567 research outputs found

    Multiple sequence alignment based on set covers

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    We introduce a new heuristic for the multiple alignment of a set of sequences. The heuristic is based on a set cover of the residue alphabet of the sequences, and also on the determination of a significant set of blocks comprising subsequences of the sequences to be aligned. These blocks are obtained with the aid of a new data structure, called a suffix-set tree, which is constructed from the input sequences with the guidance of the residue-alphabet set cover and generalizes the well-known suffix tree of the sequence set. We provide performance results on selected BAliBASE amino-acid sequences and compare them with those yielded by some prominent approaches

    Structural Alignment of RNAs Using Profile-csHMMs and Its Application to RNA Homology Search: Overview and New Results

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    Systematic research on noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) has revealed that many ncRNAs are actively involved in various biological networks. Therefore, in order to fully understand the mechanisms of these networks, it is crucial to understand the roles of ncRNAs. Unfortunately, the annotation of ncRNA genes that give rise to functional RNA molecules has begun only recently, and it is far from being complete. Considering the huge amount of genome sequence data, we need efficient computational methods for finding ncRNA genes. One effective way of finding ncRNA genes is to look for regions that are similar to known ncRNA genes. As many ncRNAs have well-conserved secondary structures, we need statistical models that can represent such structures for this purpose. In this paper, we propose a new method for representing RNA sequence profiles and finding structural alignment of RNAs based on profile context-sensitive hidden Markov models (profile-csHMMs). Unlike existing models, the proposed approach can handle any kind of RNA secondary structures, including pseudoknots. We show that profile-csHMMs can provide an effective framework for the computational analysis of RNAs and the identification of ncRNA genes

    DriveWays: a method for identifying possibly overlapping driver pathways in cancer

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    The majority of the previous methods for identifying cancer driver modules output nonoverlapping modules. This assumption is biologically inaccurate as genes can participate in multiple molecular pathways. This is particularly true for cancer-associated genes as many of them are network hubs connecting functionally distinct set of genes. It is important to provide combinatorial optimization problem definitions modeling this biological phenomenon and to suggest efficient algorithms for its solution. We provide a formal definition of the Overlapping Driver Module Identification in Cancer (ODMIC) problem. We show that the problem is NP-hard. We propose a seed-and-extend based heuristic named DriveWays that identifies overlapping cancer driver modules from the graph built from the IntAct PPI network. DriveWays incorporates mutual exclusivity, coverage, and the network connectivity information of the genes. We show that DriveWays outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in recovering well-known cancer driver genes performed on TCGA pan-cancer data. Additionally, DriveWay's output modules show a stronger enrichment for the reference pathways in almost all cases. Overall, we show that enabling modules to overlap improves the recovery of functional pathways filtered with known cancer drivers, which essentially constitute the reference set of cancer-related pathways.No sponso

    On Almost Monge All Scores Matrices

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    Efficient Optimally Lazy Algorithms for Minimal-Interval Semantics

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    Minimal-interval semantics associates with each query over a document a set of intervals, called witnesses, that are incomparable with respect to inclusion (i.e., they form an antichain): witnesses define the minimal regions of the document satisfying the query. Minimal-interval semantics makes it easy to define and compute several sophisticated proximity operators, provides snippets for user presentation, and can be used to rank documents. In this paper we provide algorithms for computing conjunction and disjunction that are linear in the number of intervals and logarithmic in the number of operands; for additional operators, such as ordered conjunction and Brouwerian difference, we provide linear algorithms. In all cases, space is linear in the number of operands. More importantly, we define a formal notion of optimal laziness, and either prove it, or prove its impossibility, for each algorithm. We cast our results in a general framework of antichains of intervals on total orders, making our algorithms directly applicable to other domains.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures. A preliminary (now outdated) version was presented at SPIRE 200
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