3 research outputs found

    Global Throughput Maximization of a Hybrid Unicast-Broadcast Network for Linear Services

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    International audienceAn exponential growth of the mobile data traffic is expected in future networks. The reason of this growth is related to the increasing popularity of linear services such as mobile TV, live and sports events, which may lead to the delivery of the same contents to a large audience. Recent studies have shown that network cooperation is a promising candidate to deal with such an issue. This paper investigates, from a planning perspective, the optimization of a hybrid unicast/broadcast network for linear services. We introduce an analytical approach with the aim of stating an optimization problem on the hybrid network configuration, namely in terms of the sharing between the unicast and broadcast modes to deliver a particular service. We show by simulation the existence of an optimal operation point which leads to the maximization of the overall throughput of the hybrid network under the constraint of a minimum service success rate

    5th Generation mobile networks: a new opportunity for the convergence of mobile broadband and broadcast services

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] This article analyzes the challenges and opportunities that the upcoming definition of future 5G mobile networks brings to the mobile broadband and broadcast industries to form a single converged network. It reviews the state-of-the-art in mobile and broadcast technologies and the current trends for convergence between both industries. This article describes the requirements and functionalities that the future 5G must address in order to make an efficient and flexible cellular-broadcasting convergence. Both industries would benefit from this convergence by exploiting synergies and enabling an optimum use of spectrum based on coordinated spectrum sharing.The authors would like to thank the funding received from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation within the Project number TEC2011-27723-C02-02.Calabuig Gaspar, J.; Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Gómez Barquero, D. (2015). 5th Generation mobile networks: a new opportunity for the convergence of mobile broadband and broadcast services. IEEE Communications Magazine. 53(2):198-205. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.2015.7045409S19820553