimated cost/effort software. Then these five approaches will be tested on a dataset of software development projects as many as 10 dataset projects. So that it can produce new knowledge about what machine learning and non-machine learning methods are the most accurate for estimating software business. As well as knowing between the selection between using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for attributes selection and without PSO, which one can increase the accuracy for software business estimation. The data mining algorithm used to calculate the most optimal software effort estimate is the Linear Regression algorithm with an average RMSE value of 1603,024 for the 10 datasets tested. Then using the PSO feature selection can increase the accuracy or reduce the RMSE average value to 1552,999. The result indicates that, compared with the original regression linear model, the accuracy or error rate of software effort estimation has increased by 3.12% by applying PSO feature selectio

    Improving Software Cost Estimation With Function Points Analysis Using Fuzzy Logic Method

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    Function Points Analysis (FPA) is amongst the most generally used method to assess software cost estimation frameworks. This process speaks to the measurement of an undertaking, application, and function by its relative functional complexity. In general, it has numerous effective applications used in both industry and scholarly research. This is noticed that customized estimate technologies which can confront genuine challenges utilizing on programming building information is normally constrained, loosely gathered and deficient. To enquire these queries composite programming models, blend of information, fuzzy logic and master judgment is proposed. This is trusted that outcomes announced here will animate, renew investigation of fuzzy logic to genuine programming designing issues. In this research paper, we use Function Points and apply some new models to pick up a superior estimation of programming properties. The utilization of ideas and characteristics from the fuzzy set hypothesis to stretch out function points analysis to fuzzy function points analysis. Fuzzy hypothesis tries to construct formal quantitative arrangement equipped for imitating imprecision of the human information. With the function points created by Fuzzy FPA, an estimate value for example, expenses/cost and software development can be more correctly determined

    Optimization of indoor air quality towards the control of mould formation by taguchi method

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    The formation of mould in an indoor environment is closely related to the poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) which can lead to various adverse health effects such as Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and Building Related Illness (BRI). Hence, this study was conducted to investigate the relationship between mould formation and IAQ parameters in FKAAS building. The optimization of physical IAQ parameters such as air temperature (A), relative humidity (B) and air movement (C) is conducted by Taguchi Method with L9 Orthogonal Array (OA) at 3 different levels. The response output being measured is the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) and the noise factor was time at morning and evening. The data obtained has been referred to Malaysia Standard (ICOP-2010) and ASHRAE Standard 55-2013 to verify the IAQ contamination level. From the investigation, it was found that the optimized parameters are within the acceptable range of standard and the most significant factor towards the IAQ was air movement, followed by relative humidity and air temperature. The best optimized parameters can be noted as (A:1; B:3; C:3) which is air movement at 0.195 m/s, 61% of relative humidity and air temperature of 25.77 oC. As a conclusion, Taguchi method has proven to be a powerful tool to generate robust physical parameter of IAQ, regardless of time change. In addition, the IAQ parameter definitely influence the formation of mould, and was proven by various signs of visible mould formation which indicates the unhealthy state for the occupant to stay

    Ekstraksi Faktor Kompleksitas Game Menggunakan Metode Function Points

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    Setelah Presiden Republik Indonesia membentuk Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (Bekraf) dengan Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) No. 6 Tahun 2015, Bekraf berinisiatif untuk mendorong para pelaku bisnis kreatif untuk berkolaborasi dengan pemerintah untuk meningkatkan rekonstruksi negara dari bisnis hiburan ini. Game hari ini telah menjadi sarana pendidikan yang dapat diterima oleh semua kalangan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, peneliti bertujuan untuk membantu bisnis bidang kreatif digital untuk memperkirakan upaya pengembangan game komputer berdasarkan metode Function Points (FP) yang lebih dikenal sebagai perhitungan biaya proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak aplikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kebutuhan untuk memodifikasi pemahaman parameter permainan komputer mulai dari input, output, inquiry, file logika intern, dan extern. Setelah itu, faktor kompleksitas perlu didefinisikan ulang dan disinkronkan dengan delapan item taksonomi LeBlanc. Kemudian, kolaborasinya disebut Game Complexity Factors (GCF). GCF memiliki 22 item faktor kompleks yang terdiri dari 8 taksonomi LeBlanc untuk kesulitan lingkungan dan 14 item kompleksitas teknis.Setelah Presiden Republik Indonesia membentuk Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (Bekraf) dengan Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) No. 6 Tahun 2015, Bekraf berinisiatif untuk mendorong para pelaku bisnis kreatif untuk berkolaborasi dengan pemerintah untuk meningkatkan rekonstruksi negara dari bisnis hiburan ini. Game hari ini telah menjadi sarana pendidikan yang dapat diterima oleh semua kalangan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, peneliti bertujuan untuk membantu bisnis bidang kreatif digital untuk memperkirakan upaya pengembangan game komputer berdasarkan metode Function Points (FP) yang lebih dikenal sebagai perhitungan biaya proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak aplikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kebutuhan untuk memodifikasi pemahaman parameter permainan komputer mulai dari input, output, inquiry, file logika intern, dan extern. Setelah itu, faktor kompleksitas perlu didefinisikan ulang dan disinkronkan dengan delapan item taksonomi LeBlanc. Kemudian, kolaborasinya disebut Game Complexity Factors (GCF). GCF memiliki 22 item faktor kompleks yang terdiri dari 8 taksonomi LeBlanc untuk kesulitan lingkungan dan 14 item kompleksitas teknis

    Analisis Perbandingan Estimasi Effort Proyek Perangkat Lunak Menggunakan Metode Function Point Dengan Masukan Dokumen Use Case, Data Flow Diagram, Dan Natural Language

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    Function point adalah salah satu metode estimasi effort yang digunakan untuk mengukur nilai fungsionalitas. Pengukuran estimasi effort proyek perangkat lunak menggunakan function point bertujuan untuk mendapatkan ukuran durasi, dan jumlah sumber daya yang diperlukan oleh sebuah proyek perangkat lunak. Metode ini dipilih karena merupakan model perhitungan berdasarkan jumlah fungsi-fungsi yang di perlukan suatu proyek dan datanya telah tersedia pada tahap awal proyek. Permasalahan yang timbul yaitu, belum adanya penelitian yang menunjukkan dokumen masukan mana yang mampu memberikan pengaruh paling mendekati akurat terhadap analisa perhitungan estimasi effort. Maka, perlu dilakukan analisa perbandingan keakuratan estimasi effort proyek perangkat lunak menggunakan berbagai dokumen masukan yaitu dokumen use case, data flow diagram, maupun natural language. Diharapkan penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah analisa perbandingan yang menunjukkan pola bahwa hasil dari perhitungan function point akan berbeda-beda tiap modelnya. ============================================================ Function point method is a method of estimation effort used to measure the value functionality. Measurement software project effort estimation using function points aim to get the size of the duration and the amount of resources required by a software project The problem that arises is, there are no studies showing input documents which are capable of providing accurate closest influence on the analysis of the calculation of estimated effort. So, there should be a comparative analysis of the accuracy of effort estimation of software projects using a variety of input documents that document the use cases, data flow diagrams, as well as natural language. This research is expected to produce a comparative analysis which shows the pattern that the results of the calculation of function points will vary for each mode