343 research outputs found

    Deliberation, Representation, Equity: Research Approaches, Tools and Algorithms for Participatory Processes

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    In democratic societies there is widespread acknowledgment of the need to incorporate citizens’ input in decision-making processes in more or less structured ways. But participatory decision making is balancing on the borders of inclusion, structure, precision and accuracy. To simply enable more participation will not yield enhanced democracy, and there is a clear need for more elaborated elicitation and decision analytical tools. This rigorous and thought-provoking volume draws on a stimulating variety of international case studies, from flood risk management in the Red River Delta of Vietnam, to the consideration of alternatives to gold mining in Roșia Montană in Transylvania, to the application of multi-criteria decision analysis in evaluating the impact of e-learning opportunities at Uganda's Makerere University. This book is important new reading for decision makers in government, public administration and urban planning, as well as students and researchers in the fields of participatory democracy, urban planning, social policy, communication design, participatory art, decision theory, risk analysis and computer and systems sciences

    Conceptual Variability Management in Software Families with Multiple Contributors

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    To offer customisable software, there are two main concepts yet: software product lines that allow the product customisation based on a fixed set of variability and software ecosystems, allowing an open product customisation based on a common platform. Offering a software family that enables external developers to supply software artefacts means to offer a common platform as part of an ecosystem and to sacrifice variability control. Keeping full variability control means to offer a customisable product as a product line, but without the support for external contributors. This thesis proposes a third concept of variable software: partly open software families. They combine a customisable platform similar to product lines with controlled openness similar to ecosystems. As a major contribution of this thesis a variability modelling concept is proposed which is part of a variability management for these partly open software families. This modelling concept is based on feature models and extends them to support open variability modelling by means of interfaces, structural interface specifications and the inclusion of semantic information. Additionally, the introduction of a rights management allows multiple contributors to work with the model. This is required to enable external developers to use the model for the concrete extension development. The feasibility of the proposed model is evaluated using a prototypically developed modelling tool and by means of a case study based on a car infotainment system

    Deliberation, Representation, Equity: Research Approaches, Tools and Algorithms for Participatory Processes

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    What can we learn about the development of public interaction in e-democracy from a drama delivered by mobile headphones to an audience standing around a shopping center in a Stockholm suburb? In democratic societies there is widespread acknowledgment of the need to incorporate citizens’ input in decision-making processes in more or less structured ways. But participatory decision making is balancing on the borders of inclusion, structure, precision and accuracy. To simply enable more participation will not yield enhanced democracy, and there is a clear need for more elaborated elicitation and decision analytical tools. This rigorous and thought-provoking volume draws on a stimulating variety of international case studies, from flood risk management in the Red River Delta of Vietnam, to the consideration of alternatives to gold mining in Roșia Montană in Transylvania, to the application of multi-criteria decision analysis in evaluating the impact of e-learning opportunities at Uganda's Makerere University. Editors Love Ekenberg (senior research scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis [IIASA], Laxenburg, professor of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University), Karin Hansson (artist and research fellow, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University), Mats Danielson (vice president and professor of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, affiliate researcher, IIASA) and Göran Cars (professor of Societal Planning and Environment, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) draw innovative collaborations between mathematics, social science, and the arts. They develop new problem formulations and solutions, with the aim of carrying decisions from agenda setting and problem awareness through to feasible courses of action by setting objectives, alternative generation, consequence assessments, and trade-off clarifications. As a result, this book is important new reading for decision makers in government, public administration and urban planning, as well as students and researchers in the fields of participatory democracy, urban planning, social policy, communication design, participatory art, decision theory, risk analysis and computer and systems sciences

    A Contingency Approach for Supply Chain Preparedness to Pursue Circular Economy Business Models

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    A growing stream in circular economy (CE) research is about circular economy business models (CEBM). It suggests how firms could learn to adopt unique material and product designs, newer business models, value chain networks and potential enablers that satisfies CE ideologies about economic, environment, and society. However, the understanding about how firms could integrate CEBM practices at internal, supply chain, and external levels is limited. Given the rising complexities in supply chains, the goal of this dissertation is to: (a) understand the landscape of CE concepts within the supply chain management context, and consequently (b) comprehend how firms’ preparedness about their internal, end-to-end supply chains and external environment, help them in pursuing business models that are guided by CE principles. In this dissertation, the first study provides an inclusive understanding of CE in a supply chain management context using bibliometric-network analysis. One key insight suggests CEBM is a promising theme within CE but remains unexplored in supply chain context. Using contingency theory lens, the second study identifies factors related to a focal firm’s CEBM practice as the response, its contingencies as context, its supply chain preparedness as output, and its CEBM performance as a consequent outcome. Using multi-industry multi-tier supply chain case-study method, the study explores how supply chain preparedness is related to CEBM practices and CEBM performance, and the factors upon which this relationship is contingent. A set of propositions and a contingency research framework is proposed. The research implications shall benefit scholars of transdisciplinary interests and serve as a guiding tool for practitioners and consultants presently acting upon CEBM implementation in their supply chain systems

    Towards a National 3D Mapping Product for Great Britain

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    Knowing where something happens and where people are located can be critically important to understand issues ranging from climate change to road accidents, crime, schooling, transport and much more. To analyse these spatial problems, two-dimensional representations of the world, such as paper or digital maps, have traditionally been used. Geographic information systems (GIS) are the tools that enable capture, modelling, storage, retrieval, sharing, manipulation, analysis, and presentation of geographically referenced data. Three-dimensional geographic information (3D GI) is data that can represent real-world features as objects in 3D space. 3D GI offers additional functionality not possible in 2D, including analysing and querying volume, visibility, surface and sub-surface, and shadowing. This thesis contributes to the understanding of user requirements and other data related considerations in the production of 3D geographic information at a national level. The study promotes Ordnance Survey’s efforts in developing a 3D geographic product through: (1) identifying potential applications; (2) analysing existing 3D city modelling approaches; (3) eliciting and formalising user requirements; (4) developing metrics to describe the usefulness of 3D data and; (5) evaluating the commerciality of 3D GI. A review of current applications of 3D showed that visualisation dominated as the main use, allowing for better communication, and supporting decision-making processes. Reflecting this, an examination of existing 3D city models showed that, despite the varying modelling approaches, there was a general focus towards accurate and realistic geometric representation of the urban environment. Web-based questionnaires and semi-structured interviews revealed that while some applications (e.g. subsurface, photovoltaics, air and noise quality) lead the field with a high adoption of 3D, others were laggards due to organisational inertia (e.g. insurance, facilities management). Individuals expressed positive views on the use of 3D, but still struggled to justify the value and business case. Simple building geometry coupled with non-building thematic classes was perceived to be most useful by users. Several metrics were developed to quantify and compare the characteristics of thirty-three 3D datasets. Results showed that geometry-based metrics such as minimum feature length or Euler characteristic can be used to provide additional information as part of fitness-for-purpose evaluations. The metrics can also contribute to quality control during data production. An investigation into the commercial opportunities explored the economic value of 3D, the market size of 3D data in Great Britain, as well as proposed a number of opportunities within the wider business context of Ordnance Survey

    Deliberation, Representation, Equity

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    "What can we learn about the development of public interaction in e-democracy from a drama delivered by mobile headphones to an audience standing around a shopping center in a Stockholm suburb? In democratic societies there is widespread acknowledgment of the need to incorporate citizens’ input in decision-making processes in more or less structured ways. But participatory decision making is balancing on the borders of inclusion, structure, precision and accuracy. To simply enable more participation will not yield enhanced democracy, and there is a clear need for more elaborated elicitation and decision analytical tools. This rigorous and thought-provoking volume draws on a stimulating variety of international case studies, from flood risk management in the Red River Delta of Vietnam, to the consideration of alternatives to gold mining in Roșia Montană in Transylvania, to the application of multi-criteria decision analysis in evaluating the impact of e-learning opportunities at Uganda's Makerere University. Editors Love Ekenberg (senior research scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis [IIASA], Laxenburg, professor of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University), Karin Hansson (artist and research fellow, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University), Mats Danielson (vice president and professor of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, affiliate researcher, IIASA) and Göran Cars (professor of Societal Planning and Environment, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) draw innovative collaborations between mathematics, social science, and the arts. They develop new problem formulations and solutions, with the aim of carrying decisions from agenda setting and problem awareness through to feasible courses of action by setting objectives, alternative generation, consequence assessments, and trade-off clarifications. As a result, this book is important new reading for decision makers in government, public administration and urban planning, as well as students and researchers in the fields of participatory democracy, urban planning, social policy, communication design, participatory art, decision theory, risk analysis and computer and systems sciences.

    Deliberation, Representation, Equity

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    "What can we learn about the development of public interaction in e-democracy from a drama delivered by mobile headphones to an audience standing around a shopping center in a Stockholm suburb? In democratic societies there is widespread acknowledgment of the need to incorporate citizens’ input in decision-making processes in more or less structured ways. But participatory decision making is balancing on the borders of inclusion, structure, precision and accuracy. To simply enable more participation will not yield enhanced democracy, and there is a clear need for more elaborated elicitation and decision analytical tools. This rigorous and thought-provoking volume draws on a stimulating variety of international case studies, from flood risk management in the Red River Delta of Vietnam, to the consideration of alternatives to gold mining in Roșia Montană in Transylvania, to the application of multi-criteria decision analysis in evaluating the impact of e-learning opportunities at Uganda's Makerere University. Editors Love Ekenberg (senior research scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis [IIASA], Laxenburg, professor of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University), Karin Hansson (artist and research fellow, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University), Mats Danielson (vice president and professor of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, affiliate researcher, IIASA) and Göran Cars (professor of Societal Planning and Environment, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) draw innovative collaborations between mathematics, social science, and the arts. They develop new problem formulations and solutions, with the aim of carrying decisions from agenda setting and problem awareness through to feasible courses of action by setting objectives, alternative generation, consequence assessments, and trade-off clarifications. As a result, this book is important new reading for decision makers in government, public administration and urban planning, as well as students and researchers in the fields of participatory democracy, urban planning, social policy, communication design, participatory art, decision theory, risk analysis and computer and systems sciences.

    JUNO Conceptual Design Report

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is proposed to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy using an underground liquid scintillator detector. It is located 53 km away from both Yangjiang and Taishan Nuclear Power Plants in Guangdong, China. The experimental hall, spanning more than 50 meters, is under a granite mountain of over 700 m overburden. Within six years of running, the detection of reactor antineutrinos can resolve the neutrino mass hierarchy at a confidence level of 3-4σ\sigma, and determine neutrino oscillation parameters sin2θ12\sin^2\theta_{12}, Δm212\Delta m^2_{21}, and Δmee2|\Delta m^2_{ee}| to an accuracy of better than 1%. The JUNO detector can be also used to study terrestrial and extra-terrestrial neutrinos and new physics beyond the Standard Model. The central detector contains 20,000 tons liquid scintillator with an acrylic sphere of 35 m in diameter. \sim17,000 508-mm diameter PMTs with high quantum efficiency provide \sim75% optical coverage. The current choice of the liquid scintillator is: linear alkyl benzene (LAB) as the solvent, plus PPO as the scintillation fluor and a wavelength-shifter (Bis-MSB). The number of detected photoelectrons per MeV is larger than 1,100 and the energy resolution is expected to be 3% at 1 MeV. The calibration system is designed to deploy multiple sources to cover the entire energy range of reactor antineutrinos, and to achieve a full-volume position coverage inside the detector. The veto system is used for muon detection, muon induced background study and reduction. It consists of a Water Cherenkov detector and a Top Tracker system. The readout system, the detector control system and the offline system insure efficient and stable data acquisition and processing.Comment: 328 pages, 211 figure